
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Name Dropping

ETA ~ Spoiler Alert: I DID NOT buy anything! *LOL*

Okay, I have debated several times about posting this but I am going to go ahead and do it....

I am going to Name Drop. And I am going to do it for a perfectly selfish reason! *LOL* Because I just had such a wonderful time with them and it just made my day yesterday so here goes...

For all the Patternreview readers, you know that it is PR Weekend in New York City this weekend. As I type, about 30 women have descended upon New York City's garment district to empty the remaining fabric stores of all their goodies. Previously, I had made plans to meet Cidell of Miss Cellie's Pants and Nicegirl or Trena as I call her of The Slapdash Sewist at Kashi's (Metro Textiles) Friday afternoon. Originally I had planned to take Friday afternoon off and spend it with them but you know my day ALWAYS interferes with my life plans!

However, I did manage to dash down to Kashi's on the subway around lunchtime and I had the best hour and a half possible. My day job was making me miserable yesterday and I almost didn't head down...but boy, oh boy am I glad that I did! When I walked into Metro Textiles the first person I saw was JodiB! Now I have talked to Jodi on the boards and a private email or two but it was so great to see her in person! I also saw Cindy whose PR name is Cindy-lou, Connie - PR name ConnieB, Nikki and of course, Cidell and Trena.

That was the fastest hour and a half of my life! Choosing fabrics, saying hello, remembering garments posted on PR, talking blogs and talking SWAP and choosing went by way to fast! And at the end of my visit there was a flurry of picture taking and hugs and promises to keep in touch...but Ladies I just want you to know that you made my day...heck, my weekend! I am still smiling thinking about it! I hope you find or found many wonderful bargains, some amazing fabrics and that you have a great time with each other during this weekend!

Because hey, you guys have already made mine!


  1. So what did you buy? and how come you're typing and not sewing, same here of course! I am making a really nice black matte jersey top from an oop Tom and Linda Platt. Leftover material from an evening dress I made my daughter for her Junior year in hs. She is a senior in college now! Talk about marinating fabric as it must have been in the stash a couple of years at least when I made her the dress. Have a great sewing weekend

  2. What fun and what a great break from work! It brought a smile to my face because you're so happy over just a small break with like-minded seamstresses!

  3. what fun to meet some of the PR seamstresses. I'd be asking for autographs & photo ops! (especially yours)

  4. Yep, I know exactly how you feel, having just been at the DownUnder PR weekend! There is nothing like catching up with other likeminded seamstresses. But what did you buy?

  5. Ooohhh! Cannot think of a better way to spend a lunch break. Glad you got to meet so many of those who are on the internet. Today, I had a great time at a sewing class while working on a reversible jacket Butterick #4354. It's almost finished and went together nicely even with wonky directions. I take classes just to be able to socialize with others who sew. Now, what did you buy? Inquiring minds want to know.

  6. Sounds like SOOOO much fun. I would know how to act if I was living in NY with all of the fabric store possibilities!!

  7. What a glorious hour and a half! I can see why time went on so fast!!! It's such a blessing getting to meet our sewing friends! I wish I was there too!

  8. What fun! I would be jealous were it not for the fact that I had the opportunity to go to Kashi's with you too, Carlyn. And yes, you exercised restraint then, too, if not restraint in enabling the rest of us!
    You are a constant source of inspiration, my dear, and so are your fellow bloggers.

  9. I have been thinking about you guys this weekend! Sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Congratulations on your buying restraint. I envy you being able to meet our fellow sewers. Those of you who have blogs that I read regularly seem like friends.

  11. I was thrilled to be able to meet you Carolyn! It was a great weekend to be able to see so many wonderful women!


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