
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 5 of 17 - Part 2

...or UGGG!  As I've come to think of this weekend...

Okay, this is as far as I got before the air conditioning in my apartment went out yet AGAIN!

And while the Super came and worked on it one more time this afternoon, the central air conditioning blew cold air for about 2 hours and then the temperature managed to ease its way back up into the 80s in the apartment so all sewing ceased.  I'm getting ready to go out now...and the super probably won't be back until tomorrow morning but to say that I'm annoyed is an understatement.

I know that the two dresses I planned on creating will not make it out of my sewing machine this weekend...and that was a major part of my weekend for the sake of my date tonight I'm trying not to let this ruin the weekend...but between you and me...*sigh*...the weekend is ruined because I just don't do well in extreme temperatures...

...more later...


  1. oh no! Broken A/C is the worst. I am a hot weather wimp, too.
    Hope your evening is pleasant.

  2. I have just the opposite problem. I'm trying to program the thermostat so that I don't have walk around with a sweater on! I love how your dress is coming out so far.

  3. I hate when the AC is out. So frustrating! Our second floor gets really hot even when the AC is working, I'd probably just hide out in the basement if ours went out.

  4. I can sympathize - I won't even get out of bed if the AC isn't on full blast here in AZ. Yuck!
    On the bright side, the dress is looking fantastic!

  5. Ours is out and we live in Texas. These things ONLY happen on holiday weekends!

  6. Happy Birthday! Albeit it late, I hope you had a great one today! We share the same day. :)

  7. I understand, we went through 6 days without waiting for the part to come in and the weather was only in the 80's then. Now, we are in the 90's, praying nothing happens.

  8. Silly me, I hadn't realised you intended to use both fabrics for this dress. I love it even more now. It might be almost winter here in the subtropics, but today was still too hot to be out in the sun, so I understand about the weather and no aircondititioning. After the unbelievably hot and ridiculously humid summer we've just had, I'm seriously considering installing airconditioning next year. Hope yours is back in action by now.

  9. i am getting good at this imagination thing the dress looks like i imagined. I am sorry about your A/C. I hate A/C and I live in Virginia.

  10. The dress look so good, can't wait to see you try it on! Cross-over front is great - I only wish I could wear a cross-over front becomingly.

  11. I'm really loving the look of this dress - the black/white combo is fabulous. Hope your A/C problems get sorted soon. Here in London almost nobody has A/C in their homes, which usually doesn't matter much but when we do have the occasional heatwave it is really quite horrible at home!

  12. I feel your pain! I hate a hot house. HATE in caps! I cannot think, sleep, sew or even be pleasant if our home isn't cool.

  13. Oh no, broken AC is horrible! I hate the heat and the humidity even more.

  14. Based on what you have so far, this may be my favourite Carolyn dress so far! Can't wait to see a finished model shot.

    Hope your AC woes will be over soon.

  15. Love how the dress is coming along. I know how you feel about the heat.. I can tolerate it when I am outdoors to a point but when I am inside it has to be cool.

  16. I'm sorry to hear about the A/C. I grew up in
    Essex County and I remember those NJ in the early summer. I hope that you the the problem solved! I have similar grand plans for sewing this weekend. I managed to get some work-suitable t-shirts and one more pair of pants made. And I still need to work on cleaning.

  17. So sorry to hear that!!!! You must be soooooo mad. Hope you have fun on your date. *Hugs*

  18. The dress is shaping up to be so lovely! Sorry to hear A/C problems are keeping you from it.

    We don't have (and rarely wish for) A/C, but all my sewing projects are at a stage where next I have to press something. It's sunny and warm today, and just too steamy in my sewing room to plug in the iron.

    Which explains why I'm at the computer (cooler spot) catching up on sewing blogs...

  19. There's nothing quite like living where the temps frequently reach 110 during the summer, and having your A/C go out.

    Been There. Done That. Slept swaddled in wet sheets with a fan.

    No fun!


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