
Friday, October 02, 2009

September ~ End of the Month Recap

September was a fantastic sewing month for me but that's because I had a week off and instead of finding some wonderfully exotic place to jet off to and spend time beside the pool...I decided to stay at home and spend some quality time with my sewing machine! *LOL*

And I have to admit that I was wonderfully centered and ready to face the world again after 9 days at home with my machine.  I issued myself a small challenge ~ to sew one garment a day during the time I was home.  I ended up with 8 finished garments and even though I didn't make 10 ~ I was thrilled with what I ended up with!

Of course after such  a wonderous display of sewing fortitude...I didn't finish another thing all month! *LOL*  But I did get some fabric moved around...and I got a few dozen yards out of the fabric closet...all told 17.5 yards were sewn and 40 yards moved out...not that it makes much of a difference!  *LOL*  And in all of this sewing, moving and giving away...I only put 14 yards back into the collection.

I am sure that October will bring new clothes and hopefully more wonderful fabrics pulled from the Fabric Closet to begin my sewing journeys with! always more later!


  1. I like your end of month recaps. Your productivity astounds me!

  2. Thanks for the recap. Great job sewing and moving out fabric. BTW, fabric mart is having a sale!

  3. My goodness, girl, you ARE a prolific (and very talented) sewist! You must have a never-ending supply of closet space!!!

  4. Nice work, C! My September batting average was not nearly as high as yours.

  5. Congratulations on a productive month - 8 garments and every one of them is beautiful!

  6. Wow! Eight beautiful garments in one month!!

  7. Now you will be the best dressed woman in town!

  8. I just love the detailing on that green dress.

    I have been blog-stalking all week, looking for a shot of your finished suit. Good luck tomorrow!

  9. That orange dress is certainly a bright pop of color! It was indeed a great sewing vacation, and sometimes we just need to reorganize and recharge before charging on to the next challenge!


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