
Monday, April 26, 2010

SWAP Dress Number 5

Okay could someone please explain to me why...seriously why...I pick the hardest thing to do at the very last minute!  SERIOUSLY...I have decided to hand bead a yoke to this dress:

...five days before the contest ends!  Now this wouldn't be so mind-bendingly stupid if I didn't have a full-time job and a three hour commute every day...but both of these things are constants in my what the f*ckery have I done!

*sigh*  So here I sit hand-beading while watching Dancing with the Stars...yes, I have lost my mind!

...more later...from the mental ward!


  1. Oh, wow! I love the beading on the yoke! That is going to be so gorgeous when it is finished, the black on black is so classy!

  2. I have a long commute each day too! (An hour both ways.) Do you take public transportation? Could you bead on the bus? Even if you have to burn the midnight oil, it will look great. And at least this is a project you can do vegging out in front of the TV.

    Looking forward to seeing the finished piece!

  3. Carolyn you are my hero! I love what you sew. I'm especially impressed because as a formerly plus sized lady, I see everyone of your creations is flattering for the goddess sized woman. Wish I'd met you 10 years ago. You are absolutely inspiring.

  4. You're not alone. I, too, saved the hardest till last. And I'm still not quite finished.

  5. I know my sewing adventure expansions (always having to make changes to patterns or adding something to make it better) makes me feel like an out-patient at times too (lol). I guess it's things like your beading that makes our projects unique. I surely hope you met your deadline.

  6. The beading looks fabulous. But I'm wondering if you couldn't work on it during your commute. g

  7. Thats the kind of thing I do. bet you wished you had some gigantic beads!

  8. I'm guilty of this big time, but those last minute applications always seem to turn out stunning and beading that yoke is an awesome last minute idea. I love that pattern too and cannot wait to see the finished project. Btw, Hi I', Samina. I'm new to following your blog, it's awesome.

  9. I can't wait to see it finished, I bet it looks fantastic. I don't mind a little bit of handwork, it is an excuse to sit in front of the tv and veg-out.

  10. It already looks beautiful, though. Am sure it will be worth every moment.

  11. Oooh, that is going to be seriously stunning. I can't wait to see it!

  12. I know exactly why you picked the hardest thing to do at the very last minute. It's because you love a challenge and you know it will be stunning when you finish (even if you finish after the deadline!)

  13. I always look at beading and say, no, too much of a pita. But this looks like you picked something that is doable and will look good too.

  14. Lovely, and classy (like everything else you make)! I'm interested to see which sleeves you're using on this pattern; I made it a couple of years ago and did the elbow-length sleeves with the pouffy piece . . . they were very cute but a BEAST to iron!!

  15. Like you I have a daily 3 hour commute and thinking the beading would make a good project while in transit. Looking forward to the reveal.

  16. I have never ever hand beaded anything before. So, you, my friend, get my admiration!

  17. Saving the best for last? If anyone can do black beads on black fabric during a comute - I salute you! And how do you do it - keep the beads contained, get them on the needle, etc. Not that it would help me, since I'm doing the driving during my commute, and would most likely get car sick if I tried to do that while someone else was driving.

  18. Wow! that's lovely. I envy your patience and skill!

  19. That beading is going to be gorgeous - definitely worth that extra effort!

  20. Oh My Gawd,Carolyn. That beading is BEEYOUtiful. I absolutely love it. I want to do some. I did once and really enjoyed it.Good luck finishing your Swap. Can't wait to see it all together.

  21. Well, it is looking beautiful! I'm working on my beading, too, but mine is pretty lame-o - just a row around the neckline of a dress. I tried to come of with something more interesting, but I liked the plain the best.

  22. Hmmmm. Because you like a challenge? It looks beautiful.

  23. Well, I don't think you lost your mind. It may have just taken a detour! Still, good sewing does take time. Good luck! It will be amazing when done.

  24. Hah! I would do the exact same thing. I've thought about handsewing on the train but it's really not practical. We're all so packed in that I'd probably accidentally stab someone with a pin or needle.

  25. I too am working on this dress. I made the muslin and did a FBA. It's really cute.

  26. It's fabulous!! I think it'll be worth it in the end... at least you can watch tv while working on it. Good luck!

  27. LOOOOVE it, exactly what I would do! LOL

  28. It's beautiful. If anyone can pull this off, you can. Absolutely wonderful.

  29. LOL! Welcome to my strange, mad world. Except that I'd be beading on the bus.

    Seriously, though, that is going to be a knock-out dress for you - just keep going, it will get done!

  30. ooh, think how classy and elegant it will look when you're done! Beautiful!

    I can't comment on the commute, that boggles my mind!! I had NO idea your daily commute was that long.

  31. I'm impressed with your beading skills. I'm also glad I'm not the only one that picks difficult projects to do with little time to complete them. :)


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