
Sunday, April 25, 2010

And the winner is...

Thanks everyone for participating in the drawing.  The posts you picked were pretty kewl and I couldn't choose one on my I went with the random number generator to help me out.

drumroll please....and the winner is:

Stephanie of!

Stephanie, please send me your email address and I will get the prizes out to you this week!

I have no sewing to show you...well I do but I'm in the midst of a time crunch right now.  It looks like I'm going to make the SWAP deadline ~ don't know how I pulled that one out!  *LOL*  The Vogue dress 7542 is done, the cardigan is done, the SW Mission tank top is cut out and will be sewn during the week because its the easiest thing to finish up. 

And I totally went for it and cut out another dress...yes, I did!  I know I'm mad but the fill-in dress was just that a fill-in that wouldn't play as well with the other pieces.  So a new dress it is!  The fabric and pattern are laying on the cutting table as we speak, I'm just taking a quick breather before I go back in!  I figure I have another four hours tonight and then I will probably leave work early one day this week to finish it up.  But I think I'm actually going to finish my last stitch by April 30th!

We have until May 8th to submit our photographs....I'm aiming for May 7th because a friend has offered to take the 12 pictures I need to submit for the SWAP.  No impatient child saying hurry up for these way, no sir! *LOL*  I will work on my SWAP paragraph during the week and captions for the photos...and I will put up the outtakes on the blog for all to see!

Okay, I have a fresh glass of Mountain Dew...and I'm heading back in!  Wish me luck! always, more later!


  1. Go Carolyn!!! Cheering you on!

  2. Oooh! Can't wait to see the SWAP photos! :-D

  3. I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting the final pics with baited breath. Good luck with the final push. Great idea about posting the outtakes from the photo shoot.

  4. Hmmm, Mountain Dew...maybe that's the secret to your prolific sewing production!

    So sorry I missed out on entering your giveaway...looked like a good one.

    Happy sewing.

  5. GOOD LUCK! GOOD LUCK!! GOOD LUCK!!! I know you can do it. I am always amazed by you. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  6. Holy crow! I never win anything. This just made my night!

  7. Good luck on the SWAP, can't wait to see what you have put together!

  8. Go Carolyn! Can't wait to see it - I knew you'd do it. :) g

  9. Sew. Sew. Sew. Good Luck!

  10. Carolyn, I love how you will leave work early to go home and stitch. You deserve to win the SWAP contest for that reason alone!

  11. Good luck, congrats to the winner, and can't wait to see the pics.


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