
Saturday, October 03, 2009

A Trade

I'm really determined not to add a lot more to the fabric closet.  So even though it's brimming with luscious possibilities, every once and awhile I find something that either fits my lifestyle or piques my creative interest.  It also doesn't help if the internet site is running a 20% off sale!  *LOL*

Since the last silk twill I got from Fabric Mart was so wonderful and I'm having a love affair with orange right now...I bought three yards of this:

I also bought four yards of this navy/camel pinstripe tropical wool for work:

I've found that I'm lacking in navy fabric and want to beef this portion of the closet up a little more.  Who doesn't need good navy pieces when working in the financial industry?!

Now I've put both of these pieces in the cart at Fabric Mart and then closed it out several times.  Too much fabric, not enough time, running out of storage space...all of those things ran through my mind every time I closed the site, fabric unbought.  But today, my daughter was looking over my shoulder and she said, why don't you give me 7 yards from the closet and then you won't feel so bad about buying those pieces.

...and a trade was made!  My daughter is now anxiously awaiting an opportunity to go through the closet and pick out 7 yards of fabric to add to her burgeoning stash.  Although since she is home every day with the baby she has been making a few more things than I have.  I think she has her eyes on a piece of denim and a sweater knit which I will probably let her have.  And I no longer have to worry about how to fit 7 more yards in the closet...because they are replacement pieces...because a trade was made!  *LOL*

The 20% off sale on Fabric Mart's site is on until October 7th...Sample cut fabrics and mailers are exempt.  Just in case you were interested!  *LOL*

A parting shot of "The Little Prince" who is now 6 months old!

I'm off to sew!


  1. I think that was a great compromise.
    The little prince is a doll!

  2. Oh my he has grown so quickly!!! Lucky daughter to get to shop for free in Mom's fabric closet so mom can buy more fabric to take its place.

  3. Rationalize..rationalize..I gotcha number. hee-hee!

    Some folks choose to spend the inheritance with their adult children by taking everyone on a nice vacation. This way parents and children can enjoy the wealth together. Sounds like that kind of thing to me.

    The fabric is lovely, but your prince is the real beauty.

  4. I love the orange fabric.

    Little Prince is so beautiful and happy.

    May I come and shop in your closet for free?

  5. Those fabrics are really beautiful! I find it really hard to stop buying - sometimes things just call to you, sigh. The Little Prince keeps getting cuter and cuter - and what a happy little guy he seems to be. :-)

  6. What a little darling he is!!

  7. Sometimes a sewist just has to buy fabric that screams so loudly! You have a lucky daughter and an adorable grandson.

  8. I love both those fabrics - definitely worth doing a trade to get into your stash. I have fallen in love with your little prince - that smile is so beautiful.

  9. Love the fabric.. but your grandson is so handsome.

  10. LOL...but great fabrics nonetheless.
    And the little Prince is just that - princely. And too cute for words.

  11. He is gorgeous! That smile must just light up your life.

  12. Beautiful fabric. I have always had a thing for navy. OMG that little boy is so cute!

  13. I agree with your daughter! What a great trade! Shopping mom's fabric collection is so much fun, especially when you both benefit.

    And that precious baby boy is such a happy looking prince.

    Enjoy your grandson and the fabric.

  14. Your grandson is precious.

  15. Thanks for sharing your love of fabric and sharing photos of your little prince. Who could resist that smile :)

    CarlaF-in Atlanta

  16. Your grandson is adorable and I love that orange burst!

  17. Your daughter had a great idea there. This way, everyone's happy.
    But then who wouldn't when they have such an adorable little guy to brighten their lives!

  18. He's too cute! And I love your fabric choices. Is there anyone who sews that doesn't fight the urge to add something new to an already full fabric collection? I just started sewing and I'm already out of space.

  19. I have my eye on the silk twill, but I have run out of space too (and I don't have anyone to take a few metres off of my hands).

  20. I know what you mean about the fabric stash. I moved my fabric stash to my new house even before I moved my clothes. As I had to touch and see every piece of fabric I own, I can't possibly consider buying any more fabric this year!

  21. I have been eyeing the orange silk twill also. So far, I have kept the fabric at Fabric Mart. Your grandson is sooooo cute! And growing so fast.

  22. If I buy another piece of navy fabric suitable for pants or a simple skirt, I should be put away for my own good. ;) When I finally pulled all the fabric out of its many and varied hiding places a few years ago I couldn't believe how many pieces of navy fabric I had. Navy is such a good work horse color in the wardrobe, but enough is enough. Good for me, I haven't bought any new navy fabrics since I got them all together in one bin where I actually know what I have available to choose from.

    Enjoy your new navy suit, and the orange is gorgeous.

    Lois K

  23. What a win-win for you and your daughter. I love the orange print. The baby is ADORABLE!

  24. Oh I so love babies and your little prince is ADORABLE.Good rational for buying a little more fabric. I mean 7 yards isn't bad at all!

  25. That is the cutest baby and growing fast. I'd help you make room in your closet if I didn't have my own space issues.

  26. The kid is a real charmer. I bet he can make you do anything he wants with that smile!

    Ok, NOW you've done it. You've mentioned Fabric Mart enough that you EGGED ME ON to buy 19 yards of $1.99 per yard fabric during the 20% off sale this weekend. Felt good!

    I blame you for this lapse. *snicker* Of course, next Spring when I sew up all the beautiful warm weather designer cotton suiting material I scored, I'll be thanking you in my prayers.

  27. oh my your little prince is so gorgeous! And please tell me how your daughter can possibly sew more than you with a six month old baby?

  28. I am here for you whenever you need to lighten your stash.

  29. omg. I could gobble that child up!

    Love the orange fabric.

  30. Baby is a happy looking boy! Do I detect a Pooh bear behind him?

  31. Barrie Haywood-WrightOctober 05, 2009 4:40 PM

    The little prince is sooo cute!!! He has really grown up quickly. Great to be a grandma, eh??

  32. LOL. You're more than justified for that orange print! Hope you're feeling better for work this week.

  33. You've got the best of both worlds someone to load off the stash and a gorgeous little prince.

  34. They used that orange silk twill for a blouse in the movie The Muppets. This is the best photo I could find of it:


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