
Friday, November 19, 2010

Fabric P*rn

My apologies to anyone who reads my blog that is not in the United States or Canada...actually you might want to just click out right now...I'll take a minute so that you can go...

Okay now for everyone else...Fabric Mart has developed a channel on You Tube where they actually show you the fabric.  So for anyone who hesitates to purchase fabric online...they move it, they take close ups of it...they describe it in terms we all understand...and after you see it...well you need a cigarette, y'know what I mean.

To top it all off, after you've gone through and looked at all of the luscious fabrics...Fabric Mart is offering 20% off the entire website with a few exclusions...but seriously, you want bamboo knit - 20% off, the couture silks - 20% off, and that amazing border print (which is still available - follow the link by clicking on border print) I used for the flower power twinset - 20% off, everything is 20% off!

I'm not affiliated with Fabric Mart, I just love their here's the link to the Fabric P*rn - oops I meant the Fabric Mart YouTube Channel...*snicker, snicker* and here's the link to the website.  If you want a sneak peek, I have uploaded a video to my sidebar, under my favorite sewing spots.

Shop, enjoy, and remember to breathe!

...more later!


  1. Oh Carolyn, you are soooo bad! I should have clicked out, but nooooo...I had to watch the videos and was SOLD! I mean what a marketing tool! It's the closest thing to feeling the fabric. I have just now helped the economy. It's almost 1am and here I am buying fabric. This can't be good...or can it?

  2. Carolyn, I insist that you STOP showing pictures of that fabric. Its sold out and I want it so bad!

  3. Oooo, I checked it out today. It is sinful, isn't it?

  4. That is so cool, heading to check it out.

  5. OMG, this is so awesome. Thanks,Carolyn. I'm actually drooling and trying to stop my heart from fluttering so rapidly. LOL!!! BTW, thank you for encouraging me to stock more fabrics. I've purchased from them in the past and was so pleased with their fabrics.

  6. I am so envious. I just could not help watching. Pure masochism.

  7. What a marketing great idea! Definitely p*rn*gr*ph*c!

  8. Carolyn you are a bad influence for someone who is trying to stay clean and stop a fabric addiction that started probably since the 3rd grade. WOW what a great marketing tool. I am holding you responsable for my next order, he,he...... I just love Fabric Mart

  9. What a hoot! I clicked on a few and you get a good sense of fabric drape and sheen, sometimes an issue with catalog or online orders. Thanks for the heads up :)

  10. I'm not sure if I should say "thank you!" or "arrrgh why did you tell us this??!?". Not being able to see and feel the fabric is the major reason I've not yet bought fabric by internet. I'll go with "thank you!".

  11. Thanks for the heads up on the sale carolyn! 20% off was enough for me to bite the bullet and buy some of that couture fur I'd been eyeing. Now I just need to find time to make a winter coat while its still winter!

  12. Very funny post! I will have to check out the, fabric enabler!

  13. I think they are brilliant to have a good looking young guy. Who can resist a cute guy saying "meandering pattern"? Thanks...I think?

  14. WHAT good looking young guy????!!! Are you kidding? I was too focused on the fabrics!!!!

    Carolyn, I'll be sending you my "invoice" from my purchases.

  15. Noooo! No more temptation! Must resist pull of youtube! Augh!

  16. Years ago I heard the phrase "textile sex." You know what it sounds like...."ooooh, feel this... or "wow, look at how this...." or "gotta have some of that." Yes, all comments from women shopping in a good fabric store. Fabric Mart is the perfect place for a rendezvous.

  17. OH NO!! This is sooo bad (in the REALLY GOOD WAY)!! I must stay away from that site and definitely the you tube channel...

  18. I wasn't passing up on that fabric this time! I clicked! It's done!

  19. Thanks for the update. This will make it so much easier to get to know that fabric. Next they can do an eHarmony things.

  20. Thank You :) great new toy :)))))))

  21. Ok, I felt a little like I needed a cond0m for that post. ;-).
    I have me 2 lengths of that floral knit just begging to be put under my new serger....

  22. Since I reside in the UK I can laugh at your paltry attempts to lure me to the dark side. Ha HA!

  23. How, HOW did I miss your last couple of blog posts? I had not heard of their youtube channel, though I bought lots of fabric at 20% off on Saturday. I've watched two videos so far, but have to see if they have other interesting pieces!!



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