
Monday, February 09, 2009


Did you hear that giant sigh of relief? Yes, that was me...because the fabric I need is in the trusty hands of the U.S. Postal Service journeying towards me this very minute!!!

But what's really sad is that I just shut down yesterday. No, maybe I should cut out the black LBD, no threading the machines...nuthin'...I literally went to bed. Okay, I took a nap! *LOL* But my reaction was extreme...even to a confessed obsessed sewaholic! I have several projects that I could have worked on but at the time, I couldn't get past the fact that I didn't have enough of that particular fabric to proceed with the jacket.

Anyway, the fabric should arrive in my hot little hands by the weekend...and since it's a holiday the U.S. it will be President's Day weekend - a combination of Lincoln's Birthday and George Washington's Birthday...I will have three days to work on both pieces and now I'm looking forward with joy instead of dread to having that time!

On another renewal notice came in the mail for Burda Plus. I subscribe because this particular issue takes forever to arrive on the newsstands and I want to see it before the next season's patterns are available! Now I'm wondering if I should subscribe to the monthly issue of BWOF. I mean I purchase every issue anyway, maybe I should just subscribe. What do you think?

Lastly my beloved Fabric Mart is having a 20% off the entire website sale...and nope I'm not purchasing anything! Just in case you are not on the mailing list, I thought you would like to know! And to my readers overseas, I'm sorry but FM only ships to the US and Canada...bummer right!

More later...


  1. Any savings on the subscription over the newsstand price? I'd go for it, if I were you.

  2. I am a much calmer person now that I subscribe to BWOF and don't have to wait for it to arrive at my local B&N.

  3. What do I think about you subscribing to BWOF? I know that question was not directed at ME!!!! Living in the hinterlands of Pennsylvania, there is no place I can buy BWOFs and I'm very happy to see it arrive in the mail every month. But, if you're not going to sew anything …………… I'm just sayin'………


  4. I subscribe - it is such a nice surprise to get it in the mail and know I can relax and read it. It is my extravagance :)

  5. I'm with Elaray - I drove myself and the DH absolutely nuts trying to find a place to buy it. So, from my standpoint, subscribing saves time, money, pulling out my hair and so on.

  6. I love subscribing to BWOF! It means that I'll have something good in my mailbox at least once a month. `-) But I wouldn't have the faintest idea where to find it if I didn't subscribe, so maybe you prefer the tactility of buying it at a newstand.

  7. Love your blog!!! You are so talented!!

  8. In Toronto, I can easily find it in a subway newstand. Plus, with Canadian subscription rates, I save maybe $12 a year subscribing, so I don't even bother. If I lived in the US though, I'd subscribe, the subscription rates are a lot better there.

  9. I'm pondering the BWOF subscription as well. I also can't seem to get some of the fabrics on the Fabric Mart sale out of my mind... ack!

  10. My subscription is running out too. Even though, I don't make nearly what I should in Burda. I always enjoy getting it in the mail! Before I always ran around looking for it and I would always buy it even if I didn't particularly like anything.

  11. I'm glad to hear you got the fabric problem solved. Whew!

  12. I'm thinking I will subscribe as well. It's February 2009 and here in Australia we are only up to the October 2008 issue! In my blog reading I see garments made from Feb 09 issue and it frustrates the life out of me because I don't think it will hit the the newsagents before June! Go for it, I say. Think of it in terms of the money you will save.

  13. Behind in reading, so I just learned about the lack of fabric and the fact that the problem is solved. So glad for you!


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