
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm Done with Dancing with the Stars...

If you've been reading along for anytime you know that I LOVED Dancing with the Stars.  I've faithfully watched since Season 2 - cheering along the winners, crying with the losers, and only sometimes picking the winner.  I love the costumes.  I love the mirror ball trophy.  I love the fact that celebrities and reality stars (just in the last few seasons!) have come on the show and learned to ballroom dance.  I love how the artform of dance is celebrated.

But Tuesday night was the last time I will watch this show because Brandy was voted off instead of Bristol Palin. Now before anyone starts with the nonsense associated with politics, my disgust has nothing to do with politics.  It has to do with talent and even though Bristol worked hard, I just don't believe that her dancing was on par with Jennifer Gray's, Kyle Massey's and Brandy's.  I truly believe that it made a mockery of that beautiful artform. 

For all those who voted for Bristol because she is a regular person...ummm no she isn't.  Because regular folks aren't asked and PAID to dance on this show.  If they were, both you and I could apply to be on the show and it would be called "Dancing with the Regular Folks" not Dancing with the Stars.  And for those who say well maybe you should have voted....ummm, I did regularly.

But even more than the fact that mediocrity took the day...the fact that people celebrate it and no longer want to achieve their best is beyond me.  Bristol's dancing was not in the same league as Jennifer's, Kyle's and yes, Brandy's.  So I won't be watching DWTS next week or ever again.  I get to vote one more time and I will by turning the channel on my watching another show with different not encouraging this travesty!

I am sure that some of you will think that this is an overreaction, but it's similar to the feelings that a fan has when his team loses the Super Bowl, the World Series or the NBA Finals...only I can't say maybe next year...I can only shake my head and protest in the way I see fit.


  1. I totally agree!!! By the way - I love your sewing and follow your blog faithfully, but I'm more of a lurker - I just had to come out and agree with your DWTS post though :) Happy Sewing to you!

  2. I deliberately didn't watch this season because I was sure this was going to happen and hate being right about such a sad state of affairs. I love DWTS but I felt that they were making political choices in their selection and that had me PO'd from the start. So you just confirmed my worst expectations. I am so very sorry for what could be such a terrific series.

  3. You may be totally right about the skill level of the bottom two last night, but don't forget that this is also a popularity contest by virtue of the fact that the population gets to participate and "vote for their favorite". Possibly those voting voted based on who they liked best rather than who was the best dancer. I personally hope that Jennifer wins. I can relate to her and she's a great dancer. However, I also was glad to see Brandy go (don't flame me) simply because I don't like her. I like Bristol better - based on personality, and not on skill. Brandy was probably indeed the better dancer, but there's more to these shows than just skill - there has to be personality as well.

  4. Where is it written this is a popularity contest? I thought I was supposed to vote for the best dancers, and I did! Did I miss something here? I would have voted for Florence H. if it was a popularity contest. Instead, fool me, I chose to vote for the best dancer.

    I totally agree with you Caroline and have lost all interest in this show. I can only hope they will bring ballroom competition back to Saturday nights on public television.

  5. I agree. It's not a popularity contest. It's a dance contest. And has Bristol really tried hard? I don't think so. She has not improved as much as the other contestants. And she's whined and whined and whined. She was only on the show because of who her momma is. And the show isn't Dancing with the Spawn of Stars. And Ballas should be ashamed for dumbing down her choreography so. The judges should be ashamed for giving her MUCH higher scores than she deserved. The producers should be ashamed for making the show political.

  6. I'm with you 100%. Last night was my last night, in fact I almost put a shoe through my TV when they announced the votes. Bristol is stiff as a board and has no rhythm. Total rip off.


  7. I understand. I used to be an American Idol fan until they booted off their best singer-Melinda Doolittle. Even Simon was mad. I haven't watched (or voted) since.

  8. I have to agree.I hate politics in the show and how they have put the idiot A.k.a sarah palin in the show to boost their popularity

  9. I hate the politics and I think Bristol shouldn't even be on the show and I think Brandy should have made it to the finals.

    But really, has this ever been a fair contest? There are people on the show who are almost professional dancers (like Kristi Yamaguchi, with all those years of experience with skating choreography), and some with (apparently) very little experience.

    So I'll keep watching it. I mostly watch it for the pros, anyway. I feel bad for Maks because he has come so close to winning so many times.

  10. First Project Runway, and now DWTS! I'm so bummed... this "mob mentality" makes me crazy (did you see the guy in Wisconsin that shat his tv out?), and I'm fed up as well. If she shows up on Glee, I might be the next to reach for the shotgun, though!

  11. You go, Carolyn! Having her on the show in the first place STUNNED me... Politics aside, what's this child's individual claim to fame, what puts her in the "star" category? NOTHING. nothing. I have opinions, and this is your blog so I won't bore you with them (which is hard, I mean I REALLY have opinions LOL), but I admire you for doing the right thing: vote with your remote.

    And Brandy is too good for them

  12. I totally agree with your decision to stop watching. I shall do so, too. Brandy was so much more fun to watch and had such talent, grace and beauty. It's sad when the bullies win and the kids that really have talent get kicked off of the team.

  13. No way Bristol should have beaten out Brandy. Bristol was one Paso Doble away from being Kate Gosselin. But you can't really argue with the fact that the "Teabaggers" called and voted. You can never take your choice for granted! You have to ROCK THE VOTE!

  14. I get you! I don't think I can ever watch Project Runway again because of Gretchen winning. Of course, that is different. The public wasn't voting on that show. If it was, Mondo surely would have won. Getting back to Dancing With the Stars. I'm going to watch next week, because surely to goodness, Kyle will win!!! Even though, Jennifer is an awesome dancer, there is an entertainment element to Kyle's dancing that just isn't there with Jennifer's. Now, if Bristol wins the whole thing like my husband is predicting, I won't watch next season. Did you hear on the news about the guy who shot up his tv because he hated Bristol's dancing so much!!!???

  15. Oh I know exactly how you feel. I love Jeniffer but I'm so disquisted that Bristol is still on the show. JB figures she'll win. Gads! g

  16. First let me say, I think it is wonderful that you are voting with your actions. There is no better way to make a statement like "I do not want this show on the air anymore" than by clicking that dial. I applaud you for that.

    But are you disgusted with the show because they allow the public to vote or because most of the public who was watching/voting felt they wanted Bristol to stay? I, myself, was shocked to see Brandy go too, but I cannot believe that this was rigged--that would be a ridiculous move on their part.

    As for not allowing certain people on the show, then it would have to follow that they shouldn't allow people who have strong music in their 'resume' to be on the show as competitors against computer techies, or young, energetic folk against those in their 70's. But, I guess that part of the show is entertainment, not just dance...and I believe that is the only reason Kyle is still there BTW.

    As far as dancing, I really don't think Bristol's dancing technically is anywhere near is bad as Kate Goselin's. Personally, I feel her wooden personality is what does her in. But apparently she struck a chord with a lot of viewers.

    It will be interesting to see the fallout from all this and how DWTS casts its next season's stars as a result.

    And BTW, just to take the other side for a second: I think it is very unkind to Bristol to totally disregard her feelings in all this. I truly do not believe she is personally responsible for what happened.

  17. Carolyn, you are SO RIGHT and I am no longer watching either. All those Tea Party dialers probably did not even watch the program. And, Bristol posted all over the internet how Brandy's partner did not like her??? I believe this went out before the voting, at least on the West Coast. And, why was Sarah Palin up front and center on several shots and when they were interviewing the dancers, Sarah Palin was interviewed too?

    As far as Bristol Palin's feelings go, I am not sympathetic. She was on Face Book yesterday when her sister Willow was using the F word, gay slurs, other curse words etc just because someone said they did not like Sarah Palin's new program. I am sick of all those hypocrites!

    I love ballroom dancing and so enjoyed the costumes and the judges etc. Brandy, Jennifer and Kyle should have been in the finals.

  18. When Brandy's departure was announced, my sister called me and uttered a vile expletive that cannot be repeated here. I am with you on this and will vote with my remote for next season. I have to watch the finale, though if Bristol wins, I don't know what I'll do. I am never watching this show again, EVER. And I understand you have to rock the vote, which I've been doing for Jennifer every week, and I understand that people do get to vote, but to have asked this child on the show in the first place was a travesty. I keep thinking the judges comments and scores are a reaction to the furious voting and they are trying not to fan the flames. However, I have to say that Brandy was not my favorite by a long shot, what a precious diva, but she was by far the better dancer.

  19. If Bristol Palin wins, it will surely be the end of DWTS. If the show returns and expects to survive, they will need to change their judging rules and not allow political figures or barely "celebrities" on the show.

    As for Project Runway, Gretchen may have won, but I feel Mondo's career will soar above hers.

  20. I totally agree with you Carolyn. I don't watch DWTS, however I do follow on line how the contestants were doing. I could nt believe that Brandy was kick off the show and the stiff as a board Bristol was kept. This is another example of where America is heading. Everything is political, is not about talent and qualifications, that was evident during the last presidential election. A vice president who spent how many years in a college, knew nothing about our constitution etc. Just imagine if that candidate had won and died a year later, and the US was left with a president that did not have a clue.
    Ok back to DWTS, everything is political, and just like you and I will never watch project runway again. After reading your post, I am going to look at their sponsors and not buy any of their products.

  21. Agreed.

    That's the way I felt about Project Runway this season. People are getting tired of reality TV

  22. Agreed, don't you just wish if the media and chosen a family to focus on and make famous that they would have chosen one that was at least interesting?

  23. If Jennifer Gray is the Jennifer Gray of Dirty Dancing, then you are right, my guess is that Bristol Palin did not outdance her! (I don't watch.)
    It's too bad when a show you are really into does something so disappointing that it ruins the whole thing for you. I used to keep up with America's Next Top Model until they had the "photo shoot" depicting the models bloodied, battered and murdered in allies. I was so disgusted I haven't watched it since.

  24. I agree. I feel the same way about Project Runway--I'll never watch that travesty again. Sad state of affairs that reduces everything to a popularity contest. As the man said, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Just my $.02.

  25. Here in the UK we have a comparable programme called Strictly Dancing which I used to watch in total admiration of the results of the dedication and skill that the "celebrities" brought to the dancefloor and their professional partners. I ceased watching for similar reasons to yourself, as comedic value has become more important than talent; I'll name no names but, if you are interested, just Google! Laura UK

  26. DWTS is a dance competition the same way JoAnn is a fabric store - only around the edges. I felt so sorry for Brandi and I don't even like her. If her name was Bristol Jones she would have been voted off weeks ago. You can't convince me otherwise. I decided not to watch anymore the second they announced Brandi was going home.

  27. I agree with you 1000%! I, also, will never watch it again. And, it is one of the very few TV shows I still watch. Pretty soon, I will be able to use my TV for just movies and music.

    Even if the show was all about those people who have improved the most, then Kyle (I think that is his name) should win. But I have a feeling.....

    What should we do next year on Monday and Tuesday evenings??? Sew?

  28. Well said. And explains one of the reasons why I have given up on 'reality TV', Project Runway included! More time for sewing :-)

  29. I said that's it...never again when Cloris Leachman stayed on week after week but morbid curiosity got the best of me. it will again next week I am sure but after that never again. Also Erica B made a great is important. Not so much for a dancing/reality show but never take your vote for granted.

  30. You are just angry at that portion of the public that did not agree with your opinion, and your anger will now cause you to miss a show that you loved. The show is not just about dancing; if you want a show that is just about dancing, you can watch the ballroom competitions on public television channels. Dancing with the Stars is about celebrity, popularity, transformation, and dancing. Brandy is simply not that interesting or popular and she has not been for a long time. Also, she is a singer and a performer and has been dancing for a long, long time.

  31. I heard on the news yesterday that some guy was arrested because he shot his television after this episode!

  32. Bristol will be gone next week!

  33. At least real elections aren't decided by telephone voting...

  34. I totally feel you, I was so disappointed. I tried to vote and couldn't even get in. This was totally NUTS!!

  35. Like Katie commented, I, too, am a lurker, and I love your sewing.
    And your comments on DWTS are right on!

  36. I agree with you. I don't watch the show as an avid fan, just watch when I land on the channel. I did catch more of this season than normal. I thought this would happen just because........


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