
Monday, August 01, 2022

The Beginning of August

I probably won't have any posts to share for a couple of weeks.  I'm starting the prep phase for my Summer Sewcation which begins August 19th and ends after Labor Day. To say I'm thrilled is an understatement. It's what I've been desiring -  a block of time to wallow in and create.

One dress that I know I want to work on is this one and will be blogging the process for posterity.  Cause this one is a project!

photo credit:  Farm Rio

I've been collecting fabrics, all from the collection btw, trim, and thread so I will have everything on hand and ready to go. This dress has so many parts to it that I want to do it justice and take my time!

I have a few other pieces that I'm working on pattern alterations and cutting out prior to the start of vacation. My cut pile has just one piece in it now so I need to add more to it. I want it to be a plethora of garments from which I can pick and choose.

I will admit that there are two more Myosotis dresses in the new cut pile but they have a twist. This dress is just so easy to wear, whether to work, out to appointments or just working from home, that I don't mind having dozens of them.  There's also two new patterns in the mix, as well as a pants outfit. I haven't sewn one of them in awhile and am pretty excited about it.

BTW, these are probably the last of my summer sewing. I've already started putting together a list of items I want to sew for fall. These new garments plus the ones I've already completed for summer will be enough to hold me.

As I said previously, I will be blogging the process for several of these garments but otherwise, I will probably be quiet here until then. always more later!


  1. Can’t wait to see yours. I keep revisiting the inspiration pages for that dress! Thank you. Have you seen the Wardrobe by Me Freedom Dress? I like the drafting on their patterns ALot, and I really like the neckline on the Freedom dress. Let me know what you think. And have a great sew-cation

  2. Oh crap, the above anonymous is me, Marji. Don’t know why it published as anon.

  3. Enjoy the time and I look forward to seeing the process.

  4. OOOOOOO so jealous. Wish I could someday be on the invite list to go to your Sewcation. My small quilt group has booked our local library for a long weekend of sewing eating and fun. (Go home to sleep) Keep us posted on that divine dress.

  5. Sounds positively wonderful. Enjoy your creative time and know that we are all looking forward to your reports. That dress is awesome.

  6. So glad you'll be getting the block of time you've been wanting to be able to sew! Looking forward to see what you turn out!

  7. That dress is so fun and I can't wait to see your rendition!

  8. Have a wonderful time at your retreat, Carolyn. I know that you will produce a masterful dress.

  9. Where can I find this pattern? looks like fun. Happy sewing vacation.

    1. It's not a pattern. I'm putting several pattern pieces together to get this dress

  10. That dress is so awesome and I can't wait to see your rendition!

  11. Seriously, the Farm Rio Inspired dress is going to be amazing and I can't wait to see it! I'm also excited about the twist on the myosotis. Once I made one, I haven't looked back! g

  12. I love the look of the dress and look forward to seeing your creation. I might have to try making one myself.

  13. A dress of my dreams also. Looking forward to seeing your progress.


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