
Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Marimekko Vogue 9371

I've made the decision to only sew from my fabric collection this summer ~ no fabric purchases until September 15th. I'm participating in #projectfabricfast on Instagram.  So I've been challenging myself to make garments from the collection ONLY

I really like my first Vogue 9371 but due to some health challenges, my ankles are swelling during the day. It's one of the reasons I'm making maxidresses this season. BTW, I'm fine and I don't need any suggestions about how to deal with the swelling but appreciate your concern.

When I picked the pattern, I was drawn to the drape depicted in the cover art. However, after making the pattern alterations to give me the drape and length I wanted, I ended up with very large and wide pattern pieces. On a regular piece of fabric, the pieces would have to be cut singly which ate up alot of yardage. I thought a 4 yard cut of 56" wide fabric would work but no...I needed at least 5-6 yards of fabric.

My first thought was that I owned nothing in that amount of yardage that wasn't a wool. I b*tched and moaned to Gaylen about how could this be. I started to run options through my mind. I even went to Fabric Mart and loaded the cart with a rayon challis because it was 60% off making it about $4 a yard. A reasonable price to me for 6 yards of fabric.  The only thing that stopped me from purchasing it was knowing it wouldn't get to me for a week. I was worried I would've moved on by then. So that large amount of fabric would just sit in the collection ~ nah ~ been there, done that!

Finally I got up and started going through the collection. I was looking for anything that could be color blocked or if hopefully there was 5 yards of something I hadn't remembered. Instead I found a Marimekko extra long twin, set of sheets...and OMG! The heavens opened up and the fabric angels sang!!!  That is how I ended up with a Marimekko Vogue 9371.

Supply List ~
1 flat Crate & Barrel Marimekko sheet
1 fitted Crate & Barrel Marimekko sheet
12 - 7/8" 2-hole white mother of pearl buttons from the button collection
White bias binding

Pattern Alterations ~
  1. The first alteration was to slice both the front and back pattern pieces and spread them 1/2" at the top with a 3" width increase at the bottom.
  2. At the lengthen line I cut and added 3"
  3. Then I added another 3" at the hemline.
Construction ~
I did have to cut the elastic off the fitted sheet and press it out before I could cut the pattern.

After pressing the sheet out, it handled just like regular fabric and I was able to cut out the extra large pattern pieces easily.

The only design change I made to this version is that I added inseam pockets to the dress using the pocket pattern from my Myosotis Dress.

When I was thinking about how I wanted this dress to look in pictures, I kept thinking of the flowy dresses my Mother use to wear to parties in the 70s. Lotsa hair that was enhanced by a wig piece and a huge scarf tied around it all. I wanted to emulate that look with these pictures and I believe I was successful.

A few pictures ~

And with a little twirl...

To keep this from looking muu-muu like, I kept a closer fit at the bustline and shoulders. I added to the body of the dress so it would have greater flow at the lengthened hemline.

Also, I did not prewash the sheet. I'm hoping and praying that since it's a sheet it won't shrink.

Other than that, this is my "Throwback to the 70s - Marimekko Vogue 9371." I know it's bold and loose but that's how I'm feeling this summer.  A little Maude-ish, a little free and definitely so-so comfortable. always more later!


  1. You look fabulous! What a great idea. I shall have to keep this in mind. I really enjoy your blog, and learn a lot from your creativity. Thank you for taking the time to do these blog posts.

  2. Brilliant! You look wonderful.

  3. Wow wow wow!!! This is a winner.

  4. I love love love sewing with sheets. There exists no ridiculously too big pattern piece when you have a set of king size sheets, but twins will def. do. And that is a HUMDINGER of a set.

  5. I've been doing a lot of sewing with sheets! Because I am short I can e two garments out of one. I have a nice stash of mostly Portuguese flannel. Right now I am wearing a sage green flannel nightgown, and I have a cozy shirt from the same sheet. A grey ticking-stripe sheet became a little outfit of camp shirt and trousers. A twin sheet gave me a little nightshirt, and I used a Martha Stewart ostrich print for a little dress for my grand daughter & will soon make another little campshirt out of it for me. Love that grand Marimekko dress!

  6. I adore this, Caroline -- you look fabulous. And I'm a big fan of repurposing sheets! ;)

  7. What a great dress! I love the idea of using sheets. I know I have several sheets (and duvet covers) in my stash that are awaiting for the perfect project.

  8. I think wearing this is a way better choice than sleeping on it! But if you feel the fabric pulling at you to use it in its original purpose, feel free to take a nap while wearing it. Love the color and design!

  9. The fabric and lines definitely have a 70s vibe, but the hair band is what really pulls it all together. And the color is great on you!

  10. Wonderful cheerful dress in a great color for you. Very successful project! I'll bet you find yourself doing more creative thinking since you are limiting yourself to stash fabric.

  11. love the 70's look, great colors too.

  12. It's a great look; the hair tie and natural hair is wonderful as well. I love the color on you.
    I commiserate with your swollen ankles; I was fortunate that my swollen ankle after I got my cast off last year wasn't permanent. I wish the same for you.

  13. Love, love, love this! I've loved Marimekko for more years than I care to name. Maybe it's time to take the plunge...

  14. That is magnificent. Nobody could be anything but happy around you wearing that dress!!! Just brilliant.

  15. Fantastic resolution. I've been considering this pattern.

  16. Beautiful! Thank you for the inspiration!

  17. Your fabric is fabulous, I can't believe the fabric was sheets, what you did with them is beautiful!

  18. I love the fabric. I love the entire look. You look summery, stylish and carefree. What a great choice.

  19. This is fabulous! I love Marimekko designs and your dress really showcases that one. It looks so good for hot days. Happy sewing.

  20. Carolyn, the dress is wonderful! Really looks comfortable and so very bright and cheery. Good make!

  21. I'm loving all of this! the print is awesome, what an unorthodox fabric!

  22. This is lovely - looks perfect for summer :)

  23. I love this look so much! And way to be resourceful and not having to break your fabric fast!

  24. I'm so impressed. The dress is so flattering. I'm a beginner so all the fabric adjustments look daunting.

  25. Love your blog and LOVE your lemon dress! You do such a beautiful job!


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