
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pay It Forward

"Likewise teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women..."
Titus 2:3-4

I am sure that as you are reading this you are wondering what the title and the Bible Scripture have to do with each other. Well picture this:

That is Trena (Nicegirl on PR/Slapdash Sewist) and Cidell (Miss Cellie's Pants) looking around in my fabric closet. Yes, they were actually here today at my house, looking at fabric, picking through buttons and talking SWAP fabrics.

And to tie this all together, I truly believe that sewists that have been in the game for awhile should take younger women or beginning sewers under their wings and share their sewing knowledge...share their sewing trials and tribulations...share their sewing triumphs and their low points...and when necessary share their fabric and accoutrements. Someone did this for me several years ago and I feel obliged to "pay it forward."

But today was about so much more than paying it was about meeting two young women whose love for sewing I so admire. It was about encouraging that love and fanning its flames. And it was about spending time with someone else who understands one of my greatest joys in life...but mostly the 2 hours that I spent with Trena and Cidell were fun! So much fun! We laughed and talked while they foraged around my fabric closet and in my button collection. We worked out some alternatives for Cidell's SWAP purchases...and yes baby you can SWAP...just remember one piece at a time. *LOL*

I would like to thank you both for stopping by and showing me your purchases from PR Weekend, sharing your love of sewing and for making me laugh...I am honored!!!

One of all of us in my fabric closet for the road....

And Trena I hope you made it home in time to make the Metro! Thanks again for stopping by!

BTW, I didn't sew one stitch this weekend but it was wonderful just the same! *LOL*

P.S. Cidell - this is for you:
1549, from M.Fr. accoustrement, from accoustrer, probably from O.Fr. acostrer "arrange," originally "sew up," from *consutura "a sewing," from L. consutus, pp. of consuere "to sew together," from con- + suere "to sew" (see
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper


  1. When I first looked at the pictures, I was thinking, "Hm, wonder what store they are at", and then I read along and realize it is your *stash*!! Wow!

  2. How cool to have sewing visitors! Thanks for sharing the photos, and what a great fabric closet you have.

  3. Your fabric closet??? I thought that was a store! HA ROFL Glad you got to see them! I have to show this to my hubby... he better not EVER say anything to me! LMAO

  4. You do have stash!!!!! LOL, I must show the MR!!! LOL

  5. You are soooo awesome!You could not be more real, fun, or creative. Trena and I talked the whole way back about what a great stop it was and how much fun we had. Thank you, thank you, thank you for a wonderful, thoughtful and generous visit!! I wish it could have gone far longer. BTW, accoutrement is one of my favorite words!

  6. Hey, that eas so GREAT!!!! Having your sewing friends over!!! And I'm all in favour of passing the knowledge to the people who really share the passion for sewing! Kudos Carolyn, Cidell and Trena!!

    (And yes, I thought they were in a fabric store!!! IMPRESSIVE!)

  7. This is great, I bet all three of you had so much fun!
    And by the way, I love your outfit in the last photo, Carolyn, you look very well in it!

  8. I love this so much!! Actually, I would probably have the same amount, except that mine are in Rubbermaid tubs and bins in various storage areas (even out in our barn with moth balls), so it doesn't seem like so much because it is not all in one place. But that is SOME closet. I'm turning green as I sit here. Amazing.

  9. I wanna come play in your stash, too!

    And I want some friends to come and play in mine!

    Oh, we could all have such fun!

    Too bad North Alabama is so far away from Cool Sewing Destinations...

    But thanks for sharing the photos! It was neat to see you all together!

  10. How fun! Is there a green envy emoticon?? Great stash too!

  11. You guys look like you're all having a blast. I'm jealous. What a fun time.

  12. I totally get the connection between the verse and title! What a great time everyone had!

  13. I am green with envy! What a great time you must have had.

  14. *I am going to buy some fabric right now!!!* LOL How lovely was that?! I want to come to PR weekend next year and play in your closet!!!

  15. Wow. You have a lot of fabric. Can I shop in your closet some time? :-D

  16. I think that you can no longer use the word "stash" when referring to your fabric. You must now refer to it as "inventory". :)

  17. WOW - I'm in awe of your stash! I've got quite a large one too, and I hope the moths don't find it...

  18. "so they don't really count. I mean I don't even store those in the fabric closet! Grin"
    ROFLMAO, That is funny.

  19. WOWEEE!!! I want to shop in your closet! I bet you three did have some fun, you all look so pleased!
    Thanks for sharing with us

  20. You have always been up front about the existence of your fabric stash-amazing-I did not truly understand what a wonderous thing it is to behold!!!And it also looks like its a lot of fun as well

  21. What a beautiful (and large) stash you have! Wish I lived close so I could see in person, too!

  22. That is quite a stash you have in your closet. I think it's great and looks like all of you had an amazing day.

  23. OMG! I am stunned by that closet full of fabric! Can I move in? ;-)

  24. Thank you so much for sharing your fabric closet! My husband had me thinking I was crazy because I have so much fabric. Sure wish I had a closet though. Instead, I have about 20 plastic tubs (the bigs ones - not those little clear things). You have set my mind at ease about the amount of fabric that I have and made me feel much less guilty about "falling off the wagon" with regard to fabric purchases and giving in to Fabric Mart's clearance sale! God bless you!

  25. I also thought they were in a fabric store! What a great closet! and how wonderful to share time with sewing friends. You do realize that we're now all going to go to next year's PR weekend so we can see your fabric closet!

  26. Sounds like a great weekend! Love your closet. I would like to come and hangout there also!

  27. I am in awe of that fabric stash. Serious awe.

  28. Carolyn you all look like you had so much fun. I really, really hope everyone comes to LA for the West Coast event. I can't wait to meet everyone too.

    ~Sherril Miller~

  29. Ooooo! That looks like so much fun! And that fabric closet! Remember the scene from "The Color Purple" when Celie found the letters from Nettie. She said, grinning, "There's just so many!" I would have felt that way if I'd seen your closet!


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