
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Happiness in a box...

...or my order from Fabric Mart was waiting for me when I got home tonight!  Can I just tell you how much a box of fabric lifts my spirits and smoothes out all the rough edges of a bad feels so good it must be illegal!  *LOL*

So what did I get...why the border prints of course!  And they are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  If you bought the navy/white floral print (pictured to the left), you are going to be one happy sewist!  The website's description said that it was a lightweight cotton and I thought it would be kinda sheer but it has a nice hand to it.  Not too light, not too heavy, it will make a great summer dress.

I know it was a good box because I opened it when the DDs were in the living room and some tugging and tussling followed as claims were made to goods they had not purchased.  When do grown children stop believing that everything their parents purchase is for them?

Now I can't wait for the weekend...I must make up for the time I lost last weekend...and the Significant Other is traveling for work so I don't have to leave the house...I can sew, sew, sew!

One more thing...many of you tell me that I inspire you with my sewing.  Would you like to know who inspires me?  Kathryn, the author of the blog, I Made This! created this awesome dress for her daughter inspired by one in the latest Sew Stylish magazine.  Go by and check it out!

...and as always, more later!


  1. "When do grown children stop believing that everything their parents purchase is for them?" I have one child now 27 years old. He has been on his own since 18, his choice. Oh we help him from time to time. But for the most part he and my DIL are living life fully on their own. But when he comes home, he thinks everything here belongs to him. At least he tells me what he's taking with him.

  2. Don't tell me grown DD's still think they own everything? My 16 yo thinks she owns everything - my sewing machine, my laptop (she has her own dedicated computer as well), my shoes, my cheese......
    And you know what I don't like about Kathryn? She makes us wait too long for each instalment of her fabulousness!

  3. Oh Carolyn, I love your taste in fabric! I am always window shopping in FabricMart (I don't buy because I live in the UK), and I always daydream about the fabrics I would buy. Then a few days later they pop up on your blog, and I feel so envious! I can't wait to see what you make.

  4. Really liking the border print and can see it made into a gorgeous dress.

  5. What beautiful fabric! Can't wait to see what you make with it.

  6. Wow! thats a gorgeous piece of fabric. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  7. Carolyn, they don't ever get over thinking it is all about them. You better get used to it. ;-)

    I was excited to get my box too. I ordered that blue voil and navy linen in our last mailer. Also ordered some jersey that I forgot about. Also ordered a mystery bundle but it wasn't in the box? ;-( But, I emailed and they wrote right back saying they will ship it asap. Since I have already been charged for it, it better come quickly. ;-)

    Also, have not congratulated you for winning SWAP. Very deserved and I hope you are justly proud and pleased!!

  8. Carolyn thank you so much for your kind references to my latest dress creation on my "I Made This" 'blog. Your enthusiasm for sewing is so infectious that sometimes I visit your 'blog just to get my sewing mojo revved up again! Thanks for all you do.


  9. If you love fabrics that have amazing border prints, consider ordering a few saris. I ordered a few online from Exotic India:

    and the fabric is exquisite. I don't have the sewing capabilities to justify using them for clothing, yet, but you have great skill and could certainly create beautiful garments from them.

  10. A whole weekend of sewing... the stuff dreams are made of! I always do a little happy dance when I get home from work and see a box on my doorstep. I ordered from Fabric Mart earlier this week. I am hoping I too have fabric on my front steps....

    Happy Sewing
    :)Deb M.

  11. I'm sad I missed out on that one - it's beautiful! Can't wait to see what you create with it. :)


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