
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Have Faith

ETA: I don't mind opinions different from my own...if I did I would have turned off the comments section...but if you have something to say and use "anonymous" please be man or woman enough to sign your name! Thanks!

There are four weeks until we Americans go to the polls to elect a President.

Now I know that much has been said about the candidates (and the official mud-slinging has begun) but today I want to discuss something that is either being quietly dismissed or being discussed on internet boards in such vulgar, disgusting terms...

And that is Barack Obama's race...the "unknown factor" in this year's Presidential contest. The reason I want to acknowledge it is because in the voting booth with no one watching and not having to explain your choice, anyone can vote their fears, their doubts or their prejudices without anyone else knowing.

So let's speak to that issue now...right here on my the open...

1. I really doubt that the Obamas are going to change the name of "The White House" to "The Black House."

2. I really don't think that rap music, grills, gangsters and militant rappers are going to be part of the Inaugral Events or everyday occurances in the White House...I mean unless the Bush twins are into gangsta rap!

3. I don't think that Barack is only going to care about black people and disregard the cares of all other Americans...even though there have been President's who could have cared less about black people in America - current occupants in the White House included!

4. I know that Barack Obama is NOT a muslim who hates Jews and wants Israel destroyed.

I have read a form of all of the above comments in the mainstream media outlets during the campaign.

Despite these and other "racially tinged" comments discussed lately, I have faith. I believe in my fellow Americans to do the right thing. I believe that the same country that produced Jackie Robinson, George Washington Carver, Paul Robeson, Nora Zeale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Shirley Chisholm, Colin Powell, Thurgood Marshall, and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, can see past the color of a man's skin and have faith in the Presidency of Barack Obama.

I believe that the people who voted for lawmakers who passed The Civil Rights Act and The Voting Act, who banned segregation, who gave women the right to vote, can see the need for change...for our nation to continue to evolve and move forward...I have faith!

I have faith that my fellow Americans realize that we can no longer be a country of small towns and big cities without being a member of the larger global community. And that the global community is watching and waiting to see if our country is truly comprised of people willing to step into the new millenium by voting for a President who not only looks like members of our country but like others in the global community whose rights need to be championed!

I have faith that we Americans will look past color on Election Day, silence the haters and naysayers and vote on the Issues that are affecting all of the citizens of our country...not supposed alignments, not fear, nor hatemongering...but for a person who truly cares about ALL of the citizens of this great country and who wants the best for America! And who truly believes that we need to partner with the members of the global community thereby repairing our image abroad and leading us forward...

I have faith that fear and prejudice will NOT rule the day! I have faith that Americans are decent, hardworking people who will NOT be deceived by hate and intolerance! I have faith that the younger generation will once again rise up and be a guiding force and shining example to their elders in voting for Change! And I have faith that as the world watches and collectively holds their breathes that we Americans will NOT disappoint them...

I have faith...


  1. Carolyn your words are very powerful. :)

    I too would like to see changes happen. I can only pray that when v-day comes, everyone votes without preconceived notions, or prejudices. It's imperative that everyone looks beyond what you see and look into the hearts and the minds of both men.

    If after everything that african americans have endured and overcome in the U.S. things begin to change; then there's hope for the other minorities, like us Latinos.

    And so I too, have faith. :):):)

    Many hugs, and blessings to you Carolyn. :):):)


  2. Often when I vote, I feel like I'm choosing the lesser of two evils. For the first time in years, I feel like there is a clear choice and that is Obama. Obama has said or done nothing to make me think he will only address the needs of African America, will change the White House to the Black House etc. That nonsense comes from the media (who have way too much power and influence, but that's another issue). I have faith, too.

  3. Carolyn -- I have faith in people's better natures also. But I also deeply believe that a) the most important thing any of us can do this election season is make sure everyone we know is registered and knows the correct place to go to vote and b)that everything must be done to prevent the same sort of computer fraud that took place in Florida in 2000 and in Ohio and NM in 2004. I think a tremendous number of us, white, black, Latino, Asian you name it understand what the stakes are and are determined to make the election work and get everyone's votes recorded correctly...just the way they cast them.

  4. Carolyn, I agree with every word. And as for how racism, both subtle and not-so-subtle, has tinged this race, a friend of mine sent me the following letter from Sept 5th in the Ft. Worth Daily Telegram:

    What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review? What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class? What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to? What if Obama were the candidate who left his first wife after she no longer measured up to his standards?

    What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to pain killers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization? What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard? What if Obama were a member of the "Keating 5"? What if McCain was a
    charismatic, eloquent speaker?

    If these questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are?

    This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimize positive qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a color difference.

    Kelvin LaFond, Fort Worth

  5. Good for you to say that you have faith in people making a smart, well thought out decision!

    I wish I could say that I have faith in people too. But I don't. People are petty, small minded and too many (the majority) are ignorant at best, some are outright racist.

    It always amazes me when I hear some of the things you mention come out of the mouths of people who i thought knew better. That's why I mistrust people, they are making their decisions based on what the talking head on tv is telling them.


    But I can only cast my vote and have my say and hope that McCain is able to dig himself into a deep enough hole that more people take a closer look at what Obama stands for.

  6. Thank you for speaking out, Carolyn! I have never supported a candidate so strongly in my long voting history as I have Obama. I have been consumed by this election. Do I need more faith?

  7. Caroyln, I so agree and applaud you for speaking out. I will be voting with you on 11/5 and I have faith too. We have to have faith and hope to stay positive about life.

  8. Carolyn, I have faith along with you that this country will vote for the QUALIFIED candidate on November 4, without thinking one way or another about his race, his religion, or even his political party. I hope everyone votes on the issues that will make this country a better place for us all and start to repair the damage done both at home and around the world during the last 8 years.

    My hope is based in part on a visit this past weekend to my 84 year old aunt, who hasn't voted in a presidential election since she voted for JFK, and who, while not prejudiced, has led a very sheltered life and has the mindset of someone her age. She is voting this year for the first time in over 40 years, and she is voting for Obama. Originally a Hillary supporter, she was completely offended by the offering of Sarah Palin as an alternate female candidate, and she is following the issues to the best of her understanding and voting for someone who will hopefully get the country through what she fears might be the next Great Depression. Having lived through one, she knows who she doesn't want to lead her through a second one.

    I have never seen this much excitement and involvement in an election and it gives me hope that the people of this country will do the right thing.

  9. Carolyn, your beautifully articulated message of hope and faith touched me. I believe the American people will see the slimy attacks for what they are and we will be electing President Obama next month. I love your blog and I look forward to a celebratory posting November 5th!

  10. My beloved grandmother died in January, and I think about her constantly. Even more so now that we are getting closer to election day--I wish she had lived long enough to see Obama elected. She would've been very proud. Born in 1909, she lived through a great many changes and saw a lot of ugly things, but like you she did have faith. She was one of those volunteers you see on election night, and she registered people to vote out of her house. So I'll be casting my vote for both of us on November 5th.

  11. WELL SAID! Excellent article from Fort Worth. I've had my 10 year old son read books about both Obama and McCain. Our eyes are open. I'm ready for some good news for a change. Can't wait to say President Obama.

  12. I read the Wall Street Journal this morning and I was amazed/appalled to see a cover story talking about how Obama was reaching out to "white working-class voters". What amazed/appalled my pre-coffee brain was that if he was white, the story would probably be about how he was reaching out to "Working-class" voters (with no racial demarcation). And I bet it would not be on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. I never read political forums. I avoid almost all political discussion, but I vote in every election. This year I'll be voting for the candidate that I believe will get us out of the godawful mess the current administration has put us in. Thank you for your thoughtful essay.

  13. One of the most beautiful and moving pieces I have read about the elections. Like many others, I feel this is the first election in years where I am offered a compelling choice. I am voting for intelligence and personal integrity, which means my vote is clearly for Obama.

    I too have faith that Americans will wake up the fact that we've been lied to too much over the past eight years. My bumper stickers? "Got Truth?" and Obama 08.

  14. My faith is strong, not so much about Obama's race, but about his ability to lead us out of the mess our country's suffered through for the past 8 years. My concern about social issues just do not meld with a Republican candidate. I am too interested in the rights of women, individual choice of partners, religious or nonreligious beliefs, and programs to help others to vote for J. McCain.
    Having 2 Obama signs stuck in my yard of a fairly wealthy Republican town has caused cars to almost wreck. LOL! Karendee

  15. You always write your thoughts so well. I too have faith that the country will do the right thing and vote for a new adminstration and a real leader-Obama!

  16. Your thoughts and hopes are as always beautifully expressed. I have become a political junkie these days, reading everything I can and watching the news shows, well not the right wing cable stuff, I can't stomach the lies and innuendos that are so prevalent there. I too have hope that intelligence and cool thinking will return to the Whitehouse. I long for a President who can pronounce nuclear correctly. I long for a President who is in touch with the rest of us. But, I don't want someone who proclaims to be just like me in the Whitehouse, or a heartbeat away. I want someone who doesn't think that it is elitist to be smart and well educated or to have graduated top in his or her class. I don't want an angry man in the Whitehouse, and McCain has certainly come across as just that in the last few days. The more I see Obama the more impressed I am by his cool intellect and his grasp of the issues.
    I don't know if any of you saw it in the Times on Sunday, but the original Mavericks of Texas who came over here in the 1600's were the originators of the use of the word maverick, are very upset to see McCain dubbing himself a maverick. They have always been a progressive family and McCain doesn't fit the bill.

  17. Yesterday my husband went over to a friend who works in the Obama campaign and got some yard signs and put them all over our property and along the road by our house, in his response to Sarah Palin's remarks. He and I found them so offensive that we felt we had to show our support publicly. Let's hope that the other voters are as thoughtful as you are, and care enough about our country to leave the old divisive politics behind and make a fresh start

  18. I agree with every word you said. My heart will be broken if Obama does not win this election.

  19. I agree with you. Here in Australia we get limited coverage of what is happening over there and I know there have been all sorts of racial slurs, but I am dismayed to learn that things are being said in the press, by adults no less, that are as ill thought out and puerile as those you've listed here. Let's hope that on election day all of the people who want a better America (and rest of the world) and all of the true believers will come out in full force and vote for change. In the meantime, I will have faith, too.

  20. Strange--I never cared that Obama was black and McCain white. I cared that only one candidate offered me a vision for the future of the country, and stayed that path for the campaign, not venturing into putting others down, but into communicating hope for a future.

    There is a lot to be said for that. Wish it was the same here in Canada, where not one of the 3 leaders seems to have a vision....

  21. those are lovely thoughts Carolyn. I just want to say I respect your views and those of your readers who are going to vote for Obama, and if he wins, I will call him Mr. President just like every other American. But I also want to say that many people (like me) will vote against Obama because they disagree with his ideas, his voting record, and his policy positions. I hope you (and others) will not assume that I and others like me agree with the vile and disgusting statements you've read on MSM blogs. With love and hope, anon.

  22. I do not like either candidate this year and dread going to the voting booth so I am a bystander witness to all this anger....

    I totally agree that all the comments you mentioned in your post Carolyn were vile and ignorant.

    But I do have one question that bugs me:
    why does everyone say Obama is black when he is really biracial?
    My two nephews are biracial and they do not say they are black or white..and they are not forced to choose.

    I hope all of us will respect each other no matter who wins and not degrade the other side as stupid.....we have to come together as Americans......and if we want to work together to change this country, lets first start with Congress, who to me is more dangerous than any President

    Love to all of you


  23. Carolyn,

    You are an amazing, wonderful, articulate woman that I admire for your sewing talent as well as your words. I am a 50 year old white woman who jumped on the Obama bandwagon last January despite belonging in the Clinton demographic. But, no one told me I was on the wrong bandwagon. I am thrilled and hopeful that the American people will vote for the best ticket. Obama and Biden together have the components we need to steer our economy into better shape AND improve our image overseas. Go OBAMA.

    On another note... You are obviously a fabric genius. I think you meant "muslim" on your 4th point, not muslin! It did not detract from your powerful message and I did smile. Thank you for message.

  24. I'm not voting for Obama because of his socialist tendencies and his pro-"choice" views. That does not make me a racist, but of course, anyone who doesn't vote for him will be branded as one.

  25. Carolyn,
    I think you are watching too much TV and reading too many news papers. Have faith that people will vote the right way and accent on the positive. Barrack Obama has risen to his present state on the backs of voters of all colors. I have been an Obama supporter for a few years now, as have my family and many of my friends. My union (AFT) is supporting him and I plan on working on the campaign making calls during a phone bank. We are even taking a busload of fellow teachers up to New Hampshire going door to door to AFT members up there. NH is a Republican stronghold. Please take heart in all of us that are color blind. I was raised in a very understanding and compasionate home. Nobody can see what is in anyone's heart, but the racists will have to live with themselves.

  26. Carolyn, you are a very talented writer and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Yours is obviously well thought-out, but I cannot vote for someone who is not pro-life. However, I think it will be a bumpy ride for our country these next few years, regardless of who wins. Everything that goes up (economy) comes down at some point, it's cyclical. Unfortunately, it may be harder this time around for some since we as a society are not used to "doing without" like our earlier generations were. Some may not agree with my reasoning, but my husband and I consider life issues to be important as that is such a basic right.

  27. Go Carolyn. I will be voting for Obama in November and am proud to do so. Race is still an issue because we have not yet come to terms with the decades of discrimination that has existed and still exists in this country. We remain a segregated country not by force of law but by force of opportunity. Education provides one with the ability to move up through the class structure (yes, we do have a class structure defined by our economic status) but getting that education requires either money or a singular ambition that not all of us possess.

    Obama may be bi-racial but I doubt that the average person on the street or the institutions that he has made his way through during his life really cared. What they saw and still see is a black man. His ethnicity may be well known to us all now, but I’m sure he has dealt with the subtle and not so subtle racism that many people of color have experienced.

    I very much hope we have the opportunity to see Barack Obama as our president. I hope we can get to the point in the near future when race really doesn’t matter. Where we live in the world that Dr. King imagined. What a world that would be…where we are all individually judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, our possessions, the size of our bank account, or any other external factors. That would be a legacy to leave for our children and grandchildren.

    Here’s to faith and hope in ourselves!

    Thank you Carolyn!


    Teresa Lorenzen

  28. I love your blog, Carolyn, and I'm perfectly happy to read whatever you post, even if it's political.

    I'm a Canadian, and have been watching your election coverage since the primaries.

    We're on the verge of our own election here in Canada.

    I suppose I'm a small-c conservative. I am pro-gun, pro-corporal punishment, but also pro-choice, anti-hunting from helicoptors, and anti-drilling in the north. I am all for gay civil unions that bestow all the same rights and privileges enjoyed by married hetero couples.

    After many years of scandal and poor leadership by the Liberal party though, (sort of like your Democrats), we voted in a Conservative government, (sort of like your Republicans).

    Even though I'm not a huge fan of our current Conservative party, and would probably vote Liberal if the party leader wasn't so uninspiring, I'm hoping that the Conservatives get voted back in here in Canada. At the same time, I fear and dread a McCain/Palin government in the US.

    It's not that I'm in love with Obama, but rather that I really, really, strongly believe that Sarah Palin is Dangerous with a capital D. McCain is elderly. There is nothing wrong with this. But the plain fact is that statistically, he's not long for this earth. There is a very good chance that you will have Sarah Palin for President.

    I can set aside the fact that she truly believes that the universe was only created a couple thousand years ago, and the fact that she thinks it's morally wrong for a rape victim to take the morning after pill, because those are opinions, and she's entitled to those, even if I disagree with them.

    But the fact that she can't name a newspaper she reads, doesn't know anything about the Bush Doctrine, and is unable to intelligently discuss your country's economic crisis frightens me.

    The fact that she truly believes that living in close proximity to both Canada and Russia gives her foreign policy experience boggles my mind. I mean, I can't even comprehend that. That's like saying that you can see the space shuttle taking off from your house, so you're a rocket scientist!

    I agree when people say that Sarah Palin is a strong woman, but I don't think she has the intelligence to back up her strength. If I had to pick one fictional character to compare her to, it would be Lennie from Of Mice And Men. Strong and stupid, and therefore, accidentally dangerous.

    Please, please, please, everyone, vote your conscience, but don't make it a one-issue vote. It's not about pro-choice, or health care, or gun control, or foreign policy, or drilling in Alaska, or the economy, or the war. It's about ALL of those things.

    If you agree with McCain/Palin on everything, by all means, vote how you want. But if the ONLY reason you like McCain/Palin is because they're anti-abortion, you're doing your country a great disservice.

    My two cents.

  29. Carolyn,you are articulate with a powerful message to think beyond the smear campaigns and ingrained attitudes and vote for an intelligent president who has the good of your country at heart.
    Yes, the global community is watching and waiting as the knock-on problems are hitting hard around the world.
    I have faith that the American people will vote for a better America with a President who has the long term good of people at heart and secondly, not disappoint the global community.
    Go Obama !


  30. It's a courageous thing to put your views out there like this: I admire you. I'd write more but the debate's on right now and I want to pay close attention. But you know where I stand on this anyway.


  31. Hi Carolyn, thank you for respecting others views. If we all agreed, we wouldn't be Americans. We have been fortunate enough in this country to have choices and to be able to express opinions of our choice. Brave people have given the ultimate sacrifice just so that we might be blessed with these freedoms. If you view my blog, you will note that I support the McCain/Palin ticket. I am conservative. I have dear friends that are liberals. I love them just the same.

    I will not vote for Obama because of the color of his skin. Color doesn't bother me in the least. I would have welcomed J C Watts as choice in the Republican primaries. I won't vote for Obama because I don't agree with his policies, principles, and associations.

    I see these candidates as ultimately talking about two different journeys and ultimate destiny for our country. I agree with Limbaugh when he said, "We're talking about a vision of two distinct Americas, an America that's true to our founding where the traditions and institutions that have defined our greatness are defended, protected, and, hopefully, empowered and expanded. The Obama view, peppered with mentorship from Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright and so forth is to tear down all the institutions and traditions that have defined this country's greatness and rebuild the country in an image that, for lack of a better word, would be socialist. It's been tried everywhere in the world except here, and the left worldwide and in this country has great hope invested in Obama that he can succeed in bringing this country into the fold along with the rest of the socialist leftist world."

    I don't want the government running everything in our country. I don't support socialism and that's where I believe the Obama ticket is trying to lead us.

    Thanks for this discussion. And, yes, I'm signing my name.

    And yes, I love following your sewing adventures!

  32. Carolyn,
    thank you for writing this entry. I truly believe that MLK Jr's dream of being people will judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin is coming into reality. This year, I have heard more people talk about the issues (economy, the war, etc) and nothing about race. I am excited and truly happy and optimistic about this election. I hope that people will maintain consistency between their public and private selves (e.g. if they publicly state that will vote for Obama that they actually will vote for Obama). I don't want to be naive--I've heard of it happening before. Thank you for bringing this topic to the table, where it can be discussed and not glossed over. Cheers, Rose in SV

  33. As an Australian watching your coming election with avid interest, I can only hope your faith will prevail. A lot of reporting here suggests voters will not see past Obama's race, the dislike of a name (for goodness sake!) and his background to vote for the man. That would be a shame.

    We can only hope that the American people get it right this time because it is not just American lives that decisions like these affect. As much as the rest of us may dislike it, your President can make decisions that affect the World. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. I also hope that you get your young men back from Iraq soon as with a new Government ours are now home.

  34. Carolyn - this is a very eloquent entry and I agree with much that you say. I'm also worried about McCain/Palin winning because there are too many people who are not ready to see a black man run this country. For me, I want the person who is best qualified, I want someone smarter than me, some who is not so easily flustered under pressure, and most importantly someone who will respect and protect a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body. Thanks for giving everyone on both sides an opporunity to voice their opinions.

  35. I will have to respectfully disagree with you. For me, race has nothing to do with this election. I could care less if he is black, white, purple or green. He is the wrong person for the job.I disagree with every stance on every issue he takes. I do beleive that there are a certain number of people, black and white, who are voting for him simply because he is black. That is racism in it's ugliest form.

  36. Carolyn,

    I enjoy your blog for the sewing knowledge I can learn from you and for your creativity. I also appreciate your eloquence in stating your views. I think it's wonderful that there is a black man running for president. I also think it's sad that any of us feels the need to make that statement. I look forward to the day when a candidate's race or sex are non-issues and we are able to focus instead on how they propose to lead the country. I am not an Obama supporter, but I do respect him for his accomplishments and believe that he is in every way a qualified candidate.


  37. I'm going to vote for McCain/Palin.

    I'll still read your blog and I'm a big fan.

    I think you are brave for opening this can of worms!

    From what I remember, Chris Rock said George Bush doesn't care about Black people, I'm not sure if I've witnessed him actually not caring about Black people...that is actually very offensive to me as I'm a Bush supporter and think he's been one of the best Presidents we've ever had. I've had to endure years of hatred from the media and the public. If anyone wants to know what hate is just tell them you support Bush -- or if you're not a Bush supporter, stand next to one and witness the onslaught.

    On race: I have a High School Teacher friend that asked me last week how to respond to her students who want to know why they can't have a 'European American' Club when the school has an 'African American Club' an 'Asian American Club' and a 'Spanish American Club'. Race is an issue because we make it an issue. It's in our lexicon of speech and in our view of the world. I didn't know how to answer her question other than to say there once (and still is) was a club and it was called the KKK, and even again it was called Nazi Germany. That is why we can't have a 'white club'. In our history, whites united and it got ugly. We've had to re-educate ourselves to realize just how wrong it is to band together based on race and to some extent religion but for some reason our culture has a passing eye for the same thing in minority communities.

    On Palin: I just love her. I think she's awesome, maybe a little bit confident but man -- wow can she start a brew ha ha! She just gets some people's undies in a bunch. Actually, on the newspaper comment from above, okay...when was the last time YOU read a newspaper? Everything is online, newspapers are losing money and have cut back on their content that anymore you can go page by page and see the same articles on your news feed. So just because she evaded that question doesn't mean she doesn't read NEWS! Geez people!

    On voting: Vote for who you believe in. I respect your decision, that is what it is all about.

    Ooohhh I hate getting sucked into these political debates but I'm not ashamed to say I'm a middle of the road conservative that just hasn't been impressed with the Democratic party. I haven't been a supporter of the Dems since Clinton disgraced the People's Office with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Every time I think of a Democrat I can't get that vision out of my head. It's disgusting. And lately I can't stand Nancy Pelosi spewing her hate on the floor of Congress. It just disgusts me again and she's a Democrat. I just can't do it. I just can't vote for a party that so openly spews such vile hate.

  38. I am making a second comment after reading the last by Cathy S. I am probably more along her line of thinking. Even though I am a member of minority, I don't feel the need to be a part of a group designating it. I wish our society could talk about someone without referring to race, but we are not there yet. But I am glad to see this race having both a woman VP nominee and a minority pres. nominee, regardless of their politics as those are both historic accomplishments. Now, I have a real problem, as pointed out before in Cathy's post, about Pelosi, Biden and others with their viciousness. Add to that their anti-life message, either explicit or implicit, and that negates watching out for the masses. The two mentioned above have said they are Catholic and don't even follow the Catholic logic. Anyways, that's as far as I am taking that, that's another story. Personally, I would rather government do what it is meant to do, defend the nation, protect the common good and otherwise get the heck out of our way so we can prosper and provide for our families and make our own choices. I think being from rural area, we would like to be left alone and see those who are able-bodied, get to work. Conserve the assistance programs to those who need them (disabled, elderly, etc.) and help them get the health care, the housing, etc. and stop the abuses of the system.


    I'm sick of this whole election. I do not think I will vote first time in my life.
    BOTH of the candidates became mean, ugly, typical "Politicians"
    BOTH say and promise anything to get elected!
    As a older person, this CNN story really got me mad;
    "While we have some data about [McCain's] cholesterol and some other physical exam features, we don't really have good testing of his brain," said Perls......
    What about Obamas brain...

