
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Things I'm Grateful for during the Pandemic - Sewing Edition

A couple of days ago, I posted things I was grateful for to my IG account. I did this because I truly believe that things don't change in your situation until you change.  So while the president has decided that staying at home should end in about 2 weeks, I believe I will be here a little longer than that because the Governors of NY and NJ have different ideas.

As I was hemming my Simplicity Flame Topper, I realized that I had quite a few things to be grateful for sewing wise.  So this is the Sewing Edition of my IG post.

I'm grateful for ~

Broadly I'm grateful for a fully stocked sewing cave, specifically...
1. All the fabric I've bought and stored over the years
2. Notions and buttons bought and stored
3. That I'm obsessive about thread colors and have stored all the colors
4. My Wawak thread chart that I've used to buy all the colors
5. Working sewing machines and sergers
6. That the electricity is still working so I can sew away
7. That the internet is on so I can write blog posts and communicate with my sewing friends.
8. For my pattern stash - cause I own a lot of patterns so can make whatever my mind dreams up
9. For Amazon that's still delivering - yeah I ordered some sewing related products the other day.
10. I'm especially grateful for all of you continuing to read my blog and conversate with me and others!

But mostly I'm grateful that I'm still here, still able to sew, in good health and practicing #sewstayhome.

So tell me...what are you grateful for...sewing edition! This is the Question of the talk back to me! always more later!  


  1. I’m grateful for your blog, and that I’m a great stasher too.

  2. I am grateful for your blog too. Seeing all that you do helped me get back to sewing clothing after years of only quilting and mending. I have a decent sized stash, lots of patterns, thread and notions. I will manage a few things for myself and countless items for the grandkids. I am also grateful that I can use facetime to talk to some of the grandkids, as we are trying to flatten the curve by staying home as much as possible. In two weeks, I have been out once for groceries. Costco has it down to a science, swabbing down the carts, having everyone maintain 6ft distancing and only letting a set number in the store at a time. I was in and out in less time than usual. All our local fabric stores have closed, but there are still a few online that I would order from if necessary. Take care

  3. So grateful for your blog, always inspires me to create something. Love my stash - never used to have one until I found sewing blogs. Grateful I had a small store of narrow elastic to make a few necessary face masks. Very grateful we own our own large house, have plenty of room to be together or separate, and a large garden to enjoy during our isolation. Keep safe.

  4. I am grateful for the silence in the city, for being healthy with my son at my home, for my dogs (in Spain they let you walk out if you have to walk the dog; I keep distance with everybody, but I can go out). I am grateful for a job that allows me to work from at home, if necessary. Grateful for my parents who are healthy, for my son who is helping in emergencies. I am grateful too for having learned to meditate, and to sew some years ago, so now I can be at home in peace, even concerned about the situation. I am grateful to be able to read great posts, like yours. Thank you.

  5. I am grateful that I sew, that I have an amazing stash. I'm grateful when my internet works, its touch and go down here. Im grateful that our country seems to be thinking sensibly about this pandemic. I don't vote for the Prime Minister's party but I feel he is doing a good job under very difficult times. I am grateful for the time this gives to sew and plan.

  6. I'm grateful that crafting of all sorts is truly coming into its own through this pandemic. It has been a source of humour, a familiar comfort to those who are isolated, a renewed source of inspiration to those who've been away from it for a while. I think there will be more respect for it post-pandemic. I'm incredibly grateful to have a secure job. I started work in the late 80s in the midst of a recession and was long term unemployed. I have never forgotten how soul destroying that was. I am grateful for the things we often take for granted, electricity, food supplies, toilet paper!

  7. I am grateful for my garden (English version mostly flowers and lawn!) for my stash of fabrics, patterns and sewing stuff, for this happening in the internet age, for my 92 year old Mum still being healthy and actually staying at home, and most of all for the NHS and all who work in it.

  8. Thankful for God, my family, and my job. I can work from home, and that is a huge blessing. Grateful for being an introvert. Lol. It is really paying off right now. Stay healthy and safe everyone.

  9. Oh the above post is mine. Kay

  10. I am grateful for:
    1) A well-stocked sewing resource room
    2) The local effort to provide face mask covers for our hospital is using up the small cotton scraps and "found" fabrics I have accumulated over the years
    3) Same effort is giving me something to do with my hands that contributes to the viral containment
    4) The electricity remains on - no one has hacked the grid yet
    5) My mom's 30+ year old Bernina, cranking out those masks, leaving my Pfaff set up for another project
    6) The mountain view out my sewing rooms' windows
    7) Spring is finally coming, slowly, to NH. Every day is a little greener and warmer

  11. I too am grateful for your blog. It always inspires me to produce, or think on what you have posted. Very astute-girl.
    I am happy to havea stash even though sometimes I think I should just destash and read for the rest of my time here, but along comes Covid19 and I am happy to have choice. Right now am busy making as many masks as I can to supply my colleagues still out there fighting. It amkes all thos impuls purchases seen providential somehow.
    Carolyn please stay safe and well. See you on the other side of this, with much sewing fondness Pegeth

  12. I am grateful for your blog. I am grateful for the quietness of the neighborhood. I am grateful for my fabric stash and supplies and my sewing hobby. I am grateful that my governor is taking his own advice and not the presidents. I am grateful for having this time to myself.

  13. 1. I'm grateful for a sister who also likes to sew.
    2. I'm grateful for my first Spring outside California as it is inspiring my creativity.
    3. I'm grateful for more than enough fabric.
    4. Im grateful for the on-line sewing vommunity that keeps me from feeling alone at this strange world we are living in.

  14. 1.I'm grateful that I have the supplies I need to make masks for those who need them.
    2.I'm grateful for room in my sewing to feel that I can make what I want.
    3.I'm grateful that my little 4 legged friend comes into my sewing room to help me work on projects, so I'm not totally alone.
    4.I'm grateful for plenty of projects to keep me busy.
    5.I'm grateful for plenty of time to work on UFO projects that might otherwise not get finished.
    6.I'm grateful for good health to sew.
    7.I'm grateful for the sewing community that sparks my sewing mojo and helps me feel like sewing.
    8.I'm grateful for what I have and that if need be; I can share with others so that they too can sew.

  15. I am grateful to you for continuing to blog as well as the rest of the sewing bloggers. I am grateful for my job that I can work from home. I am grateful for my sewing stash and the ability to make some masks that hopefully will be useful to my community. I am grateful that I am in WA state and have a St and local government that was fairly foresighted on this matter. Please stay safe everyone. Jean

  16. Oh, I am SO grateful I'm not in the middle of a renovation right now. :-)

  17. I am grateful for
    1. My sewing center Pottstown Sewing, and for the projects i haven't finished yet.
    2. Your sewing blog and other ones as well
    3. My fabric stash
    4. My pattern stash, but i could buy PDF now too.
    5. My sewing machines
    6. You tube- sewing channels
    7. Facebook LIve
    8. Sewing Podcasts

    Thank you Carolyn.

  18. I am grateful for a lot more, but sticking within the sewing realm (that's hard!):
    Large, varied stash of fabric, patterns, and most notions I might need
    Electricity to run the SM and iron, washer and dryer
    A sewing room
    On line access to the sewing community
    Your blog
    An introverted personality

  19. I'm grateful for the green space I can see from my window and that I can work from home.

  20. I am grateful for my large, well lighted sewing room
    My wonderful sewing machine, serger and coverstitch machines
    My deep stash.
    A deep stash of patterns including years of Burda style magazine
    Lots and lots of thread chosen from the Gutterman thread sampler
    A stash of interfacing and notions
    I'm glad that so many sewers are sharing their makes online.
    I am grateful to you for blogging as much as you are.
    Stay safe and healthy

  21. I'm grateful for my stash, Blogs, YouTube, IG etc. I just need to get the motivation. Off to work now....upstairs.

  22. I am grateful for having a room in which to sew;having fabric to sew, sewing tools and notions. I am also grateful for my sewing machine, serger and coverstitch machine. I am grateful for all of my sewing internet connections with other bloggers, PR members and glad to see sew much sewing going on!

  23. I'm grateful that I've finally gotten over being pissed and feeling hopeless and have begun sewing! I've been sewing since I was 4 ( with my grandma) so I have PLENTY of supplies and fabric - which I am also grateful for! I'm thankful for the garment adjustments that I've completed today: shortened and tapered a pair of linen pants, released the hem in a lace dress to add more length and shortened a ready to wear skirt (very swishy) from the waist. I'm also thankful that I have many more projects to work on!

  24. I'm grateful that you're here and safe.
    I'm also grateful that my stash was never culled and for my online sewing friends.

  25. I'm grateful for all that I have and wish I could share. Isolation is not so difficult, but disconnection is. I'm 70 and feel that I have many more years of life & sewing in my future. But I've never been so doubtful of the future. I pray a lot!

  26. I'm grateful that the house I've owned for 30 years is actually mine. I'm grateful that my kids all call me every couple of days. I'm grateful that I have 2 sons here with me to break the monotony, and do all of my shopping for me. I"m grateful for so many of the things you listed. And I'm grateful for my Sew Camp friends, who have become even more dear to me as we are all #sewisolated.

  27. I'm grateful for thoughtful sewing bloggers who post regularly! Thanks Carolyn!. I'm grateful for the health of my family. I'm grateful that my youngest son and girlfriend moved home just a few months ago so are here with me! I'm grateful for my sewing stash, a stocked pantry, working internet and electricity, and the ability to text family and friends members who are distant. I'm grateful that I can work from home at both my jobs so I can continue to be paid. There is so much to be grateful for. Stay well and thanks for continuing to blog!

  28. I am grateful for the gift of sewing, the gift of still having a job when about 25% of the country is out of work, for a dwindling fabric stash (getting so much sewing done), my extremely crowded sewing room and supplies, and I am thankful for being allowed to use my sewing tools to give back to my community.

  29. I am grateful for the creativity that I have been seeing from other quilters. I am grateful that I have started 3 new projects to keep my creativity high. I have an orphan block quilt on the go (so so much fun, made from gifted orphan blocks!), I am doing my 2nd ever mystery quilt (not sure it is my thing, but it is something to try), and I am prepping for Easter by making up easter egg postcards to hang in a tree by the road so that kids can come and do a hunt (find the egg made of polka dots, or with farm animals or a specific colour - with the option of them taking one home if approved by the parents). Also I am thankful for my stash, which grows even now by my neighbour messaging me to tell me she put some scraps in my mail box (I collect anything bigger than 1.5 inches, and her scraps are much larger than that!)

  30. I consider my creativity a gift and a blessing aand I am very grateful for that. I am thankful for so much that I am blessed with, friends, family, being off work probably till fall and getting paid, being healthy and so so much more. Take care, Carolyn. Amidst all the sorrow and anxiety, we have much to be joyful about.

  31. I'm grateful to know I'm not going to loose my job, and that my work can be done remotely and is useful. My organisation has never had a work from home option, so it all had to pulled together on a shoestring at short notice and I am so grateful to my colleagues who made that happen. Pretty sure IT unit appreciation day is going to become a national holiday here! I am also so glad to have an absorbing hobby like sewing, working with my hands to produce something tangible gives me great joy.

  32. I'm so very grateful for my stash too-- your list is spot on! Happy sewing!

  33. I'm grateful for learning how to draft my own patterns to make clothes that actually fit me!
    I'm grateful for sewing blogs for giving me inspiration (thanks Carolyn!)
    I'm grateful for being able to use sewing and other crafts when my chronic illnesses flare up.


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