
Friday, May 21, 2010

Am I ever going to sew again?

That's surely how it feels...I have fabric...I have patterns and notions...I have desire...I haven't had any time yet!  And tomorrow I have a brunch to attend and then I really, really, really need to clean my closet out.  Not as in weed out the duds but as in there is just too much stuff jammed in there...okay I should say too many I'm reverting to my old system...Fall & Winter clothing will be packed away and stored...leaving the closet with just spring/summer/early fall clothing....the reverse will occur in the fall.  Hopefully this will give me some more room...

*sigh* Cause it's not like I don't have enough fabric laying around my apartment to make 5 or 6 more wardrobes...and I'm tired of having to iron everything when I pull it out of the closet because its wrinkled from being crammed in.

So my plan is to fold/pack & store tomorrow afternoon and evening...leaving Sunday free to sew.  I really want to finish up the vanilla silk twill dress and make this cute little jacket to go over it:

I already know what I want to work on Memorial Day weekend...and I don't have a lot of plans for that weekend...cause I really need to sew! always, more later!


  1. My schedule is to switch seasonal clothes on Memorial Day weekend and Columbus Day weekend. (You knew I had a schedule, didn't you! And my summer clothes are more colorful!)

  2. Sounds like a plan. I have the same closet problem. lol But I won't tackle it this weekend. Looking forward to seeing the vanilla silk outfit.

  3. I use the same system to deal with my clothing too. I did the switch two weeks ago and now am sporting spring every day. Off season goes in a couple of totes and in the back basement. In the fall we will switch again, pretty easy.

  4. I know the feeling - I have been busy every weekend and haven't had any time for sewing! AND, my sewing table is getting moved OUT of my sewing room tomorrow because we need it for a party we're having this weekend!!! I'm going to have to nag my husband all day on Sunday to get him to put it back :))) Good luck w/ your closet - that sounds like a lot of work but worth the effort!

  5. I'm also at a stage where my body isn't sure what size it wants to be so I need to keep 2 sizes or I'll waste a lot of money! that really takes up space.
    Putting away off season clothes is a good idea. Its so much fun to pull out the packed away seasonal clothes. I actually forget some of what I have and am pleasantly surpirsed each time.
    Looking forward to the silk dress.

  6. Two of my kids return to their school towns tomorrow morning and maybe I'll be able to sew then, to console myself over their departures. As to moving clothing, well, I am fortunate to have a husband who gave up half of his closet. That doesn't mean I don't have to weed things out sometimes. I have a cedar closet in my attic to make it easier (old house, strange things lurk in corners).

  7. I hope you'll find a lot of time to sew, soon! Nothing as frustrating as wanting to sew but not being able to find the time. (I know!!)

  8. I think we all need to hire someone that will travel to all of our homes and pack away all the "out of season" clothes and retrieve all the "in season" outfits that we need. Yuck, that's one chore that I truly hate!!!!

  9. I read your post title and immediately got nervous! Sometimes I take things way to literal--LOL! So happy you're taking time to get organized. It always takes the added worry of your mind so you can really focus on your sewing.Can't wait to see your next dress!

  10. Keeping closets organized couls easily be a full time job ... I've also been working on mine this week end.

  11. I know that closet problem. I thought I owned it. I have a very large closet. Think two twin beds in an L shape. DH has 2 seperate large closets as well. Sometimes I ask, "when did we get so rich?"

  12. My Memorial day weekend has been blocked off for sewing, too. Four whole days with no plans. I cannot wait!

  13. Glad to know I am not alone... I have to fight to get into the closet and like you have to iron anything I pull out of that abyss. I'd plan to purge my closet this weekend and also remove the fall/winter garments, but ended up organizing the sewing room. I am looking forward to seeing your version of B5460.


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