
Sunday, October 19, 2008

November Sewing

I know...I know that it's still the middle of October...but it is winding down and I really only have one more weekend of sewing...especially since I got nothing done this weekend! Also the new fabric arrived from Fabric Mart and I'm anxious to play with it.

So let's recap...

I ordered 11 yards of this fabric:

I am going to add a ltwt. taupe wool crepe that is in the an aside, do you know several years ago I counted how many different colors of wool crepe were in my collection and I totalled 16 - 16! I don't think that many still reside there but believe me when I tell you there is still plenty of depth! *LOL*

The jump-off pattern will be Vogue 7180:

And the garments I want to make are:

1. Jacket from vintage pattern

2. Dress from vintage pattern with taupe wool crepe top

3. Another dress - possibly a variation of Butterick 5399

4. TNT pants - wide or flare leg

5. TNT Straight Skirt

6. Sleeveless version of Vogue 8118 out of a black sandwashed silk

7. Black silk jersey version of Vogue 9904

All fabrics are from the collection except for the newly purchased goods from Fabric Mart.

It seems like an ambitious plan but I have made 7 garments before in one month and this is the month of Thanksgiving with a 4-day weekend...and Thanksgiving is NEVER at my house! *LOL* I always go to family's house to eat and enjoy and come home! And since my portion of the meal always comes directly from the grocery store...I'm in charge of beverages and rolls...Thanksgiving is always free sewing time!

So I think my plan is very doable and it would be nice to have a new complement of outfits to wear into December! I will finish up another cardigan or two and then I'm onto November Sewing which I'm calling "60's Mod in an Election Year!"


  1. Sounds like a great plan to me. I have my three kids and their families come by at different times over Thanksgiving, so I won't get any sewing done. The week between Christmas and New Years is always a good sewing time for me.

    I look forward to photos of the sandwashed silk project...I've never used sandwashed silk.

  2. Great plan. I hope the sewing gods are with you in November. Looking forward to seeing the collection :))

  3. This sounds great, I can't wait to see your collection. I had to get some of that fabric from "Fabric Mart" but I'm still deciding how I want to use it. Thanks for presenting the temptation that was a great buy!

  4. I just love your blog!! Anyway, I just had to say "eleven yards!! WOW!!"You don't fool around when it comes to buying fabrics. I just visited a great store in Ottawa this weekend called C&M Textiles . They specialize in natural fiber fabrics.I had intended to get some 4 ply silk and some silk jersey but I chickened out and only bought two meters of two different sweater knits, one in wool, the other in a rayon poly mix. Do you find that silk jersey is thin and clingy or is it OK? I'm a little chesty and very self-conscious so I guess that's why I didn't buy the jersey.

  5. That is a great plan. I can't wait to see it come to life.

    Thanksgiving is at my house with The Princess coming and my brother. However, big home improvements plans - so my best bet is to stay out of the way and sew :) g

  6. Wow, what a great plan. I love this vintage pattern. I'm sure you can make it in time!

  7. Start on the dress in October, if you're going to start any of them, and then, if you start the rest in November, you'll be qualifying sewing for SWAP!
    Just sayin'
    Looks like an ambitious plan.
    I'm off to the Great White North in the next hour, so, wishing you well on your sewing in the next couple of weeks.

  8. That is a lot of sewing! Hope that you get there and enjoy it while you are doing it.

  9. I love the plan! Can't wait to get the progress reports.

  10. Great plan and what a prize at the end, fabulous new outfits to wear!

  11. I think it's always better to plan farther ahead, so if you get a jump start on it, you feel great! I hope I'll get a new Thanksgiving dress done, but that's all I have on the agenda. If I get more done, I'll call it a "plus"!

  12. Carolyn .- the pattern vintage is wonderful. I love these dresses so simple and intemporal. I am sure that you are able to do seven garments in a month, and some more. many successes in all these projects. greetings with my best wishes. Paco

  13. I love this pattern and the fabric you have chosen (or was it the other way round?). I can already actually see these garments and I can't wait for the end result. This colour palette is one of my favourites.

  14. 7 garments is doable, why not! That fabric is very fall/winter indeed

  15. That fabric is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

  16. You go girl! I know you can get it done. Wonderful fabric and pattern choices.

  17. What great fabric! I like the lines on the patterns that you choose. Can't wait to see what all you get made. Carry on....

  18. That fabric will look sensational in some wide-legged pants! Can't wait to see what you get out of it.

  19. I love your planning style. This is going to look so smart. Can't wait to see the complete projects.

  20. Exciting plans, Carolyn. I only wish Thanksgiving was at someone else's house this year. It's my turn. lol Sigh..., At least I'll get to see your fabulous outfits.

  21. By the sounds of things, you're collection is going to be great!

  22. You're quite the enabler, Carolyn! I grabbed some of that b/cream herringbone today, not to mention a bit of the sage triacetate/poly. Heck, I have a couple of lovin' guys at home (one big, one little) who love being sewn for....even if only occasionally... And, I want to add, your finished garments are beautiful and inspirational, so keep'em coming.

  23. I love your blog! I just found it tonight. I checked out a bunch of your fabric links..what a great collection. Thanks for so much inspiration is one place!

  24. Hello, I am a beginner sewer and I took your advice and got a copy of talbot's Guide to Sewing. I have not put it down, I am reading it like it is a novel. I am always reading about sewing because I do not have anyone to help me.I also purchased a book by Vougue, but I wish I had saved my money. Thanks for inspiring the next generation of sewists.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Carolyn,

    While reading your plan for November (sounds great, by the way), I wondered where you "house" all of your extensive wardrobe. I've been reading your blog for a year, and you've made many, many beautiful garments during that time. I know some of your children are grown, but how extensive are your closets? I'll add closet envy to my sewing envy concerning you.

    Enjoy the Nov. sewing time.



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