
Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yes...enough! I am drowning in, old, vintage, collectables, stash...just too many darn patterns.

See this is how it started...I was on Talbots site earlier tonight scoping out their new catalog and look. Talbots along with Barrie Pace are great sites for me to get ideas for work I'm flipping through the online catalog when I come to this top:

Which looks alot like this pattern from Simplicity:

And then I remembered this fabric from Fashionista Fabrics:

So 2 yards later I have enough to make my own interpretation of the top! Yeah, yeah, I know but I could have purchased like 20 yards, however, I bought what I needed and got out! *LOL*

Now you're wondering where the enough is right? Okay, on with my tale of woe...before I could place my order with Melody, I had to find out how much I would need for the top. Twenty minutes later...that's right...Twenty Minutes later I find the pattern! After looking through five pattern drawers, dragging stuff out and generally making a mess...I found the dang pattern.

That's when I said enough! See last month I bought zip, zero, nada yards of fabric...and this month I've been trying really hard not to succumb to the siren's song of fabric and the amazing fabric sales refusing to purchase alot more...however, I did not include patterns in this moratorium. Well to be truthful, I have laid off the vintage patterns because I've used 2 of the more than 50 that I purchased in a 3-4 month span and I have more than enough of them...really!

It just should not take 20 minutes to locate a simple t-shirt pattern...and while I'm rooting around looking for it...there are five new patterns laying on the sewing table staring at me that have just arrived from Vogue Patterns. Yes, I took advantage of the one day sale that they were having for BMV club members - $4.49 for any pattern from all three companies.

So enough! Adrienne I'm borrowing your clock...literally! I am not purchasing a new pattern from ANY source for the next 70 days...yeap, that's what the clock on Adrienne's site says. Cause seriously, will I not be able to sew anything cause I don't have a new pattern...nah, I don't think so! And will I be hampered from interpreting a new look that I manage to find in my wanderings...nah, I don't think so! Will I even be unable to make something using some of my TNT's...nah, I don't think so!!!

So more pattern buying for 70 days!!!!


  1. Good luck with the pattern! LOL I have a whole lot of patterns. It seems like the more I look the more I find that I like lol.

  2. Wow, 50 vintage patterns in 3-4 months? That is a lot! Good luck with the ban on buying patterns (and fabric?). Spend the money on shoes!!

  3. You can do it! Shop your pattern stash.Save $$ and then have a spree,just in time for the new spring patterns to debut.

  4. So, what is the scary number - how many patterns do you think you have in total. I've really cut back my pattern buying and trying to use BWOF instead. That said, 4 new patterns arrived in the mail for me yesterday!!

  5. Let me be the Devil's advocate - enabler.
    Not buying patterns is NOT the answer. You need to ORGANIZE! Group your patterns by company. Arrange your patterns in numerical order. Buy file cabinets! Twenty minutes is not so long. Go out and buy the all patterns you want!!!!! You work hard! You've earned it!


  6. OMG, 70 days... that's over 2 months!!! What about Christmas??
    I admire your strength but would never be able to abstain for that long.

  7. I'm like you--I've gone on periodic successful fabric fasts, but never restricted my pattern buying. I have a lot of patterns.

  8. All I can say is this - I was doing a great job not buying fabric, but I didn't make it through your post before I had clicked on Fashionista Fabics link, purchased some fabric (so lovely), before popping back over here. I did well though -- nowhere near my usual quantities. Oh yeah, and the cashmere coat fabric from trendy fabrics yesterday, but come on-- Cashmere (100%) for $20.65 a yard?? I do love that shirt pattern -- I think I may have it. I'll have to go and look now since I'm working with knits right now. I tried to stop the pattern thing, but they are $1.99 each at JoAnn's this weekend for Butterick and I must have all Maggie London patterns in my stash -- LOL! I guess it's one of those baby steps thing. As for vintage patterns, don't feel back. I probably have 100 -- I've made zero -- but that will change in 2008. I'm going to go and check out Adrienne's blog now. Maybe I need a counter too!

  9. I sending you tons of good luck wishes on your no pattern purchase goal. I'm on a no pattern buying, material buying and yarn purchasing kick until I use some of my already plentiful stash. I think shopping for patterns and other crafty things is a serious addiction. I need to organize and use what I have. I wish you luck!

  10. Elaray has the right attitude. After not being able to find a pattern I was looking for, I organized. I have lots of file drawers in my studio and more of them are holding patterns these days. I organized by company too. It is much easier. I also have my BWOF organized by year for the magazine in holders, and by the year for the pattern sheets in 2 file drawers. I also copy all the tear sheets with the line drawings on them and put them in binders by month. I have never been so organized in my life, but it makes life easier and takes up less space.

  11. I love to sew but I'm totally anal and everything has to be organized, I have all of my patterns on a spreadsheet (this is where crafty meets geeky) and I have them organized in numeric order with the following columns, Pattern #, Name, Type, Size & Style. This makes it easy to find what I'm looking for but I'm still trying to find a cheap full size filing cabinet, they are currently stored in several plastic storage bins. Good luck not buying any I have over 200 patterns and still buy them when they're on sale.

  12. 50 patterns in 3 - 4 months is a huge amount! But I'm with Elaray, it's only a problem when it takes over your space, so just organise and make room for more! Oh I jave to say the Aneboda chest of draws from Ikea saved me, I can fit nearly 600 patterns in there...

  13. Carolyn, you got me started on vintage patterns and I now have over 150 vintage patterns! and that's just the one's I'm keeping. I have two shopping bags full of patterns to sell/give away. And still there are new Vogue patterns I want and McCalls, etc. Like you, I've said enough! (at leat for now, I might ad meekly). Same with fabric, tho I will purchase more for the SG SWAP. No fabric purchases in Sept, but already in October I've added 81 yards. Most of it at's warehouse sale. I have way too little time for sewing.


  14. Carolyn you are one of my favorite’s bloggers because you are able to articulate l a major problem that many of us have; a patterns and fabrics addiction. I owned over 250 patterns and I am giving you a very conservative number. As far as fabric is concern that is another story. I put myself on a pattern and fabric diet 3 months ago. I am happy to say that I have stuck to my diet. Until this week I bought 3 New Look patterns. Putting myself on a fabric diet has allowed me to step back and evaluate what I have on hand which not such a bad idea is giving the state of the economy.

  15. Oh, Carolyn, I need your willpower. Here we have Hancock's and their CONSTANT 99 cent sales on McCalls, Butterick, and Simplicity patterns. And Vogue for 4.99. I can't resist!!

  16. I'm with you, Carolyn. For the past three months or so, I've been eBaying, LanetzLiving, JoAnning patterns like sewing patterns are going out of style. I've purchased upwards of twenty, some that I replaced, some that I wanted but didn't get to buy when they were first issued. Most are vintage Calvin Klein patterns. I think that his style is timeless.

    Anyway, I'm on pattern meltdown right about now, so no more pattern buying for awhile for me, as well.

  17. I'm with you! I have 3 huge bins of patterns... and I finally sorted thru and passed the "extra" onto someone else. It's amazing how many patterns that I had that were very similar to others. So, you know, how many patterns do you need of a simple straight skirt ? Yes.... it's easy to get carried away, because some of them are just sooo cute! Hang in there... besides the time you save by not buying (not to mention the $$$$) you could be sewing! And you could also use the $$$ to purchase, notions.
    Smile, what you don't buy in the next 70 days... will still be there in 2009..... that is if you need to have it! LoL... Sounds like you also need to organize your patterns! Get to work! Just kidding... I should talk... it takes me more than 20 mins to find something because I get so sidetracked while looking!
    Have fun, Sew, Sew, Sew!
    Don't stick your self with a pin!

  18. How many days are left in 2008?
    If I were to make a statement like that, I'd have to do it AFTER I made my trip into FineFabrics.and.Design in Traverse City. LOL, we are hopeless - all of us who read and comment here.

  19. Good luck, Carolyn. That would be like torture for me. lol


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