
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sale - a 4 letter word for joy!

I have never been able to avoid the psychological effects of the word, "Sale!" especially when the word is used in the same breathe or sentence as fabric!

So of course, yesterday when I received an email from Fabric Mart stating that for two days only they were offering an additional 10% off the 30% off sale they were presently conducting on their site, I was helpless to resist! As I've shared previously, I've been on the site several times filling and unfilling a shopping cart...well, that cart has been filled and bought and paid for! *LOL*

Now you and I both know that I don't NEED another piece of fabric. This purchase was strictly about the psychological effects of the word - Sale! However, I did manage in my "sale induced haze" to restrict myself to only four classic pieces...pieces that can stand the test of time and remain on the shelves of my fabric closet for several years...yet emerge in the future still being relevant to fashion at that time!

And shouldn't a good fabric closet/collection contain relevant pieces at every stage of your creative process? This is how I have broken down/obtained/collected my closet ~ 75% are basic fabrics in solid colors and in my favorite to sew fabrics. 15% is in accent colors...things like bright red, purples and oranges...colors that aren't the mainstay of my wardrobe but can add a little spice to a creation. The last 10% would be prints.

Personally, I try not to purchase alot of prints especially if I'm not going to sew them right out of the box...and you know how rarely that occurs! In my opinion prints have a "use by" date. To me prints are closely tied to trends and specific fashion periods, which mean that they do not age my storage of them is limited.

Getting back to my sale induced haze, 40% off some really great quality fabrics was just too great a deal to pass up! And with the way the economy is going these days, I'm really starting to think of my fabric collection as an investment...something that will allow me to continue to turn out wonderful garments far into the future and at a time when my financial resources may not be as stable as they are now!

A few pieces of information about the is a 2 day sale that started yesterday and ends this evening at midnight EST. The coupon code is "CHEER". When you enter it into the coupon box the additional 10% comes off the total after you spend $75 and I'm sorry because my international readers can't participate in this sale...Fabric Mart only ships to the US and Canada.

Other than that there is NOOOOO sewing going on here! No pattern purchasing either...but a few choice pieces will soon start to make the journey to my home! Maybe I'll wrap them up and place them under the Christmas tree! *LOL* Cause a beautiful piece of quality fabric always is a balm to my weary soul!


  1. Fabric is beautiful, the sale at the Mart is the perfect drug for anyone who has the fabric addiction like me. lol I'm not getting much sewing done either. After work I'm running erands or shopping almost every night.


  2. Unless you are planning on using it right away... (and you did say it was for storage... right?) I would put it under the tree! Why not? Seems to me that any extra persusion to family members that yes indeed even "Santa" knows that you "love" fabric is incentive to them to buy gift cards or what have you towards something you love!
    Besides... it is hard to pass up a sale! I went into Hancock Fabric's last night... just too look! LoL and found that they had their NuFoam on "sale"! So, I was able to get a new mattress for our dog! She needed a Christmas present too!
    Enjoy your acquisition!

  3. I've been known to wrap things I really wanted for myself. Nothing like a present you really want to make the day complete! Love the fabric sale; thanks for sharing the code. As for prints, I only buy classic florals unless I'm planning to use it immediately; I agree that prints seem dated after a time.

  4. Interesting point about the prints. Prints definitely can be "dated". I tend to pick solids, too, and wear very few prints, I wonder if that is the subconscious reason. At any rate, there's no reason you shouldn't have purchased what you did - it's beautiful fabric and can be easily be used in many ensembles.

  5. One of the items immediately caught my eye as you fairly recently made a great dress in a similar shade that I thought especially suited you. The colour was what we Brits call airforce blue and you call cadet blue. As ever, I look forward to seeing what you do with your purchases but especially that one. OllieV

  6. Just bought that seafoam silk crepe too. It's scrumptious!

  7. Yep, that sale sucked me in too. That, and the bag stuffers. I got 4 pieces--turquoise green merino wool jersey, sherpa/pleather, aubergine pile backed with quilted nylon taffeta, and black and white boucle. Hopefully, I'm officially "done" for awhile, since I have a visit to Satin Moon in San Francisco in at the end of January!

  8. Carolyn, you are right on about the prints. In fact, the book you got me hooked on (Jackie Kennedy the White House Years) shows how Jackie favored all solids except for a beautiful check like your gorgeous version of the great suit! I also like the way you think of your fabric collection as an investment. Funny but I have often thought the same way about my coat fabric collection. You know, if I'm down and out at least I have the makings of a great warm coat!

  9. Oh, must. . . resist. . . temptation. . . Carolyn, you are SUCH an enabler!!

  10. I am always enticed by the eye-catching prints at the fabric store. But the reality is that I like wearing solids day to day. They just aren't as exciting to buy! But nice quality solids, like you have there, are like pure gold in the stash!

  11. I *knew* you would not be able to resist that latest sale :-) The fabrics are lovely!


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