
Monday, November 23, 2009

An evening with Marji

First let me say right up front...I have no pictures - this one is from dinner Friday night!  We remembered the camera when we said good night! *LOL*

Second, I missed most of the American Music Awards even the Adam Lambert kissing and fondling part and never "missed" it because Marji bought so many fabric swatches to show me...and talked about what she was making in such detail...believe me the jacket she's creating will knock your socks off!  It has a real beaver fur collar...that is soooooo soft and soooooo pretty!

Third, Marji loves bestsellers as much as I do! *LOL*  Okay this may seem like nothing but there are so many people you meet who are high-falutin' when they talk about what they read...and she reads the same authors I do!  I was thrilled!

Fourth, I want to sew like Marji when I grow up!  If any of you think I can sew believe me I'm an intermediate muddling my way through with a TNT pattern and a few good ideas.  Not only can Marji fit but her sewing is immaculate!

Finally, I've had the best weekend that I've had in a long time!  I blew off my significant other, my kids, and my sewing machine to spend it with someone who means the world to me...and I got to meet some amazing sewing women!  I'm so glad that I had the chance to not only meet you...Claudine, Robin and Nancy...but to spend time with you talking and getting to know you! know you're my girl - thanks again for the wonderful gift!

I've had the best non-sewing weekend in a long time! *LOL*  And in my world that says alot! always, more later!


  1. Oh Carolyn, I'm sorry about the music awards show. But, did you record it somehow? At least we saw Whitney Houston And Janet Jackson's performances, right?
    Thanks for the kind words. You're making me blush a bit.
    Thanks for the loan on the books. I'll reciprocate.

  2. I'm jealous! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. I aspire to sew like you when I grow up and here you say you aren't grown up either!

    Hope your week isn't too bad. g

  3. How fun and I agree with gaylen, I am so jealous but also so happy for you and all the bloggers who were able to meet.

  4. Carolyn, you sound so happy! That's great to hear. What a great weekend.

  5. Oh my.. You really had a nice weekend and rocked it to the fullest...So happy for you

  6. Yup, I'm now officially jealous!
    It simply warms my heart to be able to eavesdrop on you!
    Big cyber hug!


  7. We may pay through the eye teeth to live in the greater NYC area, but it sure is worth it when you get to meet sewing friends like you and I do!

  8. There is nothing that replaces finding women and men who share your passion, is it? The treat is finding good-hearted inspiring sewists; those that push our limits and expand our horizons. You had such a moment this past weekend....over good food in warm places. Thank you so much for sharing! The gathering was inspiring to me--and I live 3000 miles away!

    Now, let's see how it motivates you to become more than you imagined you could be!

  9. ahhh, yes, I cannot wait to see Marji's finished jacket. I think you forgot to mention she is fast, too :)
    You know I loved meeting you. It was a really fun night!

  10. OK, I am seriously jealous and if I don't get invited next time I will be mortally wounded and never read your blog again!

    Actually, it sounds like so much fun and I really am jealous! I have no idea where you buy real beaver fur, but I suppose that's a question for Marji.. K

  11. Oh gosh, I want to sew like Marji when I grow up. The woman is seriously amazing. And I have to admit to loving her book choices too, I have found more treasures from her recommendations (even though I read the serious stuff too), it is the best sellers that make me oh so happy.

    It sounds like you had serious fun. Congratulations.

  12. Okay, so you must post very early on when the next get together is, and plan for a lot of us to attend. So many of us are jealous of the great times you had!

  13. I wish I had been with all of you
    I am following most your blogs
    And I consider you as my sewing mentors
    Internet is such a great tool
    when it enables to virtuallt know you
    gret post

  14. You always sound like you have such a wonderful time. I wish I lived close by! I love reading your blog. Thank you!


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