
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Great Big Thank You!!!

I need to say thanks to several people because I am just humbled by their acknowledgement of my work...

Lauralo from Laura's Sewing Room
You have just made the most amazing Chanel jacket and several times during the construction process you have pointed to my blog and said that something I did inspired you. You do not know how much I appreciate the acknowledgement! I think you have an incredible talent and to think that something I did inspired you, just makes me speechless! So thank you!

Lisa from Sew Random
You wrote a great post about some awesome jackets that have been posted around blogland and on the sewing boards. The fact that you included my jacket in the post, touched me greatly! Thanks for thinking it worthy of inclusion with some very talented sewists!

Tearsa from That's Sew Live
Your enthusiasm for sewing is so infectious! It is wonderful to watch you start this journey...I can tell that this "hobby" will keep you intrigued for years to come. Mark my words, in time you will be able to tell your life's story through your sewing! Thank you for visiting my blog and enjoying my jacket though it's not as famous as yours! I mean I just go to work every day but thousands of people see your bright smile every morning on the news and you represent our craft so well!

Finally, I have a secret to share...every time I post a picture, review and/or post about something I've created, I get a little twinge in my stomach. Like every artist, these pieces are labors of love for me and the thought that you might not like my babies can be a little heart-wrenching! Okay, who am I kidding here a lot of heart wrenching! *LOL* So when someone thinks that my work is worthy of mentioning or writes a beautiful and thoughtful comment about it, it really makes my heart sing.

I know that many people visit and don't post and I appreciate every one of those visits, cause as you know from my previous post I am a Sitemeter fanatic (and Ann/Gorgeous Things' its all your fault! *LOL*) This last jacket really meant a lot to me because I was following in the footsteps of some amazing sewists who have created some awesomely beautiful garments, so I just wanted to say thank you!

Thank you for stopping by...thank you for commenting...thank you for looking...and thank you for shouting back at me!

Last but not is how I wore the Simplicity jacket to work today...I think I thoroughly managed to "corporatize" it!


  1. Well Carolyn, I will have to say I am one of those guilty of not posting any comments. I have been reading your blog for some time now. In fact yours was one of the very first ones I started reading.
    I really enjoy seeing all the wonderful garments you sew. I didn't know I could find people who enjoy sewing as much as I do.
    Just a holler from San Diego CA.
    Keep Sewing!

  2. You look fantastic in your new suit and the jacket is such a great fit. I'm always inspired by you and your work.

  3. Your suit is wonderful, really like it with the red.

    I do share the fascination for sitemeter. No African visitors at my blog, but it's so special to see that your blog is read in so many places in the world.

  4. You're welcome! And thankyou back for posting - love to come and visit :)))

  5. Very chic, and so much better than the coporate uniform! You always do a wonderful job at adding personal touches and little twists to what could be very plain garments.

  6. ok, I will shout back now :-)
    I´ve been watching over your shoulder quite a while now...
    Compliments for your sewing work, your enthusiasm and of course, your blog.
    Your new corporate outfit is very beautiful. I love the variation you made from this pattern ( which I finally have to order, I think - for me here in germany a pattern from the US is always an expensive experience...)

    Best wishes,

  7. Hi Carolyn,

    Your jacket turned out great!

    Not to mention *yourself* -- I am inspired by your creations (along with others) and have a pile of fabric waiting to be transformed into gorgeous outfits.

    Do you have a link for a store where I can buy a week of totally free time to sew?

  8. Carolyn,

    Your "corporate" outfit looks fabulous!

    I'm not a big commenter - I get that little "twinge" you mentioned too! However, you have really been an inspiration to me and my sewing. I have learned so much from reading your (and lots of other) blog and have put into practice things I have learned. I'm not quite ready to show anything off in the blogosphere yet, but that day might come. ha ha!

    I know it takes effort to prepare a post, take pictures, explain everything, etc. but I am very, very grateful that you do.

  9. Carolyn,
    Your sewing, the garments that result, your incredibly articulate posts, the way you incorporate bits of regular life -- everything about your blog is a fantastic inspiration, even a lifeline to someone like me with a job that devours sewing time. Just tell those twinges to go away. You are literally weaving together a world-wide community, and I am permanently grateful.
    Meg in NC

  10. Carolyn,
    I love the jacket! Even though you "corporized" it, it still looks chic! I always love to come over and see what you've created especially when you re-do one of you TNT's.

  11. I thank YOU Carolyn for doing such a great job on your garments, for inspiring us all, for spreading the word about sewing and for keeping up this "window" into your sewing life!
    Hugs from Portugal!

  12. What Tany said!!!
    (Only the hugs are from Alabama)

  13. Here's a shout out from someone in southern California who thinks and reads about sewing 99.9% more than she actually does it. I'm trying to change that ratio, but with great blogs like yours, Cidell's, Tany's and all the others out there, I have to actually drag myself away from the computer to do some sewing!

  14. Ooh la la - very corporate chic - Carolyn, your dressmaking is an inspiration.
    Regards, Hilary


  16. Beautiful! Love that you have pictures of your girls behind you in this picture - clearly their Mom always has had flair!

  17. Great job!!!I love the jacket. I might just have to make one for myself!

  18. You are SO sweet!! If I had your skills, you would be able to tell me NOTHING! LOL I look forward to more of your fabulous outfits.

  19. Love the red and black. You look corpratized!!!! Glad to see you wearing turtle neck as I thought that would look great with this jacket. I hope to wear my skirt and jacket next week

  20. Great jacket! And thanks for the heads-up on Sitemeter :) . After reading your post I checked it out, added it to my blog and will probably become a sitemeter fanatic too.

  21. and Thanking You for sharing your great tips and gorgeous projects.

  22. Carolyn, You of all people should not feel a twinge when you post a garment you've made. You do beautiful work. Thank you so much for sharing.

  23. Carolyn, you can't know how touched I felt when seeing my name mentioned in this post... You've been an inspiration to me many times and I admire your work and your "out of the box" thinking. I found your blog quite a long time ago, way before the Timmel Swap, and since then I read it every day (even if for a long time, I just lurked and not commented, it took me a while to adjust to the blogosphere :)).
    Thank you from all my heart for being... well, for being you!

    P. S. I know that heart wrenching soooooo well....

  24. I love that jacket - you did such a beautiful job on it. I have that same lining fabric you used (did we buy it together?). I made a top from it, but it is so soft and smooth, it's a perfect lining for the black.

    And I absolutely LOVE your hair styled that way!

    PS - happy to get you hooked on SiteMeter!

  25. Hi Carolyn, I am a total beginner who has been trying to get 'into it' for almost 2 yrs now. There's so much going on, in my life for the past 2 yrs that I haven't been able to get past the yearning to sew. Every now and then, I come to your blog and read and satisfy that yearning. And when I read, I'm inspired to sew like you someday. Someday soon I'm going to find some time for myself and start sewing... really! :) You are such an inspiration.


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