
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Have you ever noticed that sewing is all about decisions? It is just one choice after another to get to a finished wearable garment! I mean you make your very first decision when you pick a pattern or a piece of fabric...and now you are headed down the slippery slope to decision making land.

And have you ever noticed that one bad decision can totally change the direction of the garment...sometimes causing you to have to chuck the entire thing...but in some extraordinary instances causing you to end up with the most amazing thing you've ever made!

Decisions affect everything from the type of the thread...interfacing...even embellishments used on a garment and you have to make them every step of the way...even including how hot your iron should be during the pressing process?

So is there any wonder why sewing a well-fitted garment is a challenge that not everyone can rise too? There are just sooo many decisions to be made...


  1. Well that explains it perfect. I'm useless at making decisions! Guess I better just jump in and do it. g

  2. That is so true! Most of my sewing disasters occur because I made the wrong decision about fabric!

  3. Well said, sewing from beginning to end is all about decisions. Mmmm you know i never thought about it that way!

  4. I'm trying to learn how to rise to the challenge of sewing a well-fitted garment, now if only I could stop making impromptu decisions.

  5. So true. I figure all the mental work we have to do while sewing must be good for the old gray matter, right?

  6. I never thought of it that way, but you are so right. Last night I was working on a school blouse for daughter, it asked for facings for neck and arms. I should have listened to the gut & made bias tape instead. Would have been easier for me than following those stupid instructions and trying to sew it into that small armhole (size 8)...

  7. Being afraid of making the wrong decision has often kept me from making any decision at all. That is, am I deciding to pick the style that will look best on me? Am I making the right alteration/fitting decision? I am now going to make the decision to just try and then learn from whatever takes shape, good or not so good.

  8. I like making decisions! I feel it gives me control over my life. All of our lives result in decisions we have made, personal or business, or down to the toothpaste we use. Do I regret some decisions? Of course. Do I celebrate that I have the right to make decisions for myself? You bet!

  9. Carolyn, you did a meaningful post. Sometimes, I make poor and costly decisions because I didn't stop to think. As I gain more experience, I am learning to make better decisions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and wisdom.

  10. I hash and rehash and do nothing until I am 100% sure of every nitty detail of the finished product. This is probably the reason I don't get much done anymore. Years of experience have taught me the result of a bad or hasty decision so now I am worse off than ever and think things to death. So very little ever passes the critical thinking stage. I used to just dive in and do things and face the consequences. In some ways it saves waste to think things out but takes away a lot of the fun and creativity from just trying something. mssewcrazy

  11. So what are you making decisions about?
    I seem to relish the process, as I get most excited about working on a project as long as there are still decisions to be made. As soon as everything is committed, I have problems sticking with it all the way through to the FO.

  12. You are oh so right! This post should be the editorial in one of the sewing magazines like Threads, Sew News or Sew Stylist. We all have to deal decision making and at times I get bogged down in the decision making process.

  13. So true! Aewing is much about decisions and better judgement... One single "wrong turn" and one risks compromising an entire sewing project!


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