
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Thank you!

If you don't know by now, Gertie did an interview with me on her blog, Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing, today regarding my musings on the plus size sewist.  As I reread it now, I could have been a little more succinct *LOL* and obviously from the comments there have been two plus size women who have won contests on PR.  Rachelle, who authors the blog, Smoking Needles and Marie Claude, who authors the blog, Blue Lilly's Sewing Page.

I definitely want to point this out, since I adamantly and wrongly said that no plus size woman had won a sewing contest!

Second, I want to thank everyone who left a comment and continued the discussion.  It was very interesting and I was especially moved by some of comments left.  I also want to thank those of you who sent me email messages, it was great to get your point of view too.

But mostly I want to thank Gertie.  Who took a passing comment on my blog, wrote some amazing questions and then let me go full bear ahead.  It was a gracious and awesome thing to do.  Today I've been humbled, in awe and downright amazed at the wonderousness of the sewing community.  I know there were some who didn't agree with my views but I so appreciate the fact that the discussion was held in a very civil tone.  However, these are my views and as in all things regarding opinions belong to me alone!

So thank you Gertie!  Thank you to my regular readers!  And thanks to my friends...and you know who you are!

I'm off to watch Lost...can I just say thank God it's back!!! always more later!


  1. I love seeing the dialog on multiple blogs, too! awesome community.

  2. Thank YOU, Carolyn! You were really brave in voicing your opinions so honestly. It was an honor to have your viewpoint on my blog.

    Awesome community, indeed. Group hug, please!

  3. Hey Carolyn, I left a rather long (for me anyway) comment over on Gertie's blog. Lots of issues. I only commented on the pattern side of things. I think you do a great job with your TNT's and working from those.

  4. I thought this was a timely post and the subject matter warranted having a discussion. I agree with you and other posters on Gertie's blog that the "Plus" size market is totally under-served. If you add to that the factor of being tall (5'10" and above) the issue is even more compounded. It is so frustrating going into stores and trying to find an outfit when you are a size 16 and Tall. For some reason the fashion consultants for major department stores think that just because you are tall you are heavy as well.

    The selection of fashion can be down right depressing at times. I'd say even more so for women who are size 20 and up. I can't figure out why the fashion industry equates large/tall with boxy and ugly!!!

    The same can be said for fashionable shoes for ladies with large feet. Oh you see such beautiful shoes in the size 6-8 range but go up a few sizes say an 11 or 12 narrow and your selection of fashionable shoes drops considerably. When you do find them you pay $$$ through the nose for those shoes.

    Pattern companies are just as bad. I will look through the pattern books and mumble to myself at what they offer the plus sized woman. Their offerings are slim at best and always have some kind of flowy, square type cover up...large women want fitted clothes as well...what is society trying to say...

    If you are large you need to be covered in a rectangle and hidden!!!

    Our society needs to adjust its' thinkiing on what a "real" woman is. Take a look at paintings by the see voluptuous, well rounded models not the stick, emaciated figures we see as models today.

    ...I digress...any who...great comments on a subject that needs to be brought out and talked about. Hopefully we can change societies perceptions of who a "plus-sized" woman is and what she wants.

  5. I am a new sewer and I have recently come across your blog. I really enjoy reading and have learned and drawn so much inspiration from you and many of the other blogs I have found.

    I think you sew some of the most beauiful plus-sized clothes I have ever seen! You are a talented sewer! I really hope you win the contest!

  6. Haven't read Gertie yet, going there next. But just thought I'd mention that I've won a PR contest too. The knits contest last year. It was a bra (a big bra!), but still ... :)

  7. I'm a designer & would like to discuss hiring you for some seamtress work. Please contact me if you are interested.


  8. Lovely to find another plus sized sewer out there! And, well, while I haven't won yet, I'm in the top five in my category for the Joann/Simplicity Halloween Costume Contest. I have to call them tomorrow to find out when I'll know the results, because the person who contacted me to tell me was on vacation since the physical costume was due...

  9. thank you for your honesty. As you know I aspire to be more like you on many levels - body image, sewing abilities, etc. It's all practice, so I continue to plod on being kind and doing what I can.


  10. Believe it or not I've never considered myself plus sized. I'm just me! Now that I know, it doesn't bother me one bit. LOL. I've got to get over to Gertie's and read your interview.

  11. Oh for the love of Pete. I missed Lost???

    I haven't read the interview yet, I'm SO behind! But without reading it I'm pretty sure I'm going to agree with you. Because I love you!!! haha. (No, because we think the same about this issue from years of reading your blog.) In fact, I just ranted the other day about the "Best Patterns of 2009" photos not featuring a single plus size photo. Typical.

  12. Thank you for your contribution to the community.

  13. I'm here from Gertie's site and love yours so much. Your responses were wonderful, genuine and empowering. I've already sent it on to several friends, some who don't sew but are as charmed by you and Gertie as I am! Thank you so much. We are making me suits and work clothes mostly for the spring and summer and this is a great group! woohoo!

    Hope Lost was fun- I never got into the show when it first came on, was too sick and now that I'm actually up to watching tv am too baffled by anything long running! Howls from Houston, Texas... Iona McAvoy

  14. Hi Carolyn,
    So true, and nice interview. You hit the nail right on the head regarding plus sized women. Strange that 50% or more of women can claim they are plus sized yet are only served by less than 5% of all retail...including sewing patterns. I'll have to ponder more on this issue, I can totally see this as an opportunity! Thanks for saying it like it is. I'm a big fan!

  15. I loved the interview and left a comment. I am border line plus size. I feel discriminated against every time I go shopping.

  16. I posted a link to the intervew on my blog and quoted you, your somments were spot on!

  17. I haven't read the post on Gertie's blog, yet. Can't wait. As long as discussion was started, it was a success. Great job sharing and taking the time to give your views.

  18. Carolyn, Thank you so much. It came in today's mail. Now to decide how to use it. thanks again,


  19. I always read your blog but had not totally appreciated the frustrations you have experienced finding stylish patterns to fit because I am too busy admiring the garments you make and thinking "wow, I want a dress like that!" Your thoughts on the subject were extremely interesting, and entertaining, to read and gathered together many enthusiastic supporters. Let’s hope that the pattern companies take note of what their customers want!

  20. Carolyn I loved the interview and found a lot of the comments left afterwards interesting too. Thanks so much for sharing your insights.

  21. Longtime lurker, have long marveled at Carolyn's tailoring skills and at her beautifully finished clothing. I was surprised to learn she was plus size-- all I noticed was beautiful clothes that fit and flattered and enhanced. And, isn't that the point?
    I'm average weight with my own set of fitting problems (sigh) and while I do take (and agree with)the point of limited pattern and shopping choices, shopping and fitting isn't easy for many of us.

  22. I was thinking about you on my way to work this morning, and realised I have never said thank you for being an inspiration to me in my sewing. I am about 5 ft 4 tall (164 cm), and measure B: 43.5in W:36.5in H:45.75in. Although I don't feel 'big' the pattern companies have decided I am petite-plus sized. Your blog makes me proud to be part of the plus-sized-sewist community. And it helped me realise I need to find patterns made for my body. I am pleased to say I have recently discovered I am a size 20 1/2 in vintage patterns, and have already found 2 delightful patterns to try out.
    I read your interview over on Gertie's blog, and I completely agreed with your thoughts.
    Thanks again!

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