
Saturday, May 09, 2020

A Little Housekeeping...

This post is about housekeeping because there's some new readers and some that are back after an absence. Hey we all seem to have a little more quality time these days...

I just wanted to remind you of a few things ~

1. If you sign in as "Unknown" or "Anonymous" would you kindly sign your name at the end of your response to a post. It's helpful because if you have a question, I know who I'm addressing. Also, as general principle I don't answer questions from unknown or anonymous posters because I don't know who I'm speaking to.

2. When posting a question, please re-read my blog post to insure I haven't already answered your question. Many times the question asked is already in the post. I typically don't answer those questions because I've already given you the answer.

3. If you ask a question that isn't in the post, I will reply. Sometimes I've forgotten something or you think of something new.  I try to respond promptly but don't forget about time changes especially if you're not in the US.

4. I've written over 2000 blog posts. If you're interested in a topic, I've probably already written about it.  Kindly check titles in the side bar under Blog Index - there is a link to everything I've written about it. Say you're interested in "Shirts" or a "Specific Pattern Number" just click the link and it will take you to ALL of the blog posts I've tagged with that title or pattern number.  Kindly check that before asking me to write about a topic, especially if you're new.

5. Like I said, I've been writing this blog for 15 years. I've pretty much discussed everything and then some. However, if you still can't find what you're looking for in the blog index, try the search box in the upper left above my logo, pictured below. Type a sentence or a couple of words and everything related to that will show up as a search.

6.  One more reminder that if you read my blog through a blog reader and leave a comment, it may be weeks before I see it, especially now that I'm home bound. I primarily respond to comments and questions left on my blog through blogger. I may see your comment on one of the readers long after you've written it but I don't respond to comments there. Just wanted to remind everyone because I checked into bloglovin' a few days ago and noticed comments on the bottom of a few posts.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who visits, reads, links to and especially takes the time to leave a comment! I read every one of them because they're precious to me. I truly appreciate the interaction, the conversations, some of the suggestions (okay keeping it real LOL!) and the fact that you return time and again to read. It lets me know that I'm not just pontificating out into the ether.

One last thing, I haven't written about politics or the handling of the virus because honestly I just can't handle it. I live in the epicenter of the virus and the day to day of surviving here takes about everything I have. I can say I'm preparing for the worse in November. I'm no longer surprised by the hate, avarice, ignorance, lack of compassion and understanding, religious intolerance and prejudice displayed by my fellow Americans. What will be, will be and we will either reap what is sown or benefit from the benevolence.

A new dress post will be up next. always more later!


  1. 15 years! 2000+ posts! You are AMAZING! Thank you so much for continuing to blog. I have been following you from the beginning, and will continue to do so.


    1. Judith - thanks for following along all these years! It's appreciated!

  2. You truly have been dedicated to sharing your sewing journey...the highs and the lows and I’ve always loved that about you and your blog. You’re a true inspiration to many!!

    1. Hey Chris! Hope you're doing well! Thanks for following all of my adventures over the years!

    2. I’m doing well and hope you are too xx. I’ve always love seeing your sewing journey and am looking forward to seeing more. You may even inspire me to share more of my sewing journey now that I’m getting back into it again :). I started back at work last week after having several weeks off. It felt kinda strange going back after so long. Longest holiday I’ve in this job LOL. It was actually nice though to catch up with my work mates and to enjoy the company of our customers.

  3. I always so enjoy your posts. You sew things I can relate to, we have similar tastes, and you have a great imagination. The world may be upside down these days, but at least we "sewists" can retreat to our "happy place" and make nice things for ourselves and others. All the best.

    1. Susan - so glad that you enjoy the posts and that my blog provides a shelter in the midst of this storm!

  4. I just want you to know that I truly appreciate your sewing posts as they are a highlight of my day! Karen

    1. Hey Karen! Thanks for always following along and leaving comments. They are appreciated.

  5. Thank you for the reminders. Looking forward to your next post, as always...

    1. R - I just noticed new people and comments so thought a refresh of how I operate would be helpful.

  6. Can you tell me if I am NOT on a blog reader? I 'signed up' somehow, but I don't remember how! (Or know what a blog a reader is...)

    1. Lodi - if you left a comment here its not through a blog reader. You are on my blog which is carried through blogger.

  7. Carolyn, I don’t often comment, but have been reading every single one of your posts for many years. Thank you very, very much for sharing your wonderful information. I know that producing good blog posts takes serious effort and hope you have some inkling of how much your efforts are appreciated.

    1. Kathie - thank you for following and reading the posts. It's appreciated.

  8. Carolyn, I love your blog and love to read what you write, about everything. Thanks for sharing your love of sewing and your vast knowledge, you inspire me to get in my sewing room and get busy...but, then the garden calls and it usually wins(LOL). Looking forward to reading your future posts and I will try to remember not to post through bloglovin', I am still figuring all of this technology out. Abby from Vancouver Island, Canada...just so you know where another of your followers lives.

    1. Abby - I truly appreciate knowing where people read my blog makes the world not seem like such a large and distant place. Especially since we all share this love of sewing!

  9. I truly look forward to new posts from your blog. Your recent generosity of fabric to a friend re-ignited my own habit of giving. Being shut off from people can really change one's habits. My neighbor (across the street) is a young mom with 3 girls and was trying to use a crappy, home shopping channel, sewing machine with no luck. I gifted her with one of my spare sewing machines, a Janome with lots of features and extra accessories. When the stay at home orders hit us, I told my son to give her that machine (if I fell victim) but you know.....why wait?

    1. You just made my day. Why wait indeed? What am I saving it for, anyway?
      Thank you so very much.

    2. Rebecca - she is never ever going to forget that generosity! It's why I give so much away. When I was struggling and had three kids with not a lot of money because kids are expensive, my sewing friends gave to me too. I will always give to a sewist in need! Thank you that was a wonderful thing to do!

  10. Thanks for your blog! Always find interesting and inspirational items here. Over 2000 posts is so impressive, especially when they are as thoughtful as yours. Thanks again.

    1. Thanks Cathy! This is actually my favorite method of communicating on the internet so I appreciate that you enjoy my posts!

  11. Thank you for making time to blog. I've been reading for seversl years but not all 15. 😊 Always enjoy your posts. Lots of love from Sweden!

    1. Maria - thank you for letting me know you were in Sweden! The fact that I can talk to sewists who like the things I do across the world makes me happy. Thank you for continuing to come back and read.

  12. Carolyn what a coincidentally timely post! I was working on a summer linen dress and it was looking a little plain to my eye. Suddenly some of the images of your garments popped into my head as I sat there looking at it and I thought "piping! It would look really good with some piping that would pick up the buttons". All well and good but then I realized in all my many, many years of sewing I've never actually used it. Read about it, admired it, but never used it. So my first thought was "I must go upstairs and look at Carolyn's blog. She will almost certainly have details & instructions." Your current post made me chuckle as I had a read before going off to search for your instructions, sources, etc. Sure enough, it was all there. My goodness girl you are such a resource as well as inspiration to so many of us. Thank you for all you do and all you post to share with us.

    1. Gayle - I'm so thrilled you were able to find the information you needed. I'm sure your dress is going to be fantastic!

  13. This is a wonderful refresher! I enjoy reading your blog, and have enjoyed it for years.

    1. Vanessa thank you so much for ALWAYS reading and leaving a comment! I smile every time I see a comment from you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  14. I am in Australia and I have started sewing again over a year ago now. I discovered your blog when I was searching for sewers blogs, and love it, as you are about my age and I like your style. I appreciate your actual sewing instructions, as not a lot of bloggers give such detail

    1. Thanks Janey! I'm glad you've come back to the blog and am enjoying the posts!

  15. I don't remember when I first found your blog, but I know it was some time before the Little Prince arrived. =) I enjoy reading your posts and following your sewing adventures.

    1. L - the Little Prince is 11 years old now so you've been around for awhile! Thanks for continuing to follow my sewing adventures.

  16. I've loved seeing how your wardrobe has changed over the years especially since you moved out of the corporate world since I can relate to the more casual clothing. It's always interesting to see how you solve problems and come out with something unique. I'm glad that you are still blogging on a regular basis. I'd miss you. Happy Mother's Day.

    1. Nancy - I hope you had a good Mother's Day too! Thank you for continuing to visit and for leaving comments!

  17. I have read your blog for years and rarely comment. Mostly because I am so jealous of the time you have to sew and your talent. I have learned a few things over the years from you. Mostly, I think, that we should keep trying and practicing our craft if we love sewing.

    1. Hi Jan! No need to be jealous, I've just always prioritized my sewing...and the reason I sew so well is because I do it so often. Definitely agree that we should keep trying and practicing our craft!!!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! It is so appreciated!