
Monday, December 27, 2021

Starting my Holiday Sewcation

I'm more than thrilled that I have 10 days off from my day job!  When I look back to 2020 and I was recovering from surgery, I feel so blessed that I'm doing well now and able to indulge in my passion.

A few things before I head in...

My Cut Pile ~

I've made a cut pile. I know the contentious cut pile - LOL! - but this is how I sew best lately. I'm aiming to make 4-5 items out of the pile.

A New PDF Pattern Source ~

Y'all know I hate PDF Patterns for two reasons - one the cutting and taping. Why??? Second - I always felt like printing the patterns professionally made the PDFs even more expensive. But I've been coming around for EXTRA special patterns. Please don't think I've gone over to the dark side but every once in awhile I see something on the interwebs that entices me.

So my friend Laquana has started printing PDF patterns for the masses. Y'all when I tell you this is too easy, please believe me.  The things that challenged me about PDF Plotting was downloading the "right" file, telling them the number of pages and then finding out that the shipping cost more than the printing.  Again Why???

With Laquana you simply send the file and she prints it.  No need to tell her a page count.  She also prints instructions for just 99 cents. Even the mailing is cheaper than PDF Plotting. Now please note that Laquana is a US based printing company only! 

I took some pictures of the presentation so you can see how it comes... 

Packing from Laquana

New pattern plus instructions rubber banded together

I love that it comes folded instead or rolled cause easier to store!

Instructions are printed in color & double sided

I store my patterns in legal size expandable folders and the package fits in no problem!

Next on my cutting table ~

I've started working on my first project from the cut pile.  A shirt of course! LOL!  I'm using a border print from Mood Fabrics and have totally enjoyed the process of constructing it so far. It's nice to see that the prep and cutting have been successful.

This will be my last post before my "End of Year" round up post because I'm enjoying my time sewing.  There will be project specific posts in the New Year! always more later!




  1. Spectacular shirt! Can’t wait to see it modeled.

    Thanks for the recommendation on PDF printing, and the photos too - you are incredibly helpful!

    I am so happy for you with your sewing vacation time all lined up. Please enjoy, and then tell us all about how it went.

    Happy New Year Carolyn.

  2. I am SO excited for Q!! My order should be arriving today - yay me!

    Can't wait to see what comes from this year's sewcation. I am just loving that border print shirt!

  3. Thanks for the information on your friend’s printing business! Not all pdfs are the same and I have some patterns that are a real pain to print and tape. I’ll need to keep her in mind for those! Have fun on your sewcation!

  4. I love how inspiring your border print work is...
    PDF patterns got a lot more acceptable to me when I accidently ordered 12 dozen glue sticks instead of a dozen (12)
    They work pretty well

  5. I love the border print fabric for your shirt. Enjoy your sewcation!

  6. Your new short is just perfect. You are a wonder with a border print. Merry Christmas Carolyn!

  7. Gahh, your shirt is gorgeous! I'm going to have to go through my stash for border prints now. Love it!

  8. I can't tell you how thrilled I am for you and this sewcation. I'm excited to see what comes from it. g

  9. I have always loved border prints, but have never worn them because, at 4'10" and chubby, anything horizontal serves only to further shorten me. I have never thought of using them vertically, and I love your blouse! A border print will be my next fabric purchase.

  10. My goodness Carolyn! You continue to amaze me with your border print creativity. So classy. Enjoy your "Holiday Sewcation". I also like your method for saving patterns - never thought of using expandable pocket folders. New Year Blessings to you and your family.

  11. The printing service sounds like a great option to make PDF patterns less painful to use - thanks for sharing! Have fun with all your holiday sewing time!

  12. Hello and Happy Holi-daze Ms. Carolyn, I tell you the truth when I say 'You are amazing'. Love your border print And how you make it work. It is beautiful! Just like you. PDF patterns are a 'yuge' pita. All the tape/glue. Omg. I tried once and nope done with them. I am old school. LOL. I didn't mind the rolls. I store them and other paper rolls in an old cardboard pet carrier I had taped open and covered the top with large yellow boy scout trash bag in the walk-in closet. Taped photocopy of patterns in it on the bag. LOL. When I find a PDF pattern I can't live without, I will definitely come back to this awesome post and contact your person referenced here. TY. Here's to your joyful relaxing 10-day sewing-cation and blessed new year. As always, Hoping for a better year. Be safe. <3

  13. Love the gorgeous border print and I can tell it is going to be a success. Thank you for the information about Laquanda's printing service. Sounds great to me. I hope she doesn't get snowed under with too many orders now. Good to hear from you. Enjoy those days off! Happy New Year (we can hope)

  14. Once again You did it. Something to make our sewing lives nicer...err easier...well enjoyable!Love the shirt and I am going to try one my next couple days off. Happy Healthy New Year.

  15. Oh man, that shirt! Such a perfect application of a beautiful border print

  16. I love border prints. Love the way you positioned this print, your blouse is lovely. I hate pdf patterns as well but I will try Laquana for my next pdf need, Happy New Year!


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