
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Making a list

Lately my thoughts have been turning towards's not hard to do. The spring clothes are arriving in the stores...the spring catalogues are arriving in the mail...and all of the fashion magazines have spreads on spring clothing...even Oprah!

But realistically speaking, it is still winter where I live...and no amount of floral fabrics, bright colors or summer fabrics is gonna make that go away or spring come faster. So what is a sewist to do? Make a list! *LOL* Now my list is not comprised of garments to sew for spring...but a few pieces that I could reasonably complete before the soft breezes of spring start to flow through my windows.

I've also decided that right now, at this particular moment, I am most comfortable in dresses and my list is primarily comprised of dresses. Dresses drawn from glossy magazine pictures...dresses drawn from my vintage collection (yes, I've been chomping at the bit for spring to come to use some of them!)...dresses drawn from something that I've imagined and would like to make and wear.

My list also has a few cardigans on it...I don't know if it's a nod to our new First Lady or not but in my day to day activities, I am more comfortable in a dress and cardigan or twinset and skirt. So I'm going to apply a little "Corporate Chic" to them, and take them up a notch so that they are above the norm and applicable for my workplace.

I have a list, some direction and plenty of fabric and patterns to play with...and I can't wait to get started!!!


  1. I say start sewing now. You will be all ready for spring. It feels good to sew with summer fabrics in the pit of winter.

  2. Carolyn, I love the picture you posted. Where is it from, and do you have a pattern in mind for the details?? (I'm assuming a base of TNT dress?)

  3. I had to laugh so hard when I read your post about spring time. At my place we have loads and loads and loads of snow right now, in fact I just posted some pics of it on my blog. Hence I'm not in the mood for sewing spring clothes, at all. I'm doing a classic blazer, but this is more like an all-season kind of garment.

  4. I guess living in Texas, where this morning is 50 deg and this afternoon is 80, I am saying go ahead and do it. You will be ready with some outfits for that first "warm" day. That way you can savor the sewing and planning a bit more.

  5. So, you gonna post the list??? Anon in ire

  6. I really need new spring things as I have several events on the horizon ( one requires travel and minimum 2 nice outfits) so I look forward to your fashion ideas. I need to get a twinset pattern fitted up as I know I would love wearing those-yours are always so nice. Keep the ideas coming. mssewcrazy

  7. I would love to see your list too! Please share!:)

  8. I *so* have to agree. It is frustrating wanting to sew pretty light weight fabrics when you get another 6" of snow dumped in your yard like we did last night. At least we can still dream . . .

  9. I love that picture, I trust you can accomplish a lot before summer, I can't wait to see the finished project. I was so delighted when I saw your comment on my blog, thanks so much. I hope I can do half of what you do. You are always an inspiration.
    Take care and happy sewing

  10. Ok...I stumbled on your blog a few days ago(you know how you start off one place on the computer and end up somewhere else?)and it got my sewing itch started again. I haven't done any garment sewing in at least 10 years - been quilting like crazy! I went and bought Burda 8116 and some fun knit and it's all YOUR fault!!! lol

    Lori in VA

  11. Making a list and checking it twice. ;-)
    I did that for spring and summer. It's a "physical" list actually. I selected the patterns I want to make and put them in a shoes box, all together, with a swatch of the fabric to be used stapled on the corresponding pattern. Underneath the box are the BWOFs with little post-it notes at selected pages and swatches are inside.
    I'm so curious to see your list.

  12. I say start sewing for spring. When spring hits, it will seem sudden and you'll wish for pretty new things. That's my story.

  13. I, too, was longing for spring today as the snow swirled around my yard and the dude with the plow came through....

  14. I like the idea of making a Spring list..maybe I'll try that myself!

  15. Great idea, making a Spring list. And also starting on your spring projects. It'll help with the winter blahs, for sure.


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