
Sunday, October 26, 2008

No Sewing Here...

If you came looking for a picture filled post about what I sewed this weekend...sorry to disappoint because I sewed this weekend. I was correct in my assessment Friday night when I thought I would be toooo tired to do anything....

I spent a quiet weekend sleeping, reading and catching up on some Netflix movies. However, the desire to sew is still great...just delayed. Hopefully next weekend will be better. So did anyone else get a chance to sew? And if so, what did you make? And if not, why not? Cause I need to know if something is going around stealing people's sewing mojos! *LOL*


  1. My sewing mojo was stolen back in July! So no sewing here. But I did start on a clean out of the sewing room (after a huge clean out of the attic and the study). I can feel a bit of sewing coming on soon.....

  2. I finished the plaid skirts and got the twin set cut out. I made JB a fleece comfy shirt. I knitted a little bit and had a lovely dinner with friends.

    I hope next weekend is better. g

  3. Even though you did'nt sew,it sounds like you did get some much needed relaxation.
    I had a sew-in with my friends and started a dress.I also finish a jacket.It was a great weekend.Have a great week.

  4. I've sewed a fake fur jacket, just for the fun of it. It is almost finished, I still have the bottom hem and the buttons to sew. I hope to post pictures tonight.
    I had not sewed for many years, and finding your blog, as well as a few other related to sewing, motivated me again, and I'm enjoying it! Besides, I've learned quite a few techniques from you or others.
    So thank you very much for sharing!

  5. no sewing here either, and I only have 9 weeks of baby free time so I should be making the most of it really! But I have been indulging in post baby sewing planning after getting the latest BWOF in the mail. But things are dire if you haven't come up with some new fabulous creation!

  6. I cleaned up my sewing area post-project and hemmed 2 radiator "coozies", which consisted of measuring the radiators, deciding how much drape, cutting the yard-sale, cheap-feeling, tan poly fabric to size, and hemming the cut ends. The width selvedge to selvedge was perfect.

    Now I can focus on choosing the next project!


  7. Let me tell you, I spent my entire weekend in my sewing room. I spent a lot of time completing the first phase of my wardrobe -- the easy care knit jersey and matte jersey portion. So, I worked on 5 pairs on jersey pants, which took a little longer than expected -- the wide legs don't work on me; the matching tanks that go with the pants, and about 6 shirts. I also have a jacket and matching skirt in the works (a fun houndstooth plaid) and 2 shirts for hubby AND laid out the fabrics and patterns for the next round of power sewing. I probably would have gotten everything completed this weekend, but most of my sewing yesterday took place on the commercials!!

  8. I finished a shirt for Mario for Christmas - black shirting with leopard print for the under-cuffs, inside collar band and inside yoke, with contrast stitching - it's a copy of something he saw while we were on vacation. Worked on a pair of pants for myself but I'm itching to get onto a project that excites me - shirts and pants I've made before, I want to do something different.

    At least you got rested up this weekend. Nothing worse than a non-sewing weekend where you don't even have the reward of resting to show for it.

    Have a good weekk.

  9. Hi!! I hope you're rested.
    This weekend, I Danced! Finished all the sewing last Thursday AM, and a few pics are on my blog. We must catch up.

  10. I feel the holidays looming over my head, and that is never good for my sewing. I must bail out of costume problems for the children. I need a new Thanksgiving dress. However, I also need to do a lot of "stuff" for all the standard holidays plus 6 of the kids' birthdays (which start on Wednesday, and stretch until Feb). I hope you get some face time with your machine next weekend!

  11. Sounds like you did just what your body and your psyche needed. Women need to take time out more often, good for you!

  12. Little sewing going on here I am at the block fusing phase on my coat. But, I have 3, count them 3, things cut out. No sewing on any of them!

  13. I'd probably depress you further if I told you what I sewed this weekend, so we'll leave that alone. I think you did the right thing - a little downtime to take care of yourself is not a bad thing!

  14. ahhh. Carolyn .- that you understand. sewing also has to be a way to relax. I had to sew, but out of necessity because my customers are waiting. Have a good week. Paco

  15. I enjoyed the weekend by sewing a pencil skirt in a beautiful soft pink wool plaid to the background of a Project Runway DVD. I was so proud at how good it came out. Now all I have to do is wait for the temperature to go way down so that I can wear it to work.

  16. Glad to know you're well rested. What movies did you see?

    Now you can return to sewing energized, good for you!


  17. I'm working on a fabulous dress (Vogue 8313), sort of an "homage" to Michelle Obama's turquoise dress she wore in Denver . . . mine's in red, hope to wear it in a celebratory fashion next Wednesday!

  18. my mojo has been gone! i spent the weekend working. i don't have to go back to work until sunday so hopefully some sewing, crocheting, and early voting will go on in the next few days!

  19. No sewing here. I pulled almost all of the fabric out of its resting places. DH looked at all of the fabric and said that sewing is not a hobby, it is an obession. Later, he said that it looks like somebody was putting me out of the house. My sewing room looks like a fabric bomb went off.

    He went to put the shelving unit together and some fool had taken the bolts out of the box. So now I'm stuck until he gets more bolts. UGH.

  20. Believe it or not, I did sew. But I made a pair of pants that turned into a wadder. It was a stretch crepe mystery fabric that just grew and grew and grew. No saving those pants

  21. I did sew just not what I had planned to, I made myself a new ironing board cover and it came out very nice, you can see it on my blog. Don't worry your sewing mojo will be back.

  22. Dear Carolyn, I'm so glad you had a chance to rest. I do hope you can spend a little quality time with your sewing machine this next weekend! What will you be working on?

  23. I made two knit tops - had planned on making three but it didn't work out that way. We should all heed the call of rest, it is important.

  24. My sewing mojo crept back this weekend, so I picked up where I left off on a jacket that has been hanging around for 3 weeks, but now that the temps are in the high 40s, not sure it will be suitable.

  25. No actual sewing here either this weekend. (But I did cut out a skirt and vintage apron.)
    Carolyn I've been a lurker on your blog for quite a while now... So let me take this opportunity to tell you how much you inspire me. So even if you don't sew for a few days, you have inspired others to do so. Thank you!

  26. Definitely, I am a big believer in hibernation. Animals do it, why shouldn't we? I spent the weekend panicking (DD left for Korea early Monday morning) and crying and eating chocolate (ice cream, cookies, etc).

  27. No sewing here at the moment. Last weekend was my birthday and I went to see DD at her university for parent's weekend. It was a birthday surprise from my DH. Had a blast. Just got the cast off of my hand and start physical therapy next week to regain mobility. Hopefully, I'll be back at my sewing machine soon.


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