
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where I find it...

My title refers to "Where do I find inspiration?"

You would think that this season it would come from the pictures of dresses that I pulled from magazines and catalogs earlier in the season...and yes, there is some inspiration from that.  And I WILL make at least two or three dresses for what I'm calling the "Architectural Collection."

However, lately my inspiration has come from fabric.  I'm sure many of you are going well, of course, you are a fabricaholic until the day you die.  True, true, but seriously the fabric that is available to the home sewist lately is reminding me of the kinds of fabric that I had access to as a young girl.  I would walk into a fabric store then and be surrounded by the possibilities and/or dreams of what I could create.

I'm feeling that this season.  So much of what is seen in the stores can be purchased locally (if that's your thing) or online (if that's your thing).  You just have to locate it.  My mind is overflowing with possibilities and I can promise you that this season will find some amazing things emerging from my sewing machine, due to all of the inspiration that has become available to me.

And it's not all going to come in the form of purchased fabric.  I have a real itch to manipulate, dye and stamp some pieces to make them my own.  I feel as if I'm standing in an open doorway and that when it swings wide all kinds of creative opportunities will become available to me.

To that end, I've added a few more pieces to my ever growing collection especially since border prints are sooooo abundant this season.

So tell me, where are you finding inspiration this season?  Is it from magazines?  From blogs?  Or is fabric driving your passion? Or are you simply going your own way and doing your own thing? Talk back to me because this is the Question of the Day...


  1. Hello from Germany :-),
    the older I get ;-)the more I go my own way. First there is a beauiful fabric and then I am going to think what would be the best pattern to use. The Burda-Magazin for example is very directed by actual trends and thats not always siutable for me. So again: first there is the fabric...
    Best regards

  2. I've been knitting lately but I'm starting to get the sewing bug again after reading yours and others' blogs. time to oil up the machine. Congrats on the PR winning.

  3. Doing my own thing :) when I get the chance :)

  4. I'm trying to beat to my own drum. I was thinking about doing a color and texture study. I would start with the fabric first and then go and pick out a pattern that I think might suit it.

  5. I get inspiration from a lot of places, but recently it has been blogs and definitely vintage. I guess mainly it has been about making things that are really "me", but keep up with the current color palettes and accessories.

  6. Honestly, I am getting a lot of inspiration from YOU! Thanks!

  7. My inspiration comes in two ways. Sometimes a piece of fabric just call to me. When this happens I usually know exactly what to do with it (see my latest post). Other times I'll see something in a magazine that I would like to do my own version of (with a twist), and then there are times when I'll scour the Burda magazines looking for an idea for some random piece of fabric I've bought. PS I am in love with your rose bordered print.

  8. Theresa in TucsonMay 18, 2010 7:52 PM

    I've just started to think in "SWAP" terms, what will fit in with the rest of the closet. I spent 21 years wearing a uniform and when I retired swapped the green uniform for a blue denim one. I'm just starting to venture away from the uniform. I started a "rip-off" book pulled out of mail-order catalogs for ideas and I have tasked myself with making forward progress with my sewing skills. Bit by bit I will acquire a functional wardrobe. I don't do pantyhose, Spanx, heels or jewelry but find inspiration in your blog nevertheless. And congratulations on the SWAP win, well desrved.

  9. I think I'm doing my own thing when it comes to fabric choices! But I've been looking to net-a-porter for inspiration for summer tops. I *need* many, but can't think of what I want!

  10. Totally unrelated: CONGRATULATIONS!

  11. What a wonderful inspiration dress and how lovely that you have the fabric to interpret it. I'm keep thinking of Tom Edison's quote about inspiration/perspiration. I can't want to see your next creation, whatever it might be! :)

    Rose in SV

  12. At the moment my inspiration is coming from colour. With the weather cooling enough to wear more clothes, I'm enjoying colour combinations inspired by my fabrics. I'm working on a coat that is my very first inspiration from ready to wear, so that may be something that inspires me more.

  13. I get inspired by tv shows and movies (often 'classics' rather than contemporary), blogs and bloggers (including you, Carolyn), what my friends are up to, patterns, and what I see others in the city wearing. I like ot think I put my own signature on things thorugh colours and accessories.

  14. I am going my own way and doing my own thing. I don't buy or look at fashion mags. I do get inspiration however from all the great garments being made in blogland.

  15. I often get inspiration from BWOF, but right now my biggest inspiration is to make more room in the fabric closet!

  16. Congratulations on your Midnight Blue SWAP grand prize!!!
    Regarding your question OTD...I've always been most inspired by fabric using my TNT patterns and adding new "twists" as you do. Of course I read nearly every fashion mag and blog as well as snoop shop on a regular basis. As fabric artists we are so lucky to have a whole world of inspiration that we can make "happen" in real garments!

    Karen in Houston

  17. Congratulations on winning. Your clothes are amazing and My inspirations are from blogs and fabric and sometimes patterns. Sometimes both.

  18. I'm not sure where I get my inspiration. Everywhere, I guess. On blogs, in magazines, books, tv. A combination of everything we encouter in life. And many times I wake up in the middle of the night, or lie awake, picturing some sort of scene or sphere. And from there often comes a garment, fitting in that sphere.

    I know, this sounds crazy probably. But I'm not sure I can describe it any better :-)

  19. I, too, am reminded nowadays of the years when fabric was more readily available. It does seem that there are many more beautiful options available than there have been in a long time. I scour many blogs, fashion magazines and catalogs for ideas, but have to say that no matter what I look at it's usually the fabric I am drawn to and that I then want to interpret into an item of clothing. Thank you for your inspiring blog!

  20. Two weeks ago I googled something like "sewing blogs" and yours came up. I haven't sewn a garment piece in such a long time. Maybe a little tailoring here and there, but that's been about it.....until....I started reading your blog.
    You've so inspired me to get with the program, stop putting off what I love and enjoy doing, and get started again. You're writings are so wonderful, appreciate the vast knowledge you share along with that neat city girl humor!!!
    Take care!

  21. I get my inspiration from so many places so for me there is not one source. I may see someone with an unique element on their clothing, something in a magazine, or see fabric that just excites me. Congratulations on your win. I've learned so much from you.

  22. Right now my inspiration comes from a happy frugality because I'm trying to only use fabric from my stash and whatever patterns I already have. I love vintage but I also try and incorporate some of the current styles if they grab me in some way.

  23. I see a picture, or a dress or outfit on TV, and I want it. Gaylen sent me a magazine with a picture of someone who looked like me, wearing an adorable dress, and now I want that. But now I'm drooling over your border prints. I don't get out because of walking difficulties, so I am very jealous...


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