
Monday, April 25, 2011

I've never been more inspired...

The last Club BMV pattern sale was that all Vogues were $3.49 each and McCalls & Buttericks were $1.88 each for club members - but here's the kicker...if you purchased $25 worth of patterns, you got free shipping!  So all of those pattern numbers that I'd been writing down after seeing reviews on blogs and purchased in this go round.

First up is Vogue 1247.  When this pattern first came out I totally dismissed it...too short...too young...too trendy.  Then Elmo from Adonising Dressing for Dinner made her version and she lengthened it!  And the possibilities exploded in my this one came home with will look great in a solid color for the skirt, a tank top and a cardigan.

Next one is this Vena Cava dress - Vogue 1228.  Again I thought this one would look like a sack and that I would look like I was wearing a housecoat...but then I saw Kim's version on Sew Silly...and I was done!  Kim has a flatter tummy than I do but I think I can alter it so that it doesn't look too shapeless. I'll use one of my amazing silks for my version...

The final dress is the Tracy Reese that everyone is making...Vogue 1224.  I am guilty of looking at the pattern envelope and thinking no way is this gonna be attractive on my bodacious body...but somehow in looking at all of the renditions that have appeared on blogs...I've decided that I should at least give it a try.  I mean it's only fabric, right?  And I may learn a thing or two in the process.  So thank you Erica (and truly this is a first...I love the things Erica sews but her style is soooooo different from mine...I mean I'm soooooo corporate and she's so designer kewl) and once again Kim.

The other thing about all of these pieces is that they should all be quick sews...and I need some quick sews for the next couple of weeks!  *LOL*  Also, they look nuthin' like the pieces that are presently in my wardrobe and that's cool too.  I will just make them up in corporate colors and/or prints so that I'm not standing out like a strange bird at my job!

Of course, that's not all that came...but the ones that I haven't highlighted are the back up players to the supa stars...y'know what I mean!

...more later!


  1. I like your choices. I've picked up the skirt pattern several times and put it back in the drawer. I think it's still calling my name.

  2. Its funny that you mention being "corporate" in your style. I work for a big corporation too but I really don't let that stop me. I stay in the rules of what's OK to show or not show, but I really stand out with color.

    But then, I work in IT with a bunch of techs and engineers. They don't really notice.

  3. I'm itching to start the Vena Cava dress, too, after seeing Kim's. I can't wait to see yours.

  4. Hi..I luv your choices too!always. I was just browsing and came across an old entry.....(about 2 years ago) you were working on 'pleats,' do they stay or do they go..I was wondering what happened with the black w large white pokadots? It had a black band around the middle?? (May 2009) I really like that fabric and was really curious what you did with it?

  5. Fantastic pattern sale plus free shipping I just couldn't resist. After see Erica B and Allie in Hong Kong version of the Tracy Reese 1224 I had to include this one in my order also. I love your pattern choices and I know they are going to look fabulous when you are done.

  6. I cannot wait to see your versions!

  7. I'm trying not to buy any patterns. Don't tempt me!

  8. I served my time in corporate America and wore my share of work clothes! I can't wait to see what you do with these patterns!

  9. Super excited to see these sewn up! The vogue designer patterns can either be really rewarding or really frustrating for me, especially at the larger end of the size range. The last vogue designer I tried has been wadded up in a corner somewhere for a couple months - the bust apex ended up being about 3 inches wider than my actual anatomy. I known I'm wide, vogue, but they'd have to be pointing straight out at my elbows to end up there! Sheesh! Hopefully these go better for you... I need some inspiration to get back on the horse.

  10. I'm sure you will come up with fabulous versions of all these. What you say about trying something new is definitely true, the internet is also great at letting us see patterns on a variety of shapes with personal interpretations - always inspiring!

  11. That's another reason I love reading blogs so much - they can show you possibilities that you'd never imagine. Enjoy your new patterns.

  12. My pattern buying recently has been based on the same reasons as yours... seeing great versions made in blogland or PR! I have recently bought Vouge 1224 for that very reason. Looking forward to seeing your versions of these great patterns.

  13. Ooh, pretty choices :) I wish the shipping to England wasn't so expensive, or I would defnitily take advantage of the sales!
    Ashley x

  14. I have the Vena Cava dress pattern also and I fear looking like I'm in a bag, but I may give it a try. I can't wait to see yours!

  15. It is interesting that I would not have considered those patterns, however, after you detail the possibilities I could see myself wearing each one. Thank you for stretching us!


  16. I think whatever you make is going to be outstanding. Can't wait for the pix!

  17. Awww...Thanks Carolyn! I felt the same way...It's only fabric and I really wanted to give those two a try. I also just bought that shirt/skirt pattern and can't wait to make it. I ordered some leather from our fav place, FabricMart, and am thinking I may make this up in black leather with a bit added length.

  18. I'd passed over these as well for much the same reasons. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

  19. i've been eying that tracy reese pattern too (it wasn't in the drawer the last vogue sale). i kinda like the vena cava stuff too, but all i can ever think of is arteries and hearts when i see that name! thank you cardio-thoracic surgeon dad. :)

  20. Just finished the Tracy Reese pattern for my 16 yr. old daughter. She loved it!! I was thinking the pattern looked too young for me but after trying hers on I am going to make one for me too.

  21. You jump right in IS only fabric and we'll enjoy reading about it.

  22. Great choices! The Vena Cava neckline is just so flattering on so many figure types.

  23. Thank you for jumping in for me. All these were patterns that caught my eye and then I thought I am too large, middle-aged etc to make them, but the blog links you gave opened my eyes. What a huge difference it makes to see a pattern on a real person. Dying to see your versions.

  24. Since I've been going through my blogs this morning, this is the THIRD time I've seen V1247. I'm going to HAVE to get that one.

    Can't wait to see your versions and yep its ONLY fabric :)

  25. I stuck to the McCalls and Buttericks, since I really only had the $30 (just a little over) and I figured I might as well spend it on patterns than on shipping. They arrived in a timely manner, and I have looked and looked at them many times, just thinking, "It's mine, It's mine!!!"

    I was also lucky enough to win a piece of Liberty fabric a few weeks ago :) Showed it to my husband who asked me what I was going to make with it.

    "MAKE?" I cried, "MAKE? I'm just going to pet it and love it first. The honeymoon has just started, there is NO making!!!!" someday, but not this week!!! (it's so pretty) :)))

  26. Hi There.
    (Lurker coming out of hiding)
    I made 1224 and wore it for Easter. I loved it. I can't wait to make a few more. It will definitely be my go to summer dress.
    I just finished the top from 1247 and will make the skirt next. The top is very comfortable and very roomy. Can't wait to get working on the skirt with 4 inches added to the length of course. A 15" is way toooooo short for my taste.
    Good luck with all your new patterns. You wont be disappointed.

  27. Oh! You are so inspiring me!!
    6 more weeks til school is out!
    I plan on running "Domesticatedly Wild" if there is such a thing!!!
    So many patterns, So little time!

  28. I will have to check those out tomorrow at the Vogue sale at Hancocks!

  29. I love that second pattern too but like you have a few reservations. I'll watch out for what you come up with,Carolyn

  30. Looks like you got some great patterns. I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  31. Thanks for the introduction to Adonizing. I've bookmarked her blog.

    Also, I often like how clothes look on you better than the pattern models (Bring on that Bodacious Bod!!)

  32. I think that Tracy Reese will really work for you. Can't wait to see your version!

  33. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  34. Carolyn, I bought those 3 *exact same* patterns during my last Vogue order! Great minds...


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