
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Nancy's Notions Streaming Videos

I am suppose to be cleaning up my room and getting ready to go out this evening for holiday festivities. Instead I'm surfing the internet and watching Nancy's Notions videos!

Now, I received an email when Nancy Ziemen first started posting her videos to the internet, watched one or two and promptly forgot about them! *shame, shame on me!* Today while reading something on Patternreview, I happened across this blog, "Eyelets in the Seams". And as usual when I'm visiting someone's blog for the first time, I check out their blog roll.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I happened upon the link to Nancy's Notions streaming videos...and probably my date's horror because I've been glued to my computer since! *LOL* But seriously, I do have a few hours left to get ready...and I've favorited the site and you should too!

So here it is: Sewing with Nancy TV. Of course, it's already done its job because I've ordered a book, pattern and DVD from the site! I am soooo excited because I really want to try this jacket idea out!

More later!!!


  1. I just checked out the link, thanks. I'm hooked on it too, lol. :):):)


  2. I've had that site in my bookmarks folder for ages and check ever so often to see if they've added any new goodies. Glad you "refound" it!

  3. I like Nancy's video's too.
    I periodically check in to see if they add new ones.
    What video/book/pattern did you buy? The swing Jacket? It's a nice style.

  4. What I enjoy most of all is that I can now watch her shows online. Thanks to my PBS station which no longer airs any sewing shows(that's a rant) I must now be more resourceful. I too would like to know what Jacket/book/dvd you purchased. BTW always check the clearance section. I was able to purchase some dvds for $2 ;-)

  5. Am I doing something wrong? I couldn't get any of the video's to play at all?! All I got was a advert for a movie. Any ideas anyone?

  6. Ok, it worked this time!! Lol!

  7. Thanks, Carolyn, for the heads up! I have missed one of my favorite pass time: "Blogging." I love visit your place in cyberspace. You are such an inspiration. With each visit I am motivated to press on in spite of the lack of available time to sew and blog. Thank you again for continuously expressing your passion for all thing sewing.

  8. Thanks for the link. I'm hooked now!

  9. I love Nancy, her books, videos, TV show, etc.....Thanks for the link.


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