
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back and Forth

Several times I've sat down to the computer to write a post...and nuthin'...absolutely, positively nuthin'! I'm just not thinking about sewing...and I don't know why?!

I'm not fabric shopping ~ even though I've filled a cart several times on Fabric Mart's site because of the 30% off the entire website sale ~ but I end up just clicking out of the site. It seems such a waste to add more luscious fabrics to an already overstuffed fabric closet.

There are no new patterns out from the Big 4, BWOF was all about evening wear and I'm just not that glam, and I'm all vintaged out! I have been on all of my normal "go to" vintage sites but the patterns all look like something I already no purchasing!

It isn't time yet for the spring fashions to hit the stores, therefore no new catalogs to oooohhh and aaaahhhh over...

So without fabric or pattern inspiration, or some challenging blog post to stir me I sit uninspired to sew. Do you think it's the time of the year? Or do you think my creative muse is resting, knowing that I won't be working much at the end of the year, knowing that it has to be up, ready and willing to go for some serious marathon sewing?

I'm left with a kind of back and forth feeling...praying that my sewing mojo will return when I need it most!


  1. Carolyn, I get this way myself. Nothing appeals to me. I already have way too much stuff, too many patterns, too much fabric, nothing really catches my eye or inspires me. It's just your mind and spirit asking for a little rest. Relax, read a book, have a cup of hot cocoa!

  2. This too shall pass. Enjoy this break. You know it will be short lived. Anything I make when I should be on a break doesn't turn out well, anyway.

  3. I get this way sometimes too. You'll be back to normal as soon as you see something that awakes your creative spirit!

    It's just like those days when you wake up, have a closet filled with magnificent clothes, but somehow you feel like you don't have anything to wear... Something is missing... You just can't pull a set together for that day and end up wearing some uninspired outfit.

  4. Hey!
    When you are on your break go to your fabric closet and admire your fabric. Touch, rearrange, group by color! I bet you won't be in there 15 minutes before you find the gem of gems that will bring your muse back.

  5. You have been wildly productive as of late. Sit on the sofa and watch bad holiday TV. The inspiration will come! I'm slowing down too, though I may have to hit the garment district over the holiday break when my office is closed.

  6. This year has brought it's own highs and lows and we may not want to admit it...we are all affected be it overdoing or underdoing or just standing still.
    I'm with Elaray....relax and enjoy a short time of reflection and gain strength and allow the vacant corners of your mind absorb new ideas and breathe deep. Inspiration comes when you least expect it and you have produced an incredible amount of clothes this year so be proud of yourself and have that cup of cocoa and celebrate a job well done.

  7. Hey Carolyn:

    I can relate to that feeling. It happens. I've been there. You can approach one of several ways. Chill for a bit and enjoy the downtime. Or, develop another hobby that you can work on while the sewing mojo returns.

    Hope your muse returns soon!


  8. I walked into a fabric store earlier this week and after playing touchy, feely with the fabric's I got back into it! But yeah, I think everyone goes thru a certain amount of that! I like what Lindsay T. said... you have been sooo busy this year! Sure can't say that you were lazy!!!
    Go thru some sewing magazines! It wouldn't hurt!

  9. You've been very productive this year and maybe a little burnt out from work. Veg out and relax; it'll come back to you. Take a look at some of the great sites like net a porter and see if something doesn't pique your interest. Or not. It will come.

  10. You should give yourself a break - you can't be productive all the time, especially when your attention is elsewhere.

    If you want to sew, why not try some of the charity sewing that is going on - Linus quilts, premie clothing, etc.? Then you may be inspired on your own.

  11. Carolyn .- to my mind many times. Sometimes, you make a suit and continuing inspiration to the next and so on. other times, I remain anchored soil and everything seems to me equally. It's also good to relax the mind from time to time. Best wishes, Paco

  12. Carolyn, RELAX! You need a break. You are the most productive person ever on a daily basis. Don't beat yourself up for a couple of days off track. I have sone the same as you on fabric web sites...wham, there goes the whole basket into never-never land. Plus it's the time of year. Even though winter is just starting, we are already thinking spring for sewing projects. I tell myself every year to be ahead of the the designers are...but it never happens.

  13. I know how it is, Carolyn. Just relax, fondle the fabric and take a breather. Cuddle up with a good book about your favorite designer or fashion icon and enjoy the holiday season. Inspiration will come.

  14. I think sewing mojo's just come and go. Don't try and fight it. Just enjoy the lead up to Christmas, party a bit and relax.

  15. I'm exactly the same at the moment, I think there's too much going on in the run up to Christmas. Don't worry I'm sure our mojos will be back soon!

  16. Time to pull out a good book and/or watch some old movies.

  17. I've just finished (more 0r less ) my Christmas sewing and would just love to get back to my Swap sewing but I know I should take a break and just do nothing for a while or I'll be overtired through Christmas. As my husband says, no matter how much you love sewing it is still energy consuming and you should just do nothing once in a while.
    So Carolyn I'm sure you'll be right back at it in no time.Get a good rest and be ready to enjoy Christmas.

  18. I am TOTALLY with you... I feel like I've been forcing myself to sit and sew lately. (and I did end up underlining that vest, and I feel better for it :)

  19. I think you need to play a bit and rest. Clean up your sewing area extra well and it will be ready when you have another project that calls out to you. Just go back and read your super busy blog posts - no wonder you need to recharge a little. Sometimes down time can be really relaxing. When I am feeling bad about not sewing anything I think of all the people who never thread a needle and somehow that soothes my soul if the sewing factory is closed temporarily. We are awfully hard on ourselves sometimes I think. mssewcrazy

  20. Carolyn: you are such an inspiration, i agree, take a break. but, here's something interesting while you chill....tonight i went to the corcoran art museum here in DC. there's a richard avedon photo exhibit, and they had the washington post's fashion writer, robin ghivan as a speaker. she was FABULOUS. she talked a lot about image and having a good eye [you have a great eye]. she talked about the Obamas and how great they both look in clothes. she said she's got a story coming out soon about the woman who is Michelle's image/fashion advisor. she said she loves fashion, but when she started out as a journalist, she just ended up in fashion because that was the opportunity she got to write. anyway, the questions were amazing, very intellectual and "washington" [e.g. a lot about power and clothes]. i was thinking that as sewists, we have so much more freedom to try things and to "express our individuality through our clothes" as Robin was saying. I am pretty sure that Robin would be totally taken with your amazing eye, your incredible work, your productivity, your creativity....and i know you deserve a break and you don't need to feel guilty about that for one nanosecond! Ruth PS this winter weather is so uninspiring. who even knows what we are wearing under all these layers, hurrying along the street just to get indoors?

  21. OHHHHH i almost forgot. she was wearing a one piece not fitted dress that looked plain except for the amazing brass zipper up the back, starting way way low, just a bit above the hem! for spring, she said we will see lots fewer dresses [boooooo] and some prints, but much less in the way of flowers and more geometrics.

  22. The way the sewing muse works with me is if I'm not excited about what I'm sewing or I've hit a knotty problem I steer clear of the sewing room. I'm wondering if the Christmas presents are not as exciting to your muse as your fabulous creations (no judgment here - it's why I don't sew many gifts :-)
    Happy Holidays and muchas gracias for sharing your gifts and your process with us!

  23. Girl, take yourself off this guilt trip. You are the last person who deserves one! Inspiration will come eventually. In the meantime, chill and watch a great movie.

  24. Hi Carolyn,
    The universe is talking to you because if you did sew something it probably would be a problem or not come out the way you want.

    Look, sometimes we're these little consumers when we really don't need to be. We have wonderful things right in front of us. Sometimes you have to just sit and stare at it then beautiful images flood the mind.

    Whatever your moments bring...enjoy them.

  25. You have described how I am feeling right now. For the life of me I just can't get the mojo going. The McCall's dress zapped my energy, so much, that I can't get the darn thing hemmed. Now I just don't want to sew, buy fabric nor patterns. I did buy JSterns tee pattern. I am on vacation after Christmas so hopefully the mojo/muse will return.

  26. Of all the wonderful sewist in blog land you are among the most inspiring. I think your mind is saying I need a break! SO, take a well deserved break and when you least expect it, that creative light will be blinking again.


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