
Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Day Before

...okay I have risen up from bed...from where I've been laying since yesterday afternoon!  I was trying to make it through without giving in to the cold I knew was bearing down upon me but yesterday I gave up the fight.  I decided to take this 48 hours, sleep, hydrate and watch TV because I HAVE to go to work this week...important meetings...and my germs must be shared!  *LOL*

Anyway, with the remote in hand, I was surfing channels looking for something to watch...and being really bored...I had taken to reading the descriptions of the television programs and adding "reminders" so that I wouldn't forget anything.  I don't know if anyone else's cable company allows them to do this but I can set digital reminders and the cable box will "remind me" 2 minutes before the program starts.

So "The Day Before" is a program about the 48 hours preceding the Proenza Schouler Fall 2009 Fashion Show.  I just watched it and it was very interesting.  I can't tell if the last minute stuff annoyed me because I am not feeling well or if it annoyed me because I am a plan and get it done well ahead of time person.  However, it was an interesting behind the scenes look at these two young designers and how their Fall 2009 line came together.

If you get The Sundance Channel, the series airs again tomorrow evening at 7 pm EST featuring Karl Lagerfeld.  Sorry but you've missed the Proenza Schouler one...however,  I would check to see what time its showing if you are in another time zone because I don't know if The Sundance Channel adjusts like the major networks do.  Here is a link to the schedule showing more of these behind the scenes shows...

Finally one more link to the Fall 2009 Proenza Schouler Fashion Show from  As I said previously, very interesting and well worth the 60 minutes to see it. 

I'm headed back to bed now and more episodes of CSI Miami...and I know drink alot and rest...


  1. A very sensible decision! Hopefully it will be enough to knock your cold on the head and have you raring to go on Monday morning - it would be a shame to miss the chance to share those germs Lol! :-)

  2. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. People all around me have been getting colds. I need to stay well as I have my 40 year HS class reunion coming up and I don't want a coughing, sneezing, sniffling cold for that event.

  3. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who treats illness with CSI: Miami reruns. :)

  4. I think I'm getting that cold. I can't be sick. We're going to see grands in a few days. I have to be well!!!

  5. Hope you feel better soon :)

  6. Our whole family has had colds for the past week. My husband has been home sick and sleeping half the day. Hope you get better quickly.

  7. Even during illness you're still committed to fashion. : ) Hope you're feeling better soon. Zicam usually helps me with a cold.

  8. Hope that by the time you read this that you are feeling at least 75% better! I do hope that your 100% better really soon... guess I just know how long it can take! Hang in there... rest, relax..... rehydrate! The 3 R's!

  9. I watched the Proenza Schouler show too! Très enjoyable. Take care of yourself and feel better. At least the weather is beautiful here right now!

  10. Hey this cold must be travelling real fast - I went down with a terrible one yesterday and I'm thousands of miles away! I'm treating mine with re-runs of Law and Order. I wish you better soon.

  11. Hope you feel better soon!


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