
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Burda World of Fashion

I love Burda World of Fashion pattern magazines. Today I realized that I've been collecting them for a dozen years...yeap, that's right...I have 12 years full of BWOF magazines...and I've made maybe three things from them...*LOL* Because until lately I thought of them primarily as a fashion magazine...the patterns were just extra!

Now how did I finally realize that I have so many years and so many copies of BWOF? I've spent the day cleaning, organizing and painting...I've lived in my apartment for four years now and I've finally made some decisions about how I want some things to go...took long enough huh?! *LOL*

Anyway, the bookcase that broke a couple of months ago, was fixed by my very resourceful daughter...and I reloaded it with magazine cases full of BWOF:

So in honor of organization, I have a giveway. I found one extra copy of the May 2007 issue. If you want it, it's yours. Just leave a message in this post's comments section from now until Friday, February 27th. I will pick one name from the hat Friday evening and let you know who gets it.

Parting shot:

The new color of my kitchen. I now need new kitchen curtains but that is an easy task! So no sewing this weekend...I have an engagement tomorrow during the day and I will be stuck in front of my TV tomorrow evening watching the Red Carpet events before the Academy Awards show.

Sewing will resume next weekend!


  1. I love your sense of organization. You are a babe after my own heart! Doesn't it feel great when things are in order?

  2. I saw the cover of the Burda-- right after doing sketches for my summer wardrobe- ironically much of which is dresses.

    I am a big fan of the blog... You make some really beautiful things!

  3. Carolyn, love the way you organized your Burda. Mine got so heavy they broke the drawer on my file cabinet. In truth I have traced quite a few patterns and not made up a one. I don't know why. Like you I look at them as a fashion forecast rather than sewing projects. And funny how the catalog Burdas that I have made up have fit great. Go figure. I really like the blue you picked for your kitchen.
    Have fun watching the Oscars. We have two of our native Rhode Islanders in the running this year, so there are quite a few "Oscar" parties that local celebs are hosting. Richard Jenkins and Viola Davis are both locals that have done really well in Hollywood. Good luck to both of them!

  4. I'd love another Burda Magazine. I'm late to the Burda world. I discovered them less than a year ago so I have only a few BWOF magazines but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Burda Plus. I subscribe now and I don't think I'm giving it up anytime soon. Please enter me in for the drawing and thank you for sharing your sewing adventures.

    CarlaF-in Atlanta

  5. Your burda collection looks like my old Sew Beautiful magazines when my girls were younger. I only made a couple of things from the pattern inserts but mostly used them for inspiration.
    I love the way you organized the collection. I recently bought a burda plus size issue online and a few oop burda patterns. My only sort of tnt patterns now are an oop burda tank pattern that I love and the burda one seam pants sewn as capris ( # 3215 and 3216). All these years of sewing and yet last years sewing of these burdas were the first ones I ever owned. I definitely want to be put into the hat for the burda drawing. mssewcrazy

  6. Hi,
    Its getting to be that time with spring cleaning and all. I love the kitchen color! Count me in for that burda drawing! Thanks.

  7. 2009 marks the first year of my subscribing to BWOF. I may borrow your organization system.

  8. Organizing can feel so satisfying. I picked up an issue of BWOF at an AM/PM when I was in Costa Rica. I'd love for it to be so accessible here in the US!

  9. I love Burda! and would love to receive your extra copy!

    I just subscribed and so far I have one copy of Burda. After discovering Burda plus I went crazy and bought two copies of the Spring 2008 issue and one of the Fall. I am hoping to trace my first pattern this weekend.

    Also, I love the color of your kitchen! It looks just like the color of my room. It is so soothing and inspiring at the same time.

  10. *squeals* I have been trying to find a copy of BWOF in my area for a few months now with no luck, count me in.

  11. Oh, I love the color of your kitchen! It's so serene. And pretty!

    I have that issue (and a whole lot of others), so don't enter me in the giveaway. I looked and I have every issue of Threads going back to 1989, the one with the Bonnie Cashin coat on the cover. That's scary to me!

  12. Oh, please pick me! I promise I'll make something out of it in fabric that's the same pretty robin's egg blue as your kitchen. :)

  13. I'm a newbie to Burda, so I'm up for adding to my tiny collection of three! lol. Great color blue for your kitchen, too!

  14. Don't put me in for the drawing but I have to say that you and I are on the same time-line for getting stuff organized. We've lived in our house for almost 5 years and My Honey FINALLY hung the bedroom curtains a couple of weeks ago.

    A girl has to get the FEEL of the place before making a decision, don't you think?

  15. One of the blogs I read; said that she feels like sometimes it's hard to be creative & tidy! So, as far as I'm concerned... that's the story I'm telling for now on! LoL... I mean a girl only has sooo much time. As long as I know where things are... that's all that matters right? But 3 cheers for you! (I do get on cleaning jogs every now and then) It is nice to be organized, and I do manage once in a while. It just seems that things get thrown into my sewing room a lot. I guess I need to move it downstairs and then it won't be quite so handy for us to do that! Sorry, I went off on a tangent!
    Have a great weekend!

  16. By the way, (yes it's me again... sorry!) I wanted to tell you that I like the blue that you painted. It looks nice. Painting is hard work! Some of the home make over/DIY shows make it look sooo easy! Guess it's just not my thing, probably cause I do a terrible job of it! LoL... guess we can't win it all!

  17. Hi, winning the Burda issue will motivate me to finally make something from Burda! Mo

  18. I'm surprised to hear you have made so few things from Burda, given the amount of sewing you do. I would love to be included in the draw if you are willing to post OS. I am a recent convert to Burda and am now making more and more from the magazine.
    I rally enjoy reading your blog, thanks for sharing it with us!

  19. I've never sewn from BWOF. Everyone who does seems to love them though, and I know they are curvier than the big four, from what I've read. of course, i'll never be as talented as you, but it's something to aspire to. I'd love the issue if you pick me.

  20. I feel like the only sew-er in the world who doesn't subscribe to BWOF!

    So please enter me in the drawing :)

    Btw, I really like the color of your kitchen!

    Pam ~Off The Cuff~

  21. I've got only 5 years of BWOFs and storage is beginning to be a problem. I've told myself I wouldn't accumulate more than 5 yrs, but I'm sure I was lying to myself! If I could only fit another bookcase in my tiny sewing room ………………

  22. I just love the summer issues. They are so easy to wear.

  23. Would love a chance to win a Burda magazine! Read your blog ALL the time and have done so for ages and ages.

  24. Love that blue- my fav color combo is that blue and red.

    Please put me in for the Burda drawing :) :) :) and on behalf of blogland, thank you for being so generous!

  25. I am about to embark on organizing my Burda...although I only go back a year. Thanks for showing how to organize the mags. I have found a true love for burda sizing! love to be in the drawing.thank you.

  26. I just want to say that this is a phenomenal edition. I think I've made three garments from it alone.

  27. Your kitchen looks awesome!!! Having recently painted my own I know what a chore it is to pull out all the appliances, paint the skinny spot between the cabinets and the counter...gah! I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

    I love that you have all those BWOFs. I keep buying them, keep tracing things, and never, ever sewing them!

  28. Thanks for the compliments! I'd like that Burda issue, so enter me! :)

  29. Love your new kitchen color and I would love to win the BWOF...that happens to be one I DON'T have!!!

  30. You have been so inspirational to me. I love that you are always sewing and enjoying it. I would love to try something from Burda. Thanks for having the give away.

  31. Please Carolyn, enter me for the BWOF issue.

    I should follow your exemple and store my sewing magazines (and others) the way you do. Someday... When the "organizing mojo" will be back.

  32. Like LindsayT, I am new to Burda WOF this year. I own a grand total of.... two issues, Jan & Feb 09. Love 'em. Wish I had subscribed long ago.

  33. Ironic, I spent a good portion of yesterday reorganizing my sewing room after scavenging two audio piers. I had to move the binders full of patterns from upper shelves to lower shelves, those darn things become very heavy.

    Pretty color for your kitchen... is there some telepathy going on - I painted my kitchen 2 weeks ago...hehe

  34. Ha! funny, I hardly have any Burda's (I think about 4) but that just happens to be one of them. There are some great patterns in it though, I made a shirt dress from it and it came out alright, though DH hates it, but I think he just hates shirt dresses.

    Love the new colour in your kitchen!

  35. Love the new color in the kitchen, very nice. I would love a copy of Burda.

  36. I can't find any BWOF locally, so I've never even touched one, much less owned one. Please count me in!

  37. That is very funny. Your cupboard is a 1:1 copy of mine. I organize my Burda Fashion magazine the same way you do, even the cupboard and folder colour is the same.

  38. oooh, Pick me!

    Nice color Blue. I am in the midst of painting my bedroom a similar shade. Good luck to me.

  39. Wao, give away BWOF, I would love to have one. I have never tried it before and I have been thinking lately on how to get one. I am sure you are really ready for spring/summer , once everywhere is organised, you will be moivated to do lots of sewing....Have fun

  40. Always glad to enter any type of sewing give away. Blue's my fav color.

  41. Great color for your kitchen. And what a wealth of BWOF issues! Time to try a few more of their patterns ;)

    PS (not commenting to be in the draw, I have the issue)

  42. Congrats on getting more organized ... I'm still a wannabe organized person! lol I have years of Sew Beautiful, Creative Needle, AS&E from sewing for kids but I desperately want to sew for myself now. You are the greatest inspiration where that's concerned! I'd love to have the BWOF since, ooh, should I even admit it, I've never seen one but everyone talks about how much they love it!

  43. Great job getting organized. Glad you were able to get your bookshelf fixed. I've never seen a BWOF (other than pictures online)...

  44. I would love a Burda magaine. I have never had one and all I see on the web are rave's about it. Did I mention that your's is my favorite blog? I love that you have a signature style with your pipings and border prints etc. You have great style!!!
    P.S. That was meant sincerely, even if you don't allow me to have the magazine.
    Sally D.

  45. I'd like to be the winner of the BWOF magazine. I did get the satin piping I asked about. I'm anticipating your next garment. Loved the LBD and the felted jacket.
    Joyce in NC

  46. I love BWOF, too, although am just now starting my collection.
    What a pretty color blue your kitchen is.

  47. Well I hate to be just a sheep, following the herd but I would love to be in the Burda draw. I am also "shamed" by the organization of your Burdas. I have every issue I have stacked in a corner of my bedroom. And that's supposed to be the most serene room in the home. LOL. Actually, I have had my sub. less than a yr.

    Karendee aka Karen

  48. I think I meant flock above!


  49. The blue kitchen is wonderful.
    I haven't yet subscribed to BWOF, but after seeing so many luscious garments made from it, I may have to start getting it.

  50. Wow, lots of comments and drawing requests already, but toss my name into the hat, too, please!

    Good for you on getting your painting done. I'm sure the curtains will come together quickly.

    I've been reading your blog for about three months now and I'm completely inspired. I've even started my own blog to keep myself motivated and sewing (when my two little boys let me!).


  51. boy, lots of people sure do love BWOF! I don't feel so bad now about having only made a few things from a year and half worth of magazines after reading your track record. You're right though, they are wonderful as fashion magazines too

  52. I'd love the Burda. I've heard such great things about it, but never actually looked through one.

  53. Don't enter me into the giveaway - I just wanted to leave a comment. I'm organized that way with my magazine collections also - although I still have most of my Burdas from the mid 1990s I did let my subscription laspe for quite a few years. Also, I love the blue you choose for your kitchen. It's close to what my son and his girlfriend choose for their living area. They accented with cream and brown and it is an incredibly calming yet gorgeous room.

  54. Yes, please count me in on your Burda giveaway; I just started collecting them last year and would love to have the May '07 issue. Thanks!

  55. Love love love the blue in your kitchen. What will your curtains be like?

    I would love the burda issue too! Pretty please!

  56. Hi,
    I would love to win a BWOF - I have never even seen one - so this would be a great intro to it.

  57. Looks like a pretty cool issue. I'm in!! :-)

  58. Ooooh, that pre-dates my subscription so I will throw my name into the hat. I see some dresses that I love in it!

    That blue looks similar to the blue I painted my bedroom. I love, love, love the color.

  59. Oh, oh, me, me. I would so love the extra copy of Burda. I went to NYC in August and went to Universal news and Around the World to get copies of whatever I could find. I have made one thing and only a minor alteration needed. Burda WOF is awesome. I like the color you painted, very similar to my sewing room. You have inspired me to get organized!!!

  60. Would love that Burda issue!! and i do have to say I'm drooling after your 12 yr collection!! you have a jewel there!! pls share your treasure extra Burda with me! ;o)

  61. Yes indeed, I would like this lovely extra issue!

  62. Pick me, pick me, pleeassse. I've been dying for a Burda World of Fashion magazine. I plan to treat myself to a 6 month subscription for my b-day. I would love to get a copy to sample. Love your new kitchen color - I had a blue room in previous home. I really need to get in my sewing space and organize. As always, I enjoy your blog.

  63. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    I want in, too.

  64. Oh my... please please pick me Ma'am. I live in Japan and I have been searching for the magazine in foreign sections of all the bookstores in the heart of Tokyo with no luck. :(

  65. your kitchen color rocks; i would love that, however we need to be *conservative* my dh says ... bah humbug on that ...

    would love the burda mag, also ... i need a new wardrobe; nothing fits anymore ...


  66. your kitchen color rocks; i would love that, however we need to be *conservative* my dh says ... bah humbug on that ...

    would love the burda mag, also ... i need a new wardrobe; nothing fits anymore ...


  67. Just discovered your blog (it's great!) and am new to the BWOF (just subscribed!) ... would love to receive the May issue. Thx!

  68. I haven't ever looked through a Burda magazine. I so enjoy your blog and all it's inspiration. Thank you.

  69. Carolyn, I love the color of your kitchen. I love your blog and visit often! Thank you for your inspiration always!

  70. Hello Marie!

    That is my middle name too! I am so glad I found your blog! I will have to search a bit further to find out exactly where you are. I would love to list you on mine. Is that cool? Please let me know. I am having a giveaway next month so be sure to check it out. You may be pleasantly surprised! ~Kindle

  71. Hi Marie,
    I love your blog and I love how you organize yourself to do all the sewing you do. Once I was like that ,now you have been my inspiration to get the sewing in daily basis in my life again. I am taking everything out of my sewing room to clean and paint. Believe me when I say I have more fabrics, notions and patterns that what I will use to the end of my days.
    I already organized all the patterns. The ones I will sell in ebay (vintage vogue), the ones I gave away, and others that I will keep. I did well on this.
    Keep it up, you are an inspiration to many people. And yes, sign me in your Burda magazine draw.

  72. Oooh, I'd love that copy! Loving your new kitchen color too! Will you be making your new kitchen curtains? I seem to remember you saying you didn't like home dec sewing. I love it. No fitting required!

  73. Delurking to say how much I enjoy following your sewing pursuits... It makes me think I'm sewing vicariously. Would love to see a BWOF in person.

  74. Caroly .- ahhh .... that sound. I hope this serves as an example and I get to order my magazines.

    great color of the kitchen.

    greetings, Paco

  75. Just spent all weekend organizing my sewing room and swapping furniture around in the house...feels great, doesn't it?! :)

  76. Would love to have the magazine! Just really getting inspired in my sewing again, and your blog is great fun!

  77. Blue is my favorite color as well and I am focusing on sewing you guessed it summer dresses. I would love to be placed in the drawing!!! Oh and I also enjoy your site. I just started blogging and its alot of fun.

  78. Oh, I would so love to win this! I blog-hopped over to your blog (don't even remember where I started!) and am looking forward to checking out the things you've made. :)

  79. Please enter me in the BWOF give-away. I always enjoy your sewing blog.

  80. Now that is truly superb organisation! And I'll throw my hat into the draw for the BWOF giveaway too.

  81. I love that Burda sometimes includes petite patterns and the May '07 issue is one of them. Thanks for the opportunity to throw my name into the hat!

  82. I'm a total sewing newbee and would love to try my hands on some patterns. Count me in please!

  83. Almost overlooked this one. Count me in.

  84. Can I have it because I don't have a magazine yet?

  85. Hi Carolyn, Loooove your blog and call by often. I've just started back into sewing and only recently found out about the wonderful world of pattern magazines and sewing blogs. I have some BWOFs from 2008 (and the Dec 08 issue should be in our newsagents today) however it would be great to win a back issue from 2007 (and I will definitely make something from it and send you a photo). I didn't enter earlier since I live in Australia, but just read that you would post internationally - thanks!

  86. Summer dresses- that's what I need! Please put me in the drawing too!

  87. I'd love to have that issue.

  88. Hope I'm not to late. Love Burda World of Fashion.

  89. Isn't organizing great? Especially with a small NYC apartment!

  90. Love BWOF!! Would love to win. Also LOVE the color of your kitchen walls.

  91. Wow, that is a lot of burda magazines, I am jealous! Of that and your organization! Would love to be put in the draw for that issue...


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