
Friday, November 27, 2009

A Book Review - Mrs. O The Face of Fashion Democracy

As you know I'm a huge fan of Michelle Obama and I've been following the Mrs.O blog for quite some time.  I've pretty much been blatantly copying her dressing style! *LOL*  Because it fits my lifestyle so well.

So getting the Mrs. O book was a natural.  However, I was waiting for Christmas money to purchase it and then my girl hooked me up!  In one of the sewing meet-up dinner pictures, I am hugging the book tightly to my chest...seriously that's how much I wanted this book!  *LOL*

Okay to the review...the interesting thing about this book is that the author, Mary Tomer, not only has great photos, up close and singularly of garments but she also has very interesting interviews with the designers.  She's interviewed Isabel Toledo, Jason Wu, Michael Kors, Isaac Mizrahi to name a few and even the owners of Ikram Goldman in Chicago, the boutique that has worked with Michelle to help formulate her style.

The book opens with a brief introduction, "The Early Years" but almost immediately gets to the good stuff!  The next chapter is the "Primary Campaign", followed by the "Democratic National Convention" on  through to the first few months in the White House including the European Trip.  To anyone who is remotely interested in the Michelle Obama's clothing choices, the designer's motivations, and fashion and politics...this book is for you!

I'm sure you are thinking that this is just another one of those coffee table books with great pictures but this one is actually chockful of interviews with the designers and jewelry makers.  There are even quotes from some of the readers of the Mrs. O blog in the final section of the book.

I highly recommend that you own a copy of this book.  Add it to your Christmas wish list or plan to purchase a copy with one of those gift cards that you won't be disappointed.


I got home this afternoon (only had to work a half day) and spent it reading some blogs...I still haven't decided what I'm working on this weekend...will probably make that decision tomorrow morning when I wake up!  I'm headed off to clean off my sewing table, set up my iron and generally just make things ready for sewing this weekend! always...more later!


  1. I've put this book on my list. It's nice to hear it's a must have :)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you like this book. In my eyes, Mrs. Obama can do no wrong :-)

    How about that dress for the State Dinner? There are really no words!

  3. First, thanks for your blog. You have wonderful talent and great ideas and reading about your projects has been very inspiring! Second, I greatly admire Mrs. Obama and her lovely style. I like that she clearly doesn't feel the need to be stuffy and will dress in a casual way when appropriate, but she looks amazing when she dresses for the more formal occasion. My only criticism of her style is that wide black belt that she wears so much. I just don't think it flatters her. It always looks like it's riding high on her torso. She wears clothes so beautifully, but I just wish she'd put that belt in storage for a few months!

    Thanks so much for sharing your sewing projects with us.

  4. It's already on my wish list! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Carolyn.

  5. I love Mrs. O's style, too! Her gold dress for the White House state dinner last week was absolutely breathtaking . . . she definitely knocked that one out of the park! She is such a marvelous representative for our country!

  6. Thanks for the review, C! (I'm late reading this because I tend to stay off the computer on the weekends and holiday.) This book is awesome! I have a copy too and I can't bear to stash it away on my bookshelf because I can't stop looking at it.


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