
Saturday, March 07, 2020

A Week in Review - Week Five

It's the end of the first week in March and Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow! O-M-G! It's been such a mild winter here in the tri-state area that I'm so ready for spring! Sooooo ready! 

I can tell the weather is changing because my sewjo is low. I always seem to feel this way when the seasons change and I'm just riding with it. I had no plans to sew this weekend, was going to do a family thing, but coronavirus changed travel plans so I'm home in the sewing cave.

Another travel change due to coronavirus, I'm not heading to Europe in the spring. My travel companion and I have flexible vacation schedules so we decided to wait until fall to make the trip. I'm sure everything will be resolved by then and Europe will need my tourist dollars even more.


Since it's cold here one day and warm the next, I've just been cutting out garments to sew for March and April.  Here's my cut pile:

There's a lot of blue in there! Which not only is the color of the year but is my favorite color.


February Totals ~

Now that I look back at February, it was a pretty busy month.  
      * I did the 2-day Sew-In at Urban Sewciety
      * Went to the Dapper Dan Talk at FIT with sewing friends
      * Had a family party
      * Saw the "Black Lives Matter" Display at FIT with the same sewing friends and 
         then again with a work friend.

An Ankara Suit that reminds me of something Beyonce would wear!

Madame CJ Walker display - Netflix series premieres on March 20th

A sewing section that featured designers, sewing machines and notions

Black dolls - that American Girl doll resided at my house in the 90s

Made from bottle caps - it was stunning!

I blogged a few makes from January.  I was sewing faster than I was taking pictures ~

My TNT shirts and my Tester Version of the Fuller Cardigan

Also blogged were my February Makes ~

A sleeveless Pembroke tunic with a coordinating Fuller Cardigan
A Lace Shirt and a Simplicity 8687

This of course brings me to my Fabric In and Out Totals ~
If I wanted to buy every piece of yardage that wasn't nailed down last year, I have no desire to do so this year. I just want to sew from my collection. I've even taken to deleting fabric emails without looking at them (no I don't want to get off their mailing lists), and I've set some personal goals regarding fabric buying.

February Fabric In:  
8 yards from Urban Sewciety
(In all honesty, I won a $40 gift certificate that I felt should be used that weekend! LOL!)

February Fabric Out:
10.5 yards for the garments pictured above

My YTD in total is 15 yards and my YTD out total is 14 yards. So I'm doing good but I can do better. I plan to do better!

The Right Tool for the Job ~
While working on my lace shirt, I found cutting the fabric out to be challenging.  I went through several pairs of scissors to get the pair that made cutting the thick lace easiest.

I tried my Kai scissors which usually work for EVERYTHING! But in this instance had challenges getting through the heavy fabric. A lightweight pair of Ginghers, an older pair of Wise and finally touched my silver 8" Ginghers which did the job! Two weeks after the shirt was done, I was still sweeping up black lace bits.

That's my weekly and end of month update. Today I'm sitting in the sewing cave, getting ready to alter a pattern and cut out one more garment. I may or may not sew today...probably will it's going to be a minute before a finished garment shows up here on the blog. always more later!


  1. I'm always impressed by your garments. beautiful work.

  2. Great just hit me that I should stop cutting out garments one at a time, sewing them and moving on to another. Cutting a bunch at once is genius. Also I just came across my 8 " silver Give ghers and was wowed by how smoothly they cut thru some vile minky that is going to be a robe.
    His whole post was full of inspiration. Thank you again.

  3. Your blog is so encouraging. I no longer sew many garments for myself, but love seeing your wonderful work. Thanks for being so transparent. Love to you from an "old lady"!

  4. Every time I cut more than one at a time, I end up with UFOs. More power to you. It's a very nice group of fabric.

    1. Nancy - I understand. This is a new thing. I use to feel the same way but lately it's been working for me. Mostly because it seems to relieve the creative pressure in my head. I cut out most of my ideas and there's no longer pressure to get them made.

  5. Your cut pile looks great! It has a nice combination of colors, and I look forward to seeing what it all turns into. I absolutely love blue too, and am excited about the Pantone color because I wear so much of it.

    I loved seeing the pictures from the museum. How fascinating, and I bet the history was just as rich!

  6. I am the same as Nancy. I've learned, for me, that it is cut one, sew one, wear one and then start over. Any other effort brings me into UFO territory. As in all sewing, what works for you is what is right for you. Have fun sewing down that pile.


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