
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I've been stalking Fabric Mart

Okay, I'll admit it!  I have been stalking Fabric Mart...and everytime I find something I send it to a friend to buy some...

...but this find is so awesomely amazing that I have to share it with you all...

This 100% cotton black allover lace is a crochet-look lace from Calvin Klein. It is 36 inches wide with very nicely finishes selvage edges. Use it as an overlay for skirts, tops, dresses, or lingerie. It would also make a unique shawl or cover-up.

And it is selling for the grand price of $8.99 per yard!!! 

How can you resist it?  Remember that I made the awesome navy blue lace cardigan from a similar surf right over there and buy it okay...please save me from myself...I want to make 30 days fabric free!  *LOL*

...more later!


  1. Carolyn, you enabler you! You're sounding suspiciously like Fabrics Anonymous (ha ha). Nice looking fabric, but I'm trying to be good too.

  2. Sold! Thanks for the tip. I love lace!!

  3. So beautiful. I should be sewing, but here I sit reading your blog instead.

  4. Aaaaaaagh! It's so gorgeous! But I am 3/4 through my own fabric embargo and determined that this time I will persist to the end. Must. Not. Shop.

  5. Oh yeah, I've already succumbed. That Anna Sui black raw silk for 5.99 a yard got me. I *had* to have it - I need something to wear to my brother's wedding and the couple's request is that we wear black. Justified. Even those other pieces I bought.

  6. You are so very wicked!!! ;-}

  7. Oh, no! I haven't stopped buying fabric, even though I'm not sewing anything. So I put myself on punishment. But those Calvin Klein fabrics.... I'm doomed! LOL

  8. You are something else! Fabric is definitely your crack. And each time you blog about the fabric you want to buy you are like the neighborhood pusher!

    You know I am just goofing with you, C. At least the only damage from buying fabric is the dent in the wallet. And you do turn out some lovely things from it.

  9. I'm really starting to wonder if you aren't getting a commission! If not, you need to approach Fabric Mart for a cut, I'm sure you generate tons of business for them. I like the lace, but I'm attempting to step away from the keyboard myself. Trying anyway. K

  10. That lace is gorgeous.I can see why you succumbed.


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