
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Quarantine Week 10 - Thursday

Well it's Thursday again and it's my 10th Thursday in Quarantine.  Yeah I'm not calling it staying at home anymore...this is Quarantine! *LOL*  Though the news is starting to get better in the NJ/NY/CT area, however, not well enough to allow things to go back to "normal."  However, I don't even know what that means anymore...

Anyway, it's also the start of Memorial Day weekend and I'm on vacation until next Wednesday.  Yes, even though I'm working from home, we've been encouraged to take vacation days so here I am.

Since I'm not an outdoors kinda girl, opening the beaches means nothing to me...although weather wise it's gonna be cool for most of the weekend and a little rainy...but I guess if you're stir crazy at is an alternative. Me, I'm going to sleep later, read some and sew some. I don't have any specific sewing plans. I'm going to let the fabric talk to me. 

In the meantime...

I've been working on another version of Simplicity 8888, using a striped linen from the collection.

It's almost finished - just needs facings. So pictures probably early next week due to weather.

And, do you listen to the Love To Sew Podcast?  This week's podcast is called Sew Inspired about who inspire sewists.  Helen and Caroline share the sewists that inspire them then they list sewists who have been inspired by other sewists.  That was a lot of sewists, smile! 

I'm thrilled to have been mentioned by my fellow sewists. There's also a link to the podcast I did with Helen and Caroline in October 2018. Since we have time on our hands, maybe have a listen. This is the 146th podcast and there are so many interesting small business sewists and sewing figures in the community that have been interviewed. Not to mention podcasts about sewing techniques and fabrics. So go, have a listen, enjoy!

Me...I'm going to be finishing up this dress and working on a couple more garments. If you're in the US, I hope you enjoy the Memorial Day weekend and stay safe out there! always more later!


  1. That’s beautiful linen. Is that a FM purchase? It is fun to find traditional fabrics, like linen and wool, with fun patterns and happy stripes.

    Thank you hand you for the podcast recommendation. I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday too.

  2. I went to the supermarket to buy carrots on Tuesday, because Ryan wanted a carrot cake for his birthday. I had not been out since late February, and I tell you what, I've seen the pictures and read the newspapers, but I was totally unprepared for the shock of seeing a store full of people who all looked like they were out to rob banks. I don't have any wondrous plans for Memorial Dy, either, but I do need to get started on sewing for those identical twin girls my third daughter is expecting. The boys can char their own meat.

  3. That linen is so pretty and that dress looks like it'll be cool and breezy on a warm summer day.

  4. I like your new dress. I'm like you about staying in. No stir crazy for me. I can also find things to do to keep me busy. Thanks for the link to "Love to Sew". I'll check them out. All right, they are "MUTED" to help amplify voices to be heard.

  5. Oh, that linen is just GORGEOUS! I have a beautiful striped linen (wider stripes) that I have been afraid to cut into because it’s so lovely... eeek. Plus, I can’t decide on a pattern - I want to choose something that will show off the beautiful fabric, and I’m worried I’ll regret it if I choose a pattern that isn’t “perfect” for it... Sigh.

  6. it’s such a joy reading your posts. Great job!


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