
Friday, June 04, 2010

A Fabric Lunch

Today, we (Elizabeth, LindsayT and I) met AllisonC in the Garment District for a fabric lunch.  Thanks Elizabeth that's a really cute title! *LOL*  As usual I was the last one to arrive because getting out of my office is always a challenge...*sigh* but I made it!

I was so proud of myself because I bought nuthin'...actually Allison was the only one who purchased a piece and it's probably because the three of us coaxed her into it by telling her that she couldn't come to NYC and not buy something from Mood!

She bought this beautiful cotton that was rolled out on the table!

Then Lindsay, who if you think was a garment district guru before, is really now "The Master of the Garment District Universe" since she starting working near there, took us to Elliott Berman's showroom.  See this is the difference between Lindsay and me...she seeks out the strange and unfamiliar and in the process she finds some amazing places to fabric shop - read her review here.  Whereas I am comfortable with the places I know and frequent them exclusively!

Allison, Matthew (proprietor of Elliott Berman) and LindsayT.

But since she changed my mind about Mood and since I've seen some of the awesome pieces that Liana has purchased from them online, I decided to go without any reservations.  And to think that I had the audacity to say something like, "I was sick of fabric and not buying anymore until the fall fabrics showed up"...of course, they all laughed at me...loudly!

Because when we got to Elliott Berman's it was like walking through the looking glass...beautiful high-end designer fabrics with extremely affordable prices...we were like kids in a candy store.  Even the Stashless Lindsay bought an awesome piece without us having to twist her arm!

Allison, Lindsay (with the piece she bought) and Elizabeth

So these are the beauties that came home with me:

Floral silk jersey, black 'n white silk jersey, navy blue embroidered wool knit

It was a wonderful fabric lunch!  And if you should hear about a woman's apartment falling down from the second floor and crushing her neighbors because of the fabric loaded into it...don't be alarmed, it's just my apartment which is reaching the tipping point with fabric goodness.

I'm planning to sew this more later!


  1. Silk jersey . . . oooooooooh, I'm drooling! Looks like a good time was had by all!!

  2. I am imagining your apartment collapsing on your neighbour below and smothering them in the middle of the night. The image is just too much!

    One day I will make it to NYC and I hope to look all of y'all up for a fabric lunch. And I would love to bask in the glory that is your fabric stash.

  3. My bottom lip is poked out...and quiverin'. I really like your fabric :)

  4. Oh Boy... I wish I was there with you girls. It looks you were all having a blast. However, I am in the opposite coast: California... One day... Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ah Carolyn, I so don't want to see your apartment crash. Please let me help you by taking those silk jerseys off your hands.


  6. You know if the floorboards start creaking I'm sure you could off-load some of your stash to your faithful followers! I for one would be happy to pay for some of your fabric (and the shipping to Australia) as we don't have the same access to great fabrics that you have. I'm sure shopping your stash would be akin to shopping in a great fabric store!

  7. I love "shopping" in NYC with you! Looks like a great time :)

  8. IT was so much fun, but so short. Why do our jobs have to interfere so much with our fabric shopping. Very irritating. ;)

    I love the fabrics you bought.

    Can't wait to see you again. Let me know when I can steal you away from the office again.

  9. Ack! How did I end up in all the photos?! Yup, fabric lunch was lots of fun and we all did good. Love your purchases.

  10. Honestly, one of my fellow ASG members had to de-stash her studio. Its location on the second floor of her house was creating structural problems. I'm not kidding.

    Once again, I'm jealous of your proximity to other sewing bloggers as well as the many fabulous sewing resources you have nearby. I'd be like Lindsay if I lived in the NYC area. Or maybe not!

  11. Those fabrics look divine! What a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with some sewing/blogging buddies!

  12. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful prints. Lucky finds.

  13. What a great way to enjoy lunch and the fabrics are beautiful.

  14. You've so inspired me (as I read faithfully everyday), that I'm even dreaming in my sleep nights of finding awesome fabrics and the such!!!
    I find this hilarious as I've never dreamt about sewing before!!!

  15. It looks like you all had a good time. I enjoy looking at blogs and seeing familiar faces!

  16. Fabric lunch! great find and how lucky you all are to be within easy distance to these shops. Some great fabrics you found too.

  17. The silk jerseys sound awesome and they are just beautiful. I have to go check out this spot I see if I can find a few treasure myself.

  18. what a delightful post!! It's great to see all of you together and the fabrics you bought.
    beautiful choices and I can't wait to see what you sew!

  19. Fun! I'll have to check out Elliot Berman next time I'm in town.

  20. Sounds like such a fun lunch date :)

    I "love" the floral silk jersey!

  21. Drool! what a wonderful lunch trip! Those silk jerseys look luscious!

    Rose in SV

  22. Beautiful fabrics. And catching up with fellow bloggers. Looks like you had fun.

  23. I'm jealous! Your stash is enviable.

  24. NY is my favourite place. I'm coming back (from Australia!) as soon as can and hope I can meet you all too.

  25. I know what you mean about the stash -- I am afraid mine keep growing also. I cannot imagine living close to the fabric district. I do enough damage ordering online. I try to keep my fabric in rooms on the bottom floor -- concrete slabs to support it!!!!!!!

  26. Looks like fun! Did you ladies plan to have coordinating outfits? :)

  27. How fun! I'm jealous of all you peeps that get to meet other sewing bloggers. And that silk jersey is fabulous! I especially love the black and grey one - so pretty.

  28. How fun!! It sounds like a fantastic time was had!

  29. No matter how sick of fabric you are, it's impossible not to be seduced by silk jersey.

  30. Your post bought back great memories of my visit to New York. How lucky I was to get to meet you, Karen, Terri and Elizabeth and visit some of the wonderful stores I could only read about before on Lindsay's blog.

  31. I had a brilliant time meeting up that day thanks for taking time out of your busy day, wait till you see everything I bought after you left!!


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