
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A little bit of this...

Tomorrow is June 30th and I realize that my sewing has really slowed down alot this year...I've only made 17 garments so far...I know to some that sounds like alot but my output has definitely decreased this year.  And I can't figure out if it's because I've been out and about more...or if I just have such a full closet now that the need to sew non-stop has faded...

Probably the full-closet syndrome because I wake up most mornings knowing I have the appropriate thing to wear to work...btw, I wore the navy silk dress to work today with the white Butterick 4980 jacket.  Not sure it was a good combination to wait out in the hot sun for the bus today...I was sweating like a pig!  I think it's because I'm not use to taking the bus at 10:30 in the's still relatively cool at 6:30am.

BTW the dress did wear well other than that...but it took a minute to get use to all of the fabric swirling around my normal TNT dress is more straight than a-line.

I haven't worn the silk jersey bright floral cardigan yet, because I have this awesome sandwashed red silk crepe sitting on the cutting table waiting it's turn to be made into one more TNT dress. I've noticed that I'm working with more of my silks instead of the linen that I normally turn to at this time of the year. 

Speaking of fabric...I have to tell you that I haven't bought a single piece since the Elliott Berman run (and even used most of it!).  I'm trying to make it until September...but we'll see...August might be tough!  *LOL*  The pile of fabric from PR Weekend Philly is still laying on the suitcase in the living room...*sigh*  It's been commented on more than once by the SO so I guess it's time to move it.

I'm looking forward to this weekend...I think I want to sleep late more than has been intense lately.

I never found a copy of the June BurdaStyle magazine...I think I'm going to have to break down and subscribe...I'm a little bummed by this...but I'm tired of searching for the magazine lately.  Speaking of patterns did anyone else get the email from both Butterick and McCalls where they are featuring one different pattern each week for $2.99?  I think it's a kewl idea but if you buy only one and add the $4 shipping/handling charge I don't know how great the deal is...y'know what I mean?!!

Finally, I want to thank everyone for your very kind comments on the Museum Inspired dress...and that's it for me tonight...I'm off to bed...

as always, more later!


  1. Hey honey my Borders is always really, really late putting the mag out and they still have June - I'll pick it up and send it along with your socks. That work for you?

    I think you're busy having a social life these days - and it's good. g

  2. I was just going to say, that I'd check the Borders by me in the city tomorrow while I'm that, but gMarie getting one for you.

  3. Have you tried Anne at Needle Nook for a June Burda? She might have one.

  4. If you don't mind it being in German I can grab you a copy of the July Burda, just let me know :)

  5. Just go ahead and subscribe. It's worth it, kind of like a present in the mail once a month. You are such a prolific sewer (yes, 17 garments is prolific in my sewing world!) that you'll enjoy having them delivered.

    As for the McCalls and Butterick, I force myself to wait for them to go on sale at JoAnn's and get them for $0.99 - $1.99 there.

  6. "Tomorrow is June 30th and I realize that my sewing has really slowed down alot this year...I've only made 17 garments so far..."

    Slacker!! Just kidding! At this point, making 17 garments in a *year* would be a mind-boggling achievement for me. You've worked hard to get your wardrobe to where it is, relax and enjoy.

    I subscribed to Burda a while back, as the only store to carry it here wasn't dependable on when it would be put out, and then it would be gone by the time I got back to the store. I figured out that even if I didn't buy every issue at the store, I still would spend less with the subscription, in fact, it was so much cheaper per issue, I also subscribed to the Burda Women's magazine. And they are in better condition when they arrive.


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