
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's Here!

Eagerly anticipated...always poured over...marked up and written's the September issue of Vogue! Y'know the book that weighs a gazillion pounds because it has tons of advertisements before you get to any of the actual articles...

Well this year I had to carry this five pound monster home from the newsstand in NYC...Now why you ask? Because a certain friend let my comp'd subscription expire and forgot to renew I could pay the $18 subscription fee or I can just wait until December (actually not that far away) and send them emails EVERY day so that they don't forget to add me back to the comp list...shew! Now that's off my chest...

I can tell you that this baby is so heavy that my knees were hurting halfway through the bus ride home since it was riding in my lap!! And I can tell you that I'm only a 1/4 of the way through and I already have like half a dozen of those Lucky "yes stickers" stuck to pages...

And do you remember this dress?

It was last year's major inspiration piece from the Vogue Wish Book...I love me some I'm on the hunt for this year's piece! Well now that I've shared, I'm going back to lay on my bed and flip through my Wish Book...Do any of you remember Sears Christmas Wish Book? That's what my September Vogue is to me...the Wish Book! If you don't have a copy...I hope you get yours soon!


  1. I remember your frustration last year when the September Vogue took forever to arrive in your mailbox. There are benefits to not having a subscription and you are benefiting from that this year. Think of carrying it home as exercise, i.e., weightlifting.

    Now make some wishes.

  2. Well, mine has not arrived in my mailbox yet. Sure hope it comes before Saturday so I can take it on vacation with me! But I suspect it won't arrive until after we get back, and I'll be so tempted to buy one if I see it in a bookstore in Palm Desert. Enjoy, Carolyn!

  3. Hmm my UK Vogue by subscription has just arrived, I assume it is the September one, can't check now and it certainly doesn't have 798 pages of fashion! Maybe it's August's, otherwise I'm going shopping!

  4. Heading over to Barnes & Noble to get my copy now...

  5. That's so funny, I've always called the September Vogue the Wish Book, too, in honor of the Sears catalog when I was a kid. Haven't gotten mine yet, I'm usually later to arrive on the subscriptions, but I've got my hot pink post-its ready!

  6. How exciting! I'm still waiting for mine. I did get my September Lucky which is also a mega-issue (but still not as heavy as Vogue!); I'm waiting until I have a long chunk of time to sit down and absorb it all. Fall fashion is the best!

  7. Guess I'd better see if our local cowpoke wal-mart has a copy. I'm pretty sure they *haven't* sold out.

  8. I love all of the September issues! That's such a treat for me. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has the Lucky stickers all over the place too! LOL

  9. well, I had to run right out to get mine. Went to B&N and they still had the August issue on the shelves. Went to the grocery store, and They had it. Go figure!
    Gulp, I still haven't made the two Donna Karan dresses that I earmarked from the Spring collections.

  10. My dd and I ran over to Borders to get our copy and they hadn't gotten it yet! Envy here.

  11. I never got what I wanted out of the Sears Wish Book. It's great that you can take the September Wish Book and get what you want from it!

  12. As of this afternoon, the local supermarket didn't have it yet, but I'm getting on a plane tomorrow, and the newsstands at the airport always have the new issues....I hope! BTW, this issue is the best reason to arm one's self with a rolling tote bag.

  13. I have been at B&N several days a week hoping that it was in. Glad you let us all know. I will be going there today!

  14. I do remember the wish book - but our favorite was the Montgomery wards catalog.
    What is a comp subscription??

  15. Hey thanks for the inspiration tip. I have been using the Internet for that. I gave up on magazines in the 80's for - ahem - ethical reasons (not the tree hugging kind, the other kind).

  16. Nancy - a comp subscription is when someone works at the magazine and they give you a free subscription.


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