
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fabric Mart is evil

...evil I tell you!  They know that I'm not purchasing what do they do?  They bring out some of their best pieces evah.  Have you been to their site recently?  Have you seen the beauties? is a true fabricaholic (Wanted to write fabric ho but am I really?  Would I sell my children for a piece?  No...*sigh*...not yet! *LOL*) suppose to resist this temptation?  So I caved yeap...I bought some...15 yards worth of please forgive me because the only excuse I have to offer is that Fabric Mart is E-V-I-L!!!!

p.s.  I knew I wouldn't make it...I knew I couldn't last a month without having serious withdrawal issues...*sigh*  Guess I gotta find that 12 step group...


  1. When you find that group please let me know. That fabric is gorgeous. I don't know of I would have been able control myself either.

  2. That really is beautiful fabric. I think you are doing the right thing to buy some!

  3. Oh stop already!!! I didn't see THAT border print -- I luv border prints, too, and just received several yards of another one that they have, #810901, white background with brown/blue circles on the border (you should have this one in your stash if you don't already).

  4. You are not alone sistah! I broke my pledge within a month. I'm determined though.

  5. No apologies or excuses necessary! You saw fabulous fabric and loved it - what else can you do but buy it? Enjoy it!

  6. Amen. They are evil and so is Evil Evil Evil.

  7. That fabric is too nice to pass up,I would have went for it also.

  8. Fabric Mart IS evil, but with that gorgeous fabric, how could you be expected to keep your pledge?! Enjoy it!

  9. Goooooooorgeous fabric... tipping over to FM.

  10. I agree! Totally evil!! They keep tempting me with emails, and I caved last week. You are stronger than I, my friend!

  11. Oh Dear - you are sooooo right - I too caved! I had to laugh when I saw this - why didn't you warn me *before* I purchased my fabric this afternoon? They roped me in with the bamboo fabric at a great price and pretty colors. I am down for 4 1/2 yds. Only the knowledge that Dh would see the paypal invoice kept me in check.

  12. Oh, that fabric is beautiful! I think you're forgiven. :)

  13. I swear, these online retailers know how to tempt the vulnerable. I will resist, I will resist by sewing more garments....

  14. Oh, but that fabric is worth it! It's beautiful and I can think of many things to do with it.

  15. GIVE IT UP, GIVE IT UP! Why do we try not to buy fabric. Yes we all have to much. But ohhh what pleasure we receive when that package comes in the mail or the ups man/woman. Why do we even try. Love that fabric you showed, but why can't I find fabric like that when I click on to fabric mart. I guess it's a good thing because I would have another fabric pusher on my hand, tempting me with all sorts of goodies.

  16. Wow! That is some gorgeous fabric and I can see why you fell for it. There's always tomorrow.

  17. I'm so excited I'll be meeting you in a fabric store in NY! But also a little nervous, it can only end in a fabric buying frenzy - I'd better bring a big shopping bag!

  18. Enjoy it!... it looks gorgeous :)

  19. I have been stalking your blog for over 4 months. You are truly an inspiration to me. I have started sewing again after....15 plus years. I visit the fabric store and buy fabric on a weekly basis. Your post "Fabric Mart is evil" made my day! Thanks! I feel I already know you! we are kindred spirits.

  20. You may have bought 15 yards over your pledge, but thats 15 yards worth of motivation to sew some beautiful new clothes for yourself! We'd all love to see, thats for sure.

  21. I am looking forward to seeing what you make! I am such an enabler...

  22. The only solution is to stay out of the candy store.

  23. That is beautiful fabric. No wonder you bought it. I hope you make it up instead of putting it in the closet as I'd love to see what it becomes.

  24. FabricMart really is evil. Must resist temptation to go there. I visit Jomar in two weeks!

  25. Amazingly I have not yet bought fabric online.

    So you are telling me that fabricmart has some wicked fabric . . .

    Makes one want to check it out!

  26. Oh no... I must... resist... going to their website... must... not... fall into the temptation! Hehehe. Can't wait to see what else you purchased.

  27. These people are enablers!!!!, trying o kick the habit and look what they go and do!!!! I am with you they are E-V-I-L. Maybe we should boycott them?????? Not really!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Hi Carolyn,

    I'll be in the garment district tomorrow (5/2)!!! I'm bringing 50 enthusiastic sewers from MD. I'm sure I'll be adding to my collection so you're not alone. LOL

  29. Never heard of Fabric Mart before your post. It's difficult to find apparel fabric here in small-town Ohio, so I signed up for the fabric sample club...can't buy without feeling the fabric. Thanks for the tip.

  30. Good God!!! this is some great fabric! **must resist***

  31. Good God!!! this is some great fabric! **must resist***

  32. i can't wait to see what you do with this border print, i bought the same one! I love it - it's gorgeous. :)


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