
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is it Friday yet?

Why do the weeks preceeding your vacation just drag by? Why do those days seem to be the longest ones, evah!? And why do we waste our precious time wishing for days to fly by? Or am I the only one thinking that way?!!!

Today during a meeting when I should have been taking notes and concentrating on the subject at hand, I instead found myself writing paragraphs about sewing issues that were swirling around in my brain...

1. Vintage Patterns
I now own alot of them! So much so that I'm not even visiting the vintage pattern sites because I'm scared that I will find something I like! *LOL* Quite a few new ones have managed to find their way to my house and haven't even been photographed and put in my flickr album. I need to find some time to do that!

2. The Pumpkin Seed Collection
It just does not seem to be getting out of the starting blocks?! I don't know if its because I've had so many social engagements this month or if I'm waiting until vacation to sew...*sigh* Its such a great collection of garments and several are banging up against the forefront of my brain demanding to come into existence.

3. Project Runway starts tomorrow night
To say that I'm excited just does not do my feelings justice! I tried Bravo's new show, "The Fashion Show" but I didn't like it! I can't wait for Heidi, Tim, Michael and Nina to come you know where I'll be tomorrow evening! *LOL*

4. Sheath Dresses
Even though the last one did not wear as well as I expected, I still have ideas for like 6 or 7 more! I can see them in all colors and patterns in my head for fall. They are so easy to wear and make me look professional without alot of effort...and they showcase jewelry so well!!! I have all I need on hand to make them...I just need more sewing time! Every sewists lament right?!

5. My Fabric Closet
Is haunting me...I see it in my dreams! That's because it needs to be refolded and reworked! Fabric is everywhere in my apartment and in no particular order...but when I think of dragging everything out, refolding, rethinking it and putting it back into the closet...I get a headache! It will take days to accomplish this task and I'm not quite ready to give up precious sewing days to do this. However, it is on my list and slowly moving up to the top!

So is it Friday yet? I want to sew! *sigh* Yes, even after the last outing I still want to spend quality time with my sewing machine...and as always, more later!


  1. I have Project runway set in my calendar and I have watched all the On-Demand bios of the designers. I have even got the snacks ready for the viewing party. It's gonna be a lot of fun!

  2. To add to your question: Why does non-sewing time, doing responsible adult things, always seem to drag? Why does sewing agenda, either fun sewing or necessary organizing (like sorting fabric), always seem to be on my mind or in my dreams? Do you think just maybe we love to sew?

  3. I am the same way, waiting for school to start on Monday to start projects, including reorganizing the house.

  4. I'm SOOO excited for you - I'd almost rather rearrange my fabric collection than sew it up. Almost...

  5. I too am SO ready for PR!!!! CAN NOT WAIT!!!!

    I want a shift dress, have it cut out, just haven't sewn it yet lol.

    Do NOT talk about fabric...mine is a total mess and I HAVE to re-do it...and soon. VERY SOON lol.

  6. Having just re organized my fabric collection I can't tell you how freeing I found it. Of course, my collection doesn't begin to approach the size of yours!

  7. Oh my word. I just want to play in your vintage sewing pattern closet....I never had so many.....lovely patterns!!!!!

  8. I'm in the midst of re-organizing my fabric. Last night was the first time that all of it was in one room. It's a littlw overwhelming trying to figure out how to fit everything in one space. Good luck with your re-organization.

  9. I know what you mean when you say the weeks and days are dragging.. I am on vacation next week and I just can't wait.....

  10. I had the same experience today while in a class. I was thinking of a maxi dress I'm making to take on vacation with me next week! LOL Project Runway, I can't wait, I've told everyone not to think about calling me after 7:30 tomorrow night! I'm off on Friday and plan to sew, sew, sew!

  11. I'm so excited for Project Runway - I can't wait!!!!!

    I would be more than happy to rework and refold your fabric stash - not everything may make it back in, though. :)

  12. I am going to miss PR this season! We decided extended cable was a luxury so we are down to just the basic cable. If it wasn't for PBS, I'd cancel it altogether. I can probably catch it over the internet though.

    I do sympathize with your comment about wishing life away. Everyone around here always seems to be wishing for Friday, especially with school starting this week and next.

    Happy sewing.

  13. I had to laugh when I read your post title... because that's exactly what I was thinking! And you're so right, all that planning and anticipation makes me forgetful of the presence... seize the day!
    I also hear you on the fabric; after returning from vacation last weekend I haven sewn a stitch, but I finally took out and organized all my fabric... oh my... unless we move soon I'd better stop buying!
    I'm jealous on the Project Runway front; wish we had that in Germany! Heidi only comes here to do Germany's Next Top Model; who cares about that? No sewing involved. I may have to search for PR on the internet.
    Hope you have a great vacation and lots of sewing mojo!

  14. I am not sure if we will get PR in NZ just yet?! I will have to check the schedules and find out. On the other hand - not to gloat or anything..........but it will be Friday here in only 2.5 hours, before anyone else in the world :-)))) Hehe, lucky for me it is also my day off so I get to sew and craft :-) Then again, we get to Monday before you do so.........:-(

    Hope you enjoy your vacation when it comes, hope time slows down for you also :-)

  15. Can't wait for Project Runway! My timer's set to catch all the episodes starting tonight. I also watched The Fashion Show (at least they gave the championship to the right designer). One thing I loved was the "mini-challenge" at the start of each show. What they lacked for the most, though, was Tim Gunn!

  16. I can't wait for PR either. But Fashion Show helped the wait -- for me at least. I think part of the problem was Isaac was bland. I liked the mini-challenge too.

    Can't get enough vintage patterns? Did you check out A Dress A Day's blog today? Talk about a vintage pattern collection! Whew! That'll keep me busy...

  17. Just had to let you know lol. I LOST a piece of fabric that I need for a dress. I had to take down all my fabric off the shelves and out of drawers and containers to find it. Needless to say my fabric is now organized and folded neatly and put away. OH guess where the fabric was? Hanging up to dry downstairs! LOL


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