
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Late on Easter Sunday...

It's been a really packed weekend!  My oldest daughter celebrated her 30th Birthday on Saturday evening at a local restuarant. 

My mom, brother & sister and their families were in attendance, as well as, a few local friends of my daughter since she doesn't live in NJ anymore.  All of my grandchildren were present too.  It was a fun evening that lasted late...then we (my daughters, their friends or significant others and grandchildren) came back to my apartment, and had me laughing with their jokes and antics until quite early in the morning...

Nevermind that we had Easter Service to attend at my Mom's church and then a family dinner afterwards at her home.  It was a wonderful weekend full of family, love, silliness and the amazing things that grandchildren say...we shoulda made a you-tube video!  *LOL*

Anyway, I did finish the shell of the Butterick 5600 dress on Saturday afternoon.  I am at the "sleeve step" for anyone who has the pattern.  I'm really liking the dress so far but won't be able to finish it until next weekend...and even then I won't get to work on it until next Sunday since I have a baby shower on Saturday.  Thank goodness I've made loads of pretty summer dresses that I can wear this week, especially since the weather is suppose to be hot and humid later this week. always, more later!


  1. I'm so glad you had such a great, family filled positive weekend. You are radiant and your daughter is lovely.

  2. I am so glad that your Easter was full of family. Family is so important. Looking forward to seeing your dress next weekend. Have a great week.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Happy Easter to you.

  4. Beautiful picture of you and your daughter. What a blessing to have had your family around to celebrate this weekend.

  5. Glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration for your daughter and a happy Easter.

  6. What a wonderful weekend! You and your daughter look fabulous. I would love to see that youtube video!

  7. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend :)
    Ashley x

  8. Glad both celebrations were great.

  9. You've been blessed with a Fabulous Family! :)
    A Be-lated Happy Easter to you!
    Ahhh! A new week!!
    Have fun!

  10. Sounds like a fun time---great to see the pic after hearing so much about her. You look great too!

  11. What a great weekend with family and the memories you've created! Happy Birthday to that lovely daughter of yours.

  12. Pretty summer dresses seem very far in our future in greater Chicagoland; it has been a cold spriing!

  13. That's a beautiful picture, and what a wonderful way to spend the Easter Weekend!

  14. Such a beautiful picture of you and your daughter...and a perfcet week end too :)

  15. Sounds like a great time with family and friends!

    I keep hearing great things about this pattern. Despite my overflowing pattern stash, I consider this fate - Joann's is having their 1.99 sale this weekend! I am going to make this for sure!

  16. I am so happy to have found your blog. Have spent the last half hour here, and will be back soon. I am a +size myself, and would really benefit from becoming a better seamstress.

  17. Two beautiful ladies! Holidays are special with family there.

  18. Their is nothing like being with your family having a good time. Your dd is lovely.

  19. Glad you had a great weekend! Your daughter is beautiful!

  20. Lovely pic of you and your daughter... Happy Belated Birthday to her.


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