
Friday, July 02, 2010


Ohmygod...I ran for the door today when it was time for me to leave work!  Peoples, I may seriously be in need of a new job because I almost came across my desk today and let someone have it!  So THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY - and thank God its a long weekend...Jesus just spared someone's life today!  Can we take a moment and thank him for that because I can't sew in prison...*sigh*

So I'm free...for three days...and after I catch up on my blog reading, I'm going to go clean off the sewing table so that I'm ready tomorrow morning!

...more later!


  1. I know what you mean. We left early today and I couldn't wait until it was time to go. My boss really got on my last nerves today but I kept quiet and thanked god for the job and the long weekend...

  2. giggle...this made me laugh out loud...I so know the feeling!

  3. Carolyn, I feel you! I read a blog post today stating that people in the US are acting "strange" (crazy) due to the prolonged economic recession. I believe it because earlier this week I was feeling like you. Enjoy your long weekend and sew baby sew :)

  4. Oh my word. Your first paragraph had me in hysterics.

  5. I thought that it was just me. One of the patients was pushing buttons and I had enough. I left early before I was unprofessional. Enjoy your sewing time,

  6. We all have had days like this. Tuesday is three days away and it will be better! Sewing is a great stress reliever. Enjoy your weekend and try not to think about work.

  7. Sorry you had to deal with a difficult person! That can totally ruin your day! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  8. Nice to see you'll have a break.
    Enjoy and forget that nasty work stuff :)

  9. You definitely need a long weekend! Enjoy it!!!!! Can't wait to see the results.

  10. They don't have internet service in most prisons either and then we could not read your blog either much less see your fabulous garments. Enjoy the weekend, you definitely need some downtime.

  11. Oh I KNOW what you mean!! but sometimes I do have to get "ghetto" on people since they think can talk to me anyway they want, I guess its a good thing I don't work.

  12. Actually, you can sew in prison - in the UK at least. It's therapeutic, and gives people a sense of achievement. They had a quilt in the recent quilts exhibition at the V&A museum.

  13. Oh my dear Lord. You almost made me spit my morning tea out. I understand exactly what you mean though. Happy sewing and hope you have a fantastic long weekend away from the madness!

  14. You're a hoot! Glad you're not in jail either! Have some fun this Fourth!

  15. Lucky for me, the excessive rain here in Houston caused my boss to tell us to go home around 2:00. Otherwise, I'd probably have done the same thing! And like you, I was trying to restrain myself from buying fabric, but Fabric Mart's markdown sale and free $75 bundle of fabric overcame my restraint!

  16. You gave me a good laugh as I pictured you running out of the office! Yea! I can look forward to at least one Carolyn project.

  17. Woo, chile. I definitely know what you mean. I had to go snap nut on one person and they haven't bothered me since. Sometimes a little crazy is all you need. =) Enjoy the three days and happy sewing!

  18. I am so glad you are REAL for your readers!!! I will add another "Thank you Jesus". Have a wonderful weekend sewing!! Look forward to reading/seeing what you will create.

  19. I agree with Lynelle! Sometimes we need to show that the other person has made us crazy. The offending party thinks twice before approaching us again after that!

    And, I believe it was you that told me that fondling fabric is good for the soul. If it wasn't you, I bequeath it to you anyway!

  20. Maybe you can sew in prison... plus you wouldn't have to spend a lot of time fitting those jump suits, you know? Kidding. Glad you were able to breathe through it. Enjoy the long weekend!

  21. Oh yeah, I've totally had those days! I'm glad you were able to get the heck out of dodge before doing something drastic. ;)


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