
Monday, October 27, 2008

This is how I actually spent my weekend

Or as a subtitle, "If you can't sew...plan!" *LOL*

Instead of sewing I made plans for my Christmas sewing...yeap, I'm dedicating December to making Christmas presents. One, because if I get the items sewn that I want in November...I will have plenty of new clothing to see me through an abbreviated work month...ummm, I'm in jeans and twinsets that last week of the month because I'm one of the few people in the office.

And two, I bought a boatload of flannel last year...supposedly to make pjs, which I didn't! So this year...except for my mother...everyone is getting something made with my own two hands! I'm even pulling out the crochet hook and some stored yarn to crochet a few scarves. I made some a couple of years ago and they were a big hit so I will revisit the love again this Christmas.

Finally, I was leafing through a binder of old Sew News articles. The last time I moved, I decided to only keep the Sew News articles that I liked instead of all of the magazines. This made for a very interesting and diverse binder...but when I got to this article, I realized I had to share! It's from the ohmygosh the article doesn't have a date on it! But it was back when the magazine was in the larger format and the title of the article is "Stash Management" by Michele Shoesmith.

So you know where I'm going right?! *LOL* Anyway, here is the opening paragraph:

"The simple truth about fabric is that most of us have enough on hand to create several wardrobes. Each and every purchase was essential in order to maintain our mental health andstimulate our creative spirit. Of course, the next time we're in the fabric store, another wonderful fabric calls to us, begging to be purchased. We're most happy to oblige even though we know we haven't a nook or cranny to store another piece."
Those simple but oh so true statements got me! The article goes on to describe ways to store fabric, folding techniques, fabric arrangement and a fabric file.

I really wish I had the date so that others could go back in their Sew News collection and read the article for themselves and I can see that I have been "stash managing" for some time! *LOL*

That's it for tonight...just wanted to share a little of what's going on in my sewing world...


  1. Yea you. It sounds like you had a good weekend, productive even - may not have been the type of productivity you wanted, but . . . g

  2. That's wonderful that you're making all your Christmas gifts! I wish I could be on your list. Very thoughtful and in the spirit of the times.

  3. pjs does sound like a great idea seeing that its getting colder now
    I didn't know you crochet, scarves make really great gifts

  4. Bravo on the handmade gifts! Gift giving has really gotten out of control, and I believe that people truly treasure a gift that's made by the heart and hands of the giver.

  5. Oh you're lucky you can craft in December! With international shipping deadlines, I've got to get all of mine done and gone by the first week of November. Buuuut, I'm about halfway through at the minutes so I'm hoping I'll finish in time!

  6. I envy that you will start your christmas presents in December and that you will be picking up your crochet hook.

  7. Making your gifts are the best. I have an idea for you I used last year. Felt games for younger kids. I blogged about it. My kids love playing with them and the hangman helps with spelling :)
    I try to always make my gifts.
    Enjoy your sewing moments!

  8. I made all but a few gifts last year as our extended family has gotten too large to purchase something for everyone and no one can agree on a system for picking names. Last year was hat and scarves (fabric or crocheted). This year is fabric shopping bags, messenger bags, and a few more scarves. I started in September and hope to be done by early December but Halloween costumes that have come up at the almost last minute are delaying this week's christmas sewing.

    Have fun w/ the gift sewing.


  9. I plan to sew for many of the people on my Christmas list, too. I can't say I'll do it all in December, though. If I wait, some people may not get their gifts. I remember one year, I wrapped the uncut fabric and pattern, gave the package to the intended recipient, then took it back and sewed it after Christmas!

  10. I made 7 pairs of pj's last year and will probably do it again this year, I always buy flannel when it's on sale and when Wal-Mart got rid of their fabric dept. I really stocked up. Good luck with the stash mgt., I use to have a fabric inventory on my computer but lost it when it crashed and haven't done a new one.

  11. That well to begin already with the presents of Christmas! I have desire also

  12. some days you can, some days you can't. Your blog is inspiring to me. I found your blog about a week ago. You go girl! Oh by the way, I learn a long time ago never worry about having too much fabric.

  13. Carolyn, I'm thinking along the same line as you for Christmas gifts. But like you I need to get some "me" sewing out of the way (November) before I start.


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