
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Retail Therapy

or how I avoided jail by going shopping!

Today was NOT a good day at work for me! Today was the kind of day that gives me a better understanding of how someone goes plum loco and ends up killin' people! So to avoid any serious jail time and losing my opportunity to vote for Obama on Tuesday ('cause every vote counts!), I hit the streets in search of a yard or two of fabric. I seriously needed something to soothe my soul because I was planning on jackin' someone up!

I headed over to my man, Kashi, at Metro Textiles knowing that I would find something that would bring a smile to my face and joy to my beleaguered soul. Of course I was NOT disappointed! Now right here I need to stop and pat myself on the back...because I was in a foul, foul mood when I boarded the "C" Train for Times Square. However, I did not go overboard and purchase hundreds of dollars and yards and yards of fabric.

Instead I purchased 5 yards of a wool/poly/lycra doubleknit (thanks Meg for letting me know he had some!), 5 yards of a rayon stretch lining in nude and 2 yards of a black/white paisley knit. I escaped with only 12 yards...12 yards of retail therapy! Now this totally up blows my stats for the month but I don't care! I don't even care that I don't really have any place to put this! All I care about is that I spent some serious time out of the office (y'all don't think I did that in a hour and went back to work now do you?), calmed the heck down and was able to deal with the 2.5 hours I had left - especially since an hour of it was spent in a meeting.


Nude rayon stretch lining, black doubleknit, blk/wht paisley knit

black doubleknit and wht/blk paisley knit

nude lining and black doubleknit (can you tell I'm loving the doubleknit!)

Okay that's it, I'm out! I have fabric to fondle and a new Threads to read!!!!


  1. Good for you girlfriend! Every once in a while you have to let off steam and buying fabric is one of the best ways I know!

  2. I hope the rest of your day went better!! Sorry :( I hate days like that. Work can, sometimes, SUCK. :D

  3. New Threads! Where's mine???? DH doesn't DARE hide stuff like that from me!

    Seriously - great idea to get out of the office and spend some quality time with fabric. I especially love the paisley.


  4. I bet just walking into the store made a serious dent in the mood before you even got to the fondling fabric part! Glad he was open and able to help you buy just enough fabric--for today!

    The fabrics are fabulous!

  5. An early TGIF to you, Carolyn. I'm loving that b/w paisley. Is it knit or twill?

  6. Please Hammer, don't hurt 'em! Glad the retail therapy worked.

  7. Oh, isn't it amazing how touching beautiful fabrics can calm you down?! I feel like this too...Hope you feel better now!

  8. Glad retail therapy worked. I hope the rest of your day was much better.

    I love that paisley knit. Is it cotton?

  9. Double knit sounds so good right now...

  10. Good for you!My husband thinks i'm a little weird walking around the store feeling the fabrics LOL.Now he waits outside!
    I've never thought of nude lining........mmmm have to go shopping:)

  11. Even if you killed somebody on Thursday, chances are you still would have been able to vote for Obama on Tuesday. Since this is your first offense and you have ties to the community, I'm sure you would have been released on bail! As long as you haven't been convicted yet, you could vote for OBAMA! LOL Like you said, every vote counts!

  12. Hang in there! It's too bad they pushed you to a fabric store but I'm glad you had something to soothe you.

    Love the fabrics.

  13. Love me the doubleknit! I bought some in red from Kashi, and as soon as I finish my blasted coat I'm making a BWOF jacket out of it.

  14. I love to go fabric shopping when I've had a bad day. It helps.

  15. Ah, fabric shopping always makes me feel better too : ) And that new threads couldn't have come at a better time. I'm putting together my own chocolate brown velvet jacket, so the "how to sew velvet" article is mint.

    Hope you get more sewing done this weekend!

  16. Anger management refined!

  17. I hate those days. Sometime the only thing that saves people is the thought that they don't allow needles and thread in jail. Glad it helped!!

  18. ooo that paisley is rocking my world :)

  19. I was feeling the same as you on Tuesday. We are in a deadline period for grants submissions and Tuesday was a "BEAR" of a day. For lunch I hopped in my car, drove over to Vogue Fabrics, and brought three cuts of knit fabric. Ah! what soothe relief.

    You picked up some great pieces during your therapy session.

    Happy Sewing!

  20. Definitely cheaper and safer than either therapy or jail. I really like that print - Kashi definitely is the man.

  21. I love that doubleknit. Is the lining stretch woven or knit?

  22. That paisley is fabulous! Shopping for fabric is a zen, put you in the zone, type of thing that can be nothing but good for the soul.

  23. I so love the double knit. Great fabric haul!

  24. Oh, the fabrics you chose are simply gorgeous! I especially love the paisley. I can't wait to see what beautiful creations you make with them!

  25. Hi Carolyn, Sorry to hear about your bad day but, that black doubleknit sounds lovely!
    About Obama. I, along with many Canadians, are rooting for him.He and Michelle are a real class act.
    I left you a friendship award on my blog. I visit yours regularly and I feel we are kindred spirits. sewing means as much to me as it does to you. Happy Sewing

  26. Beautiful fabrics; glad the fabric therapy helped. Beautiful fabrics do make my psyche soar!

    Make that vote for Obama on Tuesday!


  27. Oh, that is some seriously nice fabric!

  28. I do the same thing on bad work days - but usually I can't leave the office on bad days (too busy), so I buy fabriconline. Not nearly as satisfying as the fabric store, but still mood-lifting!


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