
Monday, August 17, 2009

In and Out Pictures...

So here are the pictures...

"The Dress Alone"

"With the Lacy Cardigan"

Wearability Factor:

I love dresses made from cotton sateen with a little lycra in them. They are usually made with the brightest colors in the best prints, but wearing this one around today I remembered why I rarely make dresses from this type of fabric...

*after wearing all day they stretch - so if you've already got alot of fabric in a dress - there's even more!

*I had to wear a half slip with this to stop it from clinging to me and my Spanx!

*And after sitting in it a few hours, I had a "butt print"....ummm not an attractive look when leaving a meeting.

However, I wasn't burning up in "the heatwave" when I went outside today...and I wasn't freezing when I was in the it did have some good points.

But I feel like I'm two for two in the "meh" department because I don't LOVE either one of the last two dresses I've made. I think I need to just take a time out from sewing! Me thinks that I'm so invested in my September vacation sewing that I'm just NOT getting it right now...*sigh*


  1. Well, you might not love it but I do! That print is fantastic! And it looks gorgeous with your green cardigan.

  2. I'm sorry you are "meh" about it. I love it!! I think it is gorgeous on you!

  3. I think it looks great. Love the lacy cardi with it. But I totally get what you mean about having a butt print. If the dress started with less ease, would it be as comfortable in the morning? Would you still have a butt print?

    I have a rather inappropriate comment question (and it better not make new sewer Thursday!). So - why do my spanx crawl up my legs? I understand they aren't suppose to, but they end up all bunched up in my thighs - very uncomfortable. g

  4. I commented on Flickr about your dress. I think it looks great. I can understand the wearability factor though.

    Once I complete the yellow blouse that I am working on, I have decided to start on my fall sewing.

  5. That is a shame as the dress looks so cute on.

  6. Sorry you are disappointed in the wearability. The dress looks gorgeous on you in the photo!
    Just a thought: Maybe you should wear it on a day you are standing only? As if, huh?
    Vicky F

  7. I know you have to be the one to love it, but it really does look great.

  8. I think it looks great on you.

  9. Wearability is really important, inside and outside. but I have to give the dress its due.

    I LOVE the dress. On you, on the hanger, wherever. I think that print is TERRIFIC on you and in this dress.

  10. I'm sorry. I know how frustrating this must be. I hope a break will be helpful for you.

    You can't tell all the problems in the photos. In the photos you look great.

  11. I agree the dress looks great from the photo. But i have to say I'm so glad you put your wearability comments in. I have a couple of such fabrics, I've been waiting a bit on and I may decide to do something a bit different with them considering your comments. thanks so much for your fabulous blogging:)

  12. Just like the "others"... I think it looks great! On and off the hanger! Oh, and funny thing, I was thinking... it sure looks short... this was my impression... on the hanger! Really nice with the sweater! Love the colors, the look on you looks great... sorry... I'm just thinking what's not to love!
    But, in the long run your the one who needs to be pleased with it!

  13. I also think it looks great and it is a shame it doesn't wear as well as it looks on you. I suppose it would defeat the object to interline a fabric like this as it would then be warmer and not suitable for the weather you need it for. Also, it then wouldn't have the 'stretch' factor - which could be a good and a bad thing, depending which end of the wearing day it is Lol!

  14. Too bad you don't love it because you look wonderful in that dress! I really like it a lot!

  15. Bummer about the "butt print" - get it? I said bummer! :)

    I still think it's a great dress - the fabric is so nifty!

  16. I've always been disappointed when I've made anything with lycra, and especially cotton/lycra blend. It wrinkles badly. The print of your dress is pretty though. Maybe if you don't have to sit down?

  17. The dress looks fabulous in the pic. You have hit on the reason that I don't sew with or purchase garments made from stretch fabrics.

  18. You look great in that dress! I think you should consider using more V-necks with this pattern. This may be a silly question, but is it possible to underline just the problem area? I *think* I've seen where only the front of the knee in slacks is underlined. Would it be possible to only underline the "sitting area" of a dress? Not sure what to do to the top of the underlining to keep it from drooping though. Or when sitting, instead of smoothing the back downward as you sit, *slightly* lift the back of the dress so it's not getting stretched? I have some slacks that if I don't pull up on the front thighs when I sit, the knees do a dandy job of sagging. Enough babbling - just trying to think of ways to "save the dress"!


  19. It definitely looks like a winner on you. The color is great.

  20. I love the pops of green in this dress. The dress looks really great on you as well. I really like the v-neck.


  21. Beautiful dress! I love the fabric and it's a great fit on you....

  22. The dress really looks great, but I too have had the same experience when wearing lycra blend garments.

  23. I agree that the dress looks great in the picture and, certainly, is a flattering style for you. I'm sorry about the problems. It's kinda hard to just love a picture of a dress, right?

  24. Definitly not "meh" looking! And the green sweater really brings out the green in the pattern. It looks great, even if it isn't flawless to wear.

  25. I can only write: Wonderfull fabric pattern, wonderful look!

    Greetings from Germany

  26. Carolyn the dress is gorgeous but I know what you mean about the stretch. I usually call it "butt sprung" and there is no way around it. The only good thing is that it returns to normal after you wash it.

  27. Darn it about the wearability factor, but damn that dress is gorgeous on you. I will repeat an earlier comment that I am thankful you are such a complete blogger, speaking on things such as wearability. As a beginner sewist, my knowledge of fabrics is slim to none, so these little nuggets you throw out there are priceless. Thank you!

  28. But it looks really good on you!

  29. Even when things look great to the outsider, sometimes something is just not quite right. It is a great print, and looks nice with the cardi.

    I just got my first ever order from Fabric Mart in Reading. Thank you for recommending them so often. I'll be posting about my wondrous finds, probably this weekend, and I will credit you for promoting it (as I did with Atlanta Thread).

  30. I think this dress looks just great on you. It's too bad it gets the stretch outs. I have some cotton/lycra waiting for my needle and really appreciate the warning. Looks like a style with no "stress" is in the queue.

  31. Wow, Carolyn, everything about this dress is fantastic. Love the fabric, the v-neck together, and the fit on you. Awesome.

  32. I know linings sort of defeat the "heat" part of a cool cotton dress, but it almost totally eliminates the "butt" factor. I use Bemberg almost exclusively and it also keeps my Spanx (which I adore) from clinging to my stretch/lycra stuff.

  33. Well, it looks great on you in the picture! I love the fun print.

  34. Love the print, love the neckline and it's so perfect with your sweet sweater... I, too, was thinking perhaps some sort of "stabilizer" in the problem area. Can this dress be saved?!?!

    Carolyn, I spent Monday in the garment district (hottest day of the year so far!) dragging my wheeled suitcase FULL of fabulous fabric from Metro Textile... Special trip to take advantage of a weekday bus fare from Upstate just to meet Kashi! I kept looking for you!

  35. I really love this dress, but I do know what you mean about cotton lycra. My last pair of pants had the same issue, but at least you don't have to hike up a dress all the time!

  36. Sorry that you're not 100% satisfied with the dress, but it does looks GORGEOUS on you! I love it!


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