
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Week 5 of 17

This is a three-day holiday weekend here in the U.S. so I hope to spend some quality time with my sewing machine and spit out a few new pieces for work next week.  But before I get to my current project, I would like to ask you a question.  My mom stopped by this afternoon and while discussing my sewing asked me how many dresses I made last year.  Since I wrote a year end post about it, I knew immediately how many I'd made...proudly I said 21. Then she replied, that's alot of wouldn't have bought that many.  Why do you have so many clothes?

This really threw me...and I said something like well I like to sew and it's how I spend my time...and it's more about the creation than the wearing (liar, liar, pants on fire!) and she just nodded and changed the subject.  So I thought I would throw it out there to you all...Do you think 21 dresses is too much?  And do you think we as sewists, sew way more clothing than we would naturally buy?  See how a parent can totally mess up your sewing groove! (*LOL*)


This is hopefully the first of the two projects that I have planned for this weekend:

The pattern is Vogue 9666 which has a copyright date of 1997 and recently arrived from Lanetz Living.  When I saw it on the site, immediately I saw a myriad of possibilities for the shorter length dress, so I had to have it!

Fabric is from Fabric Mart and  The lightweight black/white doubleknit print is from Fabric Mart and purchased recently during the fabric buying frenzy.  The lightweight white ponte knit is from and was bought to go with the print.

I've made all the adjustments to the pattern...even though I'm starting with a size 22 pattern.  Geeze, does anyone make garments straight from the pattern envelope?  I mean I know that most everyone has to make some kind of alteration ~ FBA, length, something, but sometimes the slicing and dicing can get to you, y'know!  Anyway, since this dress is being made from a doubleknit, I'm not lining it.  If this one works (not just fits but passes the wearability test), I will be making a couple more versions...hopefully one using one of the border prints that I recently purchased.

The pattern is altered and the fabric is cut out.  I will start working on the dress' construction since I have no plans for tomorrow (during the day), I'm going to hang out for awhile tonight and see how far I can get! always more later!


  1. The number doesn't matter. After sewing for 20+ years I'm finally getting the wardrobe I've always wanted so I make no apologies and you shouldn't either. Sew On!

  2. Why do you make so many clothes?

    Because you can :)

  3. I think I'm glad that I haven't counted how many items of clothing I've made! No, I possibly wouldn't buy as many as I sew (but some people would!) but the sewing is all about the creative process (as well as having the clothes to wear). Why not make 21 dresses? It's not as though you don't have the fabric!

  4. I think about this a lot. I make as many garments as I have the time to make. (I'm a new sewist and I have a young child so I'm not as prolific as you.) I love the creative process - well, actually, I often hate it but I'm compelled, you know? And I love wearing things I've made and telling people I made them - esp. when they say they like my outfit. I don't only make dresses but I average 3 - 4 garments a month (from shirts to skirts to yoga pants to bras).

    That adds up. And yet, what am I to do? I won't improve if I don't keep at it. And I like new, beautiful things.

  5. Great post and great question! I honestly can't say if that's too many dresses. Who's to say if you found a store going out of business with 21 of the most perfect dresses on sale (and I'm talking a deep, deep discount) that you wouldn't have bought them? Well maybe that's just me. LOL! As seamstresses we make what we like and our clothes are a reward of our hard work and skill. We are compelled by our desire to create. You can't put too strict a limit on that. Keep doing your thing. Can't wait to see your next dress!

  6. I can actually see the dress coming to life. I am a soon to be new sewer and I thought that imagining what a garment would look like would be hard. I would look at the pattern and say that's nice and would want to have it made the way it looks on the pattern but I can acutally see this beautiful fabric becoming everything you want. Thanx I am learning a lot from you.

  7. Twenty one sounds like a perfectly good number to me.

    I have to make so many alterations to a commercial pattern, that I think I deserve every garment that I actually complete!!

  8. hummm? Don't have to get out of my pj. Don't have find the dress, try it on and hope it fits. Have a tnt pattern that works almost every time. No! I don't think 21 dresses are to many.

  9. I think it's a combo of both. I would make ALOT more clothes if I was more confident in my sewing ablility. Also one thing you have to look at as well, as a fellow "big girl" it's hard to find STYLISH clothes in our size and when we do find something we like it's beyond EXPENSIVE (especially compared to what misses wear). In that event you are not only saving money (because you can't find clothes to buy), but getting the fashions you love. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I could find the stuff I wanted in the stores, I would probably buy it...but not 21 dresses. But since I can't, I make them, and I save a lot more it's a win win situation :P.

  10. I don't make many clothes for myself, but I make WAAAAAYYY too many for my kids. Half the time, they are running around the house half naked or in dress up costumes.... so.... in a nutshell. Yes. I make more clothes than I would buy. And yes. I make too many clothes. But I don't care. It's fun and I love it.

  11. Who cares about the number? The reality is you enjoy sewing. When I was younger, I used to sew a lot for me. I had lots of clothes... Also, you know how many you made because you have your diary (blog). I noticed that the "art of blogging" makes us do more of what we enjoy. I am not sure why... but it does work for me. So, keep sewing, and enjoy your 3 days weekend.

  12. There's nothing wrong with creating. Your wardrobe is enviable. Would anyone tell Picasso he made too many paintings?

  13. Good grief. Sewing is your art. No one criticizes a painter or a potter for the number of paintings or vases they make in a year!

    And friend, you have a job that requires you to dress SMART. You could spend a fortune on clothes that only fit half as well and look half as nice and have to rotate them more often.

  14. Personally I don't think you can sew too many garments for yourself. Truth be told if we could walk into a store find the perfect top, pants, skirt, dress, etc... the way we want it to look we would most likely buy it in evry color that looked good on us. 21 dresses is a great number.

  15. My Mum said a similar thing to me once when I was heavily into sewing quilts. How many quilts do you need? Well I made more and donated them to charity and moved onto clothes sewing. I make a lot of clothes but I seem to move them on pretty quickly too. Some of that is that I am still learning so consider a few as learning experiences but they may not cut it in the wearabilty stakes. I like clothes and am happy to have plenty to choose from (however it never seems to be enough!)

  16. I don't think 21 dresses are to many. What I've learn about you is it's more about the pleasure of creating than just going out buying something. I totally admire your creative mind....keep that groove going, you inspire all of us by what you create. We wouldn't be inspired by what you'd buy RTW.

  17. First of all, I'm a bit jealous that you still have your mother around to ask you that question! Second, my mother was the one with "too many clothes" from my sewing machine, not me! And she kept coming over with more fabric and more patterns and more ideas. (I miss those days.)

    You only have too many when you decide it is too many. Keep sewing. I prefer to think of it as having options. :)

  18. Is your mom related to mine? My mom always makes some sort of comment when she comes into my sewing room. It usually relates to the quantity of fabric piled lovingly everywhere just waiting to metamorphosize into a wearable item.

    I don't think 21 dresses are too many. Of course, I made 89 garments last year ... jackets, sweaters, knit tops, Chanel style jacket, pants, yoga wear, panties, bras .... so I may not be an arbiter of moderation in the sewing department. I definitely sew more clothes than I would buy because I find there is so little that fits me and looks good. Your dresses always fit you so well and look so good on you. Where would you ever be able to buy anything so perfect for you?

    Why do I sew? Firstly, because I can. Secondly, because I hate the way purchased clothing "fits" me. Fourthly because I love the pleasure of anticipating what my lovely and loved fabrics can become. Fifthly, because it keeps me sane and offers me a relaxing, creative outlet that I don't have in my very stressful, fast paced job. And now, because it is a skill that I am passing along to my young neice who have become interested in creating garments and I very much enjoy sharing that journey with her.

    So no, 21 dresses is certainly not too many!

  19. Yes, you have far more than you will ever need! But if you enjoy making and wearing them, then that is just fine :)) And I sure enjoy seeing them!!

  20. When I found out that my students had a pool going for when I'd repeat an outfit, I just kept sewing! What a great year, great kids, great clothes. (the magic number was 47!)

  21. 21 dresses isn't too many because you actually wear your dresses.

    I would make more clothes than I buy if I could alter patterns to fit me. So far, I've got skirts down. Yes, I've made a lot of skirts and I'm wearing them. I couldn't buy the number of skirts I've made in the colors or fabrics I've used. I don't see the problem with sewing what YOU like. Keep on keepin' on.

  22. Since you wear them all to work five days a week and maybe for church on Sundays, then, no. It's not too many. How does she know you wouldn't buy that many clothes?? ;)

  23. I'm having a problem answering your question without knowing more about your mom. . .does she sew? Might she think you sew dresses but not wear them? Could that be why she made the comments? THOSE are the things I wonder.
    The ANSWER is (because no one got it right yet):
    if you can afford it, the number is no one's business.
    Next time, reply with a "why do you ask?"

  24. Mothers ! She asked you this question because she thinks you need to stop sewing and get married. That's what mothers always mean.

  25. My Mother, bless her heart, taught me to sew, sewed herself, and always said "It is cheaper than therapy." As she got older, she would add, "well, it may not be cheaper, but it is a lot more fun" I much prefer her outlook. Keep on sewing.

  26. You do great work so while mother's pose these questions to their children, they do know what makes their children tick. Keep up the good work.

  27. I think it's about what makes you happy and what gives you an outlet. As my partner said when we first got together and I was just getting into sewing, "Everyone needs a hobby, something that they do to relax and enjoy themselves that is just their special place. If you enjoy sewing then go for it. It doesn't matter if you dont even make anything wearable so long as the process is enjoyable." I believe that he's right you need something which brings you something that brings you a little bit of joy. It's not about the clothes you make its about the enjoyment.

  28. 21 dresses are fine and sewing is a creative passion and that is fine as well.... as long as you have a life away from sewing that you enjoy.
    I love to sew but I also have other things that I like to do which satisfies me socially. I try...really make one thing a month, but I find that difficult because other things get in the way. I hate RTW it just doesn't fit me.....lets face it we have spoilt ourselves by making clothes that I have no choice but to sew.
    If you are happy then there is no reason why you shouldn't have 121 dresses....happiness is what matters not how many clothes you have.

  29. 21 is not much at all for a whole year of sewing. And they do get repeated.

    Good thing is if they fit well. Me, I've sewn a few Indian clothes when I was in high-school and only just picked up the habit again. I'm starting with making some casual summer outfits. I'm not a regular size, because something that fits on the waist will not fit well on the hips or a top will fit well over the body but the sleeves are too short. Store-bought stuff from the most high-end stores don't fit well inspite of the price and the ones from the cheaper stores look cheap. It is especially important in the workplace. I've realised as an Asian woman working in a white male-dominated banking environment, that the clothes you wear have a large role to play in how you are perceived. Sad, but true.

  30. Oh, yes, I make way more clothes than I would buy and that is because I can, as so many others have said. I wore a dress out to dinner last week that received many compliments. It cost me a whopping $4 in fabric from a pattern I'd made before and using thread leftover from another garment. I really like the pattern you have purchased and I love the black and white print. I think it will work really nicely in this pattern.

  31. Well, if you make 21 dresses every year and each dress remains wearable for 3 or 4 years, over a period of time that might add up to "too many dresses" in that you will be making stuff that never sees daylight, which would be a waste. But you will probably slow down at a point when you find you have enough, and you also need to make jackets, coats, skirts, blouses etc. My guess is that she means, "Why don't you make some dresses for me?" You've also got that adorable daughter and gorgeous grandson who may start to look like an attractive model for your skills evry shortly.

  32. But you love to sew and you love to sew clothes. Enjoy. It is not about what you need, it is about who you are. We all need something that we do for the pure joy of it. Indulge.

  33. I absolutely sew more clothes than I would ever buy – and I don't have a problem with that. I sew one or two outfits a month. For me, sewing clothes is so much more satisfying them shopping for them. And who's to say you wouldn't have bought 21 dresses if you'd found dresses that fit well and are as flattering as the ones you've sewn?

  34. Everyone's comments were so insightful!

    As with most things in life, the answer depends on who's doing the talking. You're asking sewers, so of course they're going to rally behind you. And you can count me in, as well. But not because I sew, Carolyn. Well, maybe a little.

    I'm with the 'it makes you happy to sew' camp. Life is so very short. This is something that you love, and it's not hurting anyone. I wish I sewed as much clothing as you. I think it's marvelous.

    I so enjoy seeing what next comes from your fingers and sewing machine. But mostly Carolyn, I enjoy being able to see and share in your enthusiasm about sewing and your creative process. You really are a (prolific) artist; and your medium is fabric, clothing patterns, needle and thread.

    Keep on sewin', girl. It's wonderful to see.

  35. There's such a thing as too many clothes (shoes, pieces of fabric, bottles of nail polish...)? Blasphemy!

  36. Sewing is our "thing". Better than sitting in a bar, or shoving coins down a slot machine, which wouldn't yield anything except a headache and a depleted bank account. So, if we have access clothes, fabric, patterns--at least it's an obsession that we actually end up with something to show for it.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Sorry, I wanted to re-word my last post so I deleted it.
    You make beautiful clothes which you enjoy sewing and wearing. As long as you have room to store them I don't think the number you make matters.

  39. The only person that can tell you if it's too much is you. But since you asked... I'd say yes. As a fellow sewist I understand the whys and hows. Its a hobby you love and enjoy the creative process. But what if you had another hobby like cats? Would 21 cats be too much?

    I had this very same thing happen to me and I had to ask myself if it was too much. And once I decided that it was too much I did something about it. For every garment I make, I get rid of one.

    Why not sew for others as a ministry? Or teach a class?

  40. Hmmm. If you weren't sewing so much maybe you would buy 21 dresses. I know ladies who buy tons of clothes. Twenty-one dresses may not be all that many in some quarters. (Maybe she was hinting that you should make her a dress:)

  41. I WISH I had 21 dresses -- its about 2 right now -- one winter & one summer.... I really need to bite the bullet!!! (Its so much easier to sew for my kids & grandkids cuz they don't have er... issues... with the numbers on the tape measure ;-)

    Now ---- I've got to know ---- what part of the dress is the black diamond print & what is the plain white???? I've got the same diamond print in a box by my bed looking at me every time I get out of bed LOL!!!

    (Stash Empress)

    (for some reason Google isn't letting me sign in today)

  42. I wish I could get more sewing done as I tend to see things in the store that I want to wear but always say "I can make that". We sewists probably make more clothes than we do buy or would buy.

    I have the same double knit fabric from Fabric Mart. No real plans for sewing it yet, so look forward to seeing how yours turns out.

  43. "Because I can't disappoint my fan club" and you would be RIGHT ! Keep sewing!! Please !!

  44. I love the patterns you´ve got! there is no such thing as too many elegant dresses

  45. Hi Carolyn,
    I just thought I would share this thought for the day that comes to me every day


    Sunday, May. 30
    "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go out and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
    Howard Thurman"

    If and when you find 21 or more dresses too much you can always give some away and brighten another woman's day especially if she is just starting out and trying to get a job or her first interview.
    In the meantime enjoy all your creations...we sewers work so hard to get the patterns right, we deserve the outcome! SEW ON!

  46. Something about making the dresses makes me feel so proud - like I earned it in a way - does that make sense? Going out and buying 21 dresses would feel indulgent, but making 21 dresses feels industrious!

  47. You love to sew. That's reason enough.

  48. I believe that there is never too much of what has meaning to a person. If you enjoy making and/or wearing 21 dresses, I don't think that is too much. Keep those dresses coming!! Of course, I make more clothes than I would buy. I have too much trouble finding affordable clothes that fit, are in the right color, right style, etc. I would make even more clothes if I could sew faster! I look forward to seeing your latest dress.

  49. We sew because we love it...the process, the pride, the whole thing. I have had many hobbies through the years, still do. What I love best is sewing produces something so usable. Really, how many plastic canvas bags can one use????

    And yes, I would buy this many clothes. When I was in my early 20s I was an asst mngr for Casual my clothes at don't *even* want to know how many outfits I had at that time!!!!

  50. Please don't sew less!!!! I love seeing your creativity.

    Personally, I don't sew for myself at all because I can't conceive of how to make something that would fit and actually look nice on me...I don't shop much for the same reason. So I own basically one or two outfits at any given time. That's why today's post about slicing and dicing your patterns makes me wish I lived closer to you so you could show me how to sew for myself. Oh Well....

  51. If your hobby is reading, you have books and nobody looks sideways at you so I don't see this as any different. I haven't gotten to the point where my time management allows me to turn out garment after garment, but heavens... It IS about wearing and feeling good, and it's about the creative process and if the result is a LARGE wardrobe, then that's what it is! My husband is a wood turner. Does anyone need 30-40 finished wooden bowls and boxes on their shelves? No. But it is what he does and I love the look and feel of every piece. No excuses. No apologies. Stitch on, Sister.

  52. I just finished my third dress of the weekend . . . one is a long dress that I'll wear for dinner on my upcoming vacation (made most of this one last weekend, completed the finishing details yesterday), one is a long silk chiffon swimsuit coverup, and the third is another version of the red dress I wore at the PR weekend in Philly (made from the peach and white linen I picked up out of one of the bins at London Textiles). Yeah, I suppose it seems like a lot of clothing added to the wardrobe, but that's what I do for enjoyment. Some people are voracious readers, or cooks, or golfers . . . this is what I do for entertainment! And I sure do love it! I also love that new vintage Vogue wrap dress pattern of yours . . . don't know how I've missed that one in the past, as I'm a sucker for any wrap dress pattern.

    Keep up the great sewing!!! Enjoy your long weekend!

  53. I think "Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth" left a very thoughtful comment. As for me, I don't wear dresses so 21 would be far too many. Would I make 21 other garments for myself? Well, I kinda doubt it. Personally I don't want the hassle of a lot of clothes (more to wash, fold, dry clean, hang, store, etc). I live in a state that's warm most of the time, but even so, I never want to get to the point of swapping out clothes from my closet for the season. Just my personal choice. I'm still new and fumbling around as a sewist, but if I do finally manage to make some wearable clothes, I'll probably follow the "make one, get rid of one" principle that "Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth" mentioned.

    All that said, if you want to make 21 dresses, Carolyn, that's up to you. There's no "one size fits all" answer for everyone (pun intended!).

  54. Kathysews mom and my mom must've been talking because my mum is the biggest supporter of my therapy! 21 isn't a lot to a seamstress so let's put it this way - buying 21 dresses sounds rather acquisitive but making 21 dresses sounds like a ton of fun.

  55. Now lets be real here. That is just 10 for the warm weather and 10 for the cold weather, and out of those you could pluck a few transitionals, I'm sure. Sounds fine to me.

    Aren't there people who have garages with 15-20 antique cars inside? My own dad had album after album of coins and stamps. He never could pass up an exciting new stamp. We have clothes because we enjoy making them. It's simple fact, one that needs no explanation or justification.

  56. It is funny the this comment came up today. My pastor told us that we must get a passion for something rather it is work, sewing, charity or etc. It is not a sin to have 21 dresses or anything else. I believe if you enjoy sewing and making garments for yourself as you do continue. We new sewist enjoy reading and learning from you this is our class each week and we can only learn if you sew. By the way, I love to buy shoes no matter what they cost and I have over 100 pair and maybe once every other year I will go thru them and donate a few pairs of shoes as I replace them with new ones. This is what I love and therefore I do not feel guilty about that at all. What I am saying continue to make you clothes and enjoy them. When get a chance make mom a dress or two - who knows that could be a hint. (smile)
    I enjoy your posts and continue to feeds us.

  57. I do sew more clothes than I would buy, for the simple reason that once I find a pattern I love, I can make it in a gazillion colors. Sometimes I find a fabric I love and turn it into 2 or 3 different things, for example, a top and a dress, or long sleeved and sleeveless dresses. I make a new dress for every holiday, which will be worn only once a decade or so. It's just what I do.

    And, since you're a mother and grandmother now, aren't you supposed to be not getting flustered by your own mother, but instead confusing your daughters?

  58. Well, 21 dresses is probably more than you "need". Are there other areas in your life that you are neglecting? Do you need or wish you had the money you spend on sewing for something else? If you honestly ask yourself these questions and the answer is no, I would not worry about it and would have fun sewing.

  59. Wow!So many comments already. Beautiful pattern! Your mother sounds like mine used to be. (She has had Altzheimers for 17 years now and how I miss her!) She would have been ashamed of me for having so many clothes.It doesn't stop me though.I think some of us sew so many things to justify having so much fabric or to try and use up the fabric we have.

  60. Tell Mom you help me teach my class. I tell my students all the time to come check out your blog and all the different ways you sew your TNT dress pattern. So not only are you doing it for yourself but you're doing it for others too... all over the world :)
    Happy sewing!

  61. I knew it. We're actually long lost sisters. I didn't know my mom was in the Northeast last week!


    21 dresses sounds perfect to me!

  62. I once counted my mother's wardrobe (all purchased) - 60 white blouses!!! not to mention skirts, pants, dresses, sweaters. Dozens of hand-knit sweaters. It runs in the family!

  63. Mom is obviously envious. Take it as a compliment.

  64. I have an awesome wardrobe....because I sew. And from what I've seen from your posts, yours is pretty awesome too. Would mine be as big and as awesome if I didn't sew...nope. I wouldn't be able to afford it..and I wouldn't be able to find the things that fit my style. I say if you want 121 dress, make 121 dresses! Great fabric btw. I think it'll look great sewn up.

  65. It's only too many if you think so. If they bring you joy, either in the making or the wearing or both, then who is to say what is "too much" in terms of a finite number.

    Moms can say things that get to us, but since you don't live with her anymore, you can just smile and nod and when she leaves, go throw yourself on your 21 dresses and roll around on them. LOL! Well, that's what I'd do. ;-)

    Hope your A/C is back now or very soon.

  66. One can never have too many dresses.

  67. For me, 1 dress is too many. But then, I don't have the job/lifestyle that calls for dresses. I do buy dress patterns for the details, or possible converstion to tops. So I asked myself "is 21 tops/pants too many?". Maybe 21 pants would be. 21 tops are not. Especially for those of us who live where the weather has a wide variety over the year. You do pass on dresses to make room for new, so it's not like you have every dress you've sewn crammed in your closet. And basement, and attic, and piled where-ever. Question in return - since you sew so many corporate-job suitable dresses, do you ever donate them to a charity that is specifically for helping low-income women move into the corporate world? Or do you stick with places like Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. (all worth causes).

  68. As someone who has 4 dresses, my answer is an emphatic NO 21 dresses is not too much. I was going to add, especially since you work outside the home, but that has nothing to do with it. I plan to add to my dress wardrobe and i work from home - so my answer is still NO - not too many. Is there such a thing? lol

  69. You know, my immediate thought was "Well no, you (or anyone) probably wouldn't have bought 20+ dresses in one year, but that might very well have to do with not being able to find that many that are flattering right off the rack." That said, sewing is a hobby, just like anything else. You just happen to wind up with a fabulous wardrobe in the process. Nothing wrong with that and nothing to apologize for. :)


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