
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Linked Within

This is just a short note...I finally added "Link Within" to my blog posts about a month ago.  I have to tell you that I love how it rotates and hooks up to some of my older posts.  I've been blogging for four years and I rarely go back and look at the older posts and comments, but lately some interesting ones have been popping up because of link within.  So if you are a new reader and haven't read some of my older posts, start with this one, "And Oprah said" made me giggle!

And just for fun, leave a comment telling me about one of your favorite posts from my blog and why?  I will enter them in a drawing and the winner will get a copy of the May 2010 issue of Burda Magazine as well as the book, "Carry Me 20 Boutique Bags to Sew

You have until midnight EST Saturday, April 24th to leave a comment and international readers are welcome to participate.  Please leave your email address too so I will know how to reach the winner.  Said winner will be picked on Sunday, April 25th and I'll mail out the goodies next week.  So get to reading, leave me a comment, make me laugh and you too can be a winner!

I can't wait to read about your favorites!


  1. I like when you have talked about Michelle O.'s clothes. I think you blogged about the 2 pattern companies that copied one of her dresses.

  2. I like when you talk about your TNT patterns and how you change them to get a new look or knock off of something you've seen. Mostly I just enjoy reading about your joys and frustrations with sewing and your grandma stories. Being a grandma of nine I can relate. I love that you except and love your body as is.

  3. I can't really choose one, there are so many of your posts which are my favourites. I particularly liked the one where you showed how you developed your TNT dress. That was a real eye-opener for me seeing that you didn't achieve that outcome overnight. It has given me the 'strength' to persist with fitting some of my own patterns beyond that initial sew. Thanks for being so generous with your time, Carolyn.


  4. I enjoy watching your creations as they move from your notepad to a finished garment. My favorite post is the "Mod Border Print Dress." This is still my favorite dress and I often refer back to it.

  5. I like the posts involving using your TNT dress pattern and the many ways you've changed it to mimic current styles but with the fit you want.

  6. Carolyn,
    Your blog is so interesting. I like how you go into detail on your TNT's and when you post about your "thinking" of sewing.

    However, my favorite posts were during '09. Your excitement about Mr Obama being inaugurated was great. I have been very blase about politics lately. It was a breath of fresh air to read your blog those few days.

  7. I went back to an oldie. I like Dec. 8, 2006, 10 Sewing Things I know to be True. I agree with most of them. I am reaching the point of needing to sew to live. Sewing used to bug the tar out of me and was NOT relaxing. Now,I must sew, or I cannot relax.

  8. I've learned so much from reading your posts, especially the wealth of helpful into for new sewists (I'm far from "new" but still have much to learn!). And of course I love seeing all the great garments you sew. But what most inspires me is your "wardrobe planning", where you show patterns or RTW to be copied, and what fabric you plan to use. A personal goal of mine is to sew with more of a big picture in mind, rather than a random collection of stuff that doesn't go together. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  9. Though I have been reading your blog for some time, I fell in love with your style while reading "19 dresses and counting" in Dec. of 2009. You were so pleased with "the dress", and I enjoyed seeing each of the creations you had made that year.

  10. I love when you show your stash and new purchases of fabric! Nothing more comforting than seeing someone else's collection. Also, I love your posts of a specific project from beg to end.

  11. My favorite thing about your blog isn't from one of your posts actually. I just love seeing a picture of our president and his beautiful family when I scroll down. That makes me smile every time.

  12. First off, do not enter me in your giveaway. I am getting ready to reorganize my current mess!

    I feel like you have posted about your fabric stash and the way you store it. It would be super fabulous if you would post about your sewing area and how you organize tools, notions, etc. If I remember correctly, you buy some things in bulk, so you must have a place for all of that to go.

    I could use inspiration from garment-makers (not so much quilt makers and fiber artists).

    ;) Thanks!

  13. I love the Thursday talk back...where you answer questions, I have learned some tips and technique from the posts....Thanks for sharing your talent

  14. I really loved your recent post "I can sew from this!" I don't have much of a stash but it still made me get up and pair some fabrics to patterns. I have a little notions list sitting in my car now, for next time I'm near a JoAnns.

    I would love a copy of that book, but I already have the May Burda which I don't think i'll be sewing from. So if my number happens to be drawn maybe I can mail my copy out instead? Kinda like pay it forward.

  15. I thought your project journal post (3/4/10) was really interesting. I am nowhere near that organized, but it's something for me to work towards!

  16. I liked this post:

    My email is smgjic [at] hotmail [dot] com.

  17. Well, you've given us a really hard task haven't you? How to choose from so much wisdom and the stories behind so many wonderful garments? I love all your posts. However, one that I really liked a lot was your Reflections on a Saturday Afternoon, November 21, 2009. Firstly it did me a big favour because you inspired me to get the Mrs O book, which I love to keep looking at for ideas. Secondly you showed us some pictures of your NYC meet-up with fellow sewists (some of whom I recognised from their own blogs) and I enjoyed feeling that I, too, was a little part of that, even if I couldn't be there!

  18. Oh Carolyn, choosing just one post is impossible. I love the way you champion comfort with who you are and dressing for yourself. You're also responsible for my love affair with Michael Kors. I think of you every time I see his stuff. But mostly I appreciate the way you're willing to share your creative adventures.

  19. I love your "not much sewing going on here" posts-- that is my status much of the time and I love that you own up to it instead of only posting when you've got a finished garment. We can still think about sewing even if we don't actually sew all the time!

  20. too funny that you post this today...because just a few days ago I was searching your previous posts trying to find your new dress form (I have been thinking of buying one myself and was interested in what you used)...and I kept getting sucked into older posts! My favorite one is An Afternoon With My Niece...My niece is only 8, but when she visits her favorite thing to do is sit and sew with me!


  21. I found your blog only last week, and I haven't had time to review all your postings (yet), so I don't have a favorite post, but everything about your blog is inspiring. I, too am not a tiny woman and I am motivated to sew for myself again after reading your blog. Also, your sewing skill inspires me as well. Thank you very much.

  22. I've been reading your blog for over a year the inspiration, particularly 12-26-09 19 Dresses and Counting....Lucky No. 7 is gorgeous!!

  23. I love everything about your blog. I especially enjoy seeing the different variations of your TNT patterns. I also like when you set a challenge as in one post regarding sewing most of your wardrobe over buying RTW. I have yet to reach either point..using TNT patterns or sewing most of my wardrobe but I love the inspiration and challenge that you provide.

  24. I don't have a specific post that is my favorite, but I really enjoyed your recap of your sewing vacation last September. It really motivated me to start thinking...and dreaming...of the kind of items I'd love to have in my wardrobe. I don't do enough planning.

    Anyway, I really love coming to your blog to see what you've been up to...what you're sewing, what you're buying and just what you're doing in general. Thanks! :)

  25. I've only been reading since early this year, but i really enjoyed your post on your project journals. I'm always interested to see how different people keep organized and record ideas while sewing! Thanks for the great blog!

  26. I liked the Michelle Obama dress you posted to show off the Vogue pleated dress you made in a wool knit (I think it was from Denver Fabrics, maybe). It came out so perfect on you too.

  27. I really couldn't pick a favorite. All of your posts are top notch and inspirational as well. Perhaps my favorites are your comments on Mrs. O. Keep em comin'.

  28. I'm a recent subscriber to your blog - but I must say that I've really enjoyed you sharing your TNTs. It makes me want to get back to sewing clothes again. I mainly knit and quilt when I not watching my new grandson - which is everyday - but what a joy!

  29. I was struggling to sew a dress for my daughters wedding. You posted a picture of a dress that had mismatched waist bands after you put in the zipper. You solved the problem by simply wearing the jacket. I think the dress may have been yellow and it was about 2years ago and it gave me hope and saved my sanity! Thanks

  30. I loved the post about how to put the lining in a sleeveless dress by sewing the side seams last - no hand sewing those armhole linings! I just used the technique for the first time on a dress I just have to photograph now!

  31. Sorry I forgot my email!

  32. this is so cool!!!! THanks for sharing. I too love all your TNT posts.

  33. I remember your post about your own version of the Michael Kors dress you made. That was really an eye-opener for me.
    As a plus sized woman I never gave much thought about fashion shows or magazines, thinking that they did not come or even look good in my size. Your post proved how wrong I was. Your blog is really an inspiration.

  34. I enjoy your off topic posts. It gives me a glimpse into your personality. When you talk about your adorable grandson and just the general goings on. Sealinam at aol dot com.

  35. I really enjoyed your dress roundup. So inspirational. sbsterling at gmail dot com

  36. My favorite post is all of them. I have learned so much from you. With that said... I have accumulated several TnTs... Thanks a bunch.


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