
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This and That Again

This post is just a bunch of here goes:

1.  I know about the pop-up issue with my blog.  I've reached out to blogger but they say they don't get them when they come here.  Since blogger hosts the website, there isn't too much more that I can do about it...I did start getting them when I switched over to the new interface so I'm hoping that when they've worked out all the "issues" with the new interface that they will go away.  I apologize to anyone who gets them...I never see the pop-ups because they are blocked by my Norton's...and I do get them on my iPad too.  So if someone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it!

2.  No I don't want to move my blog.  I have 1088 posts here and the thought of reworking them on another site makes my head hurt.  I really just want someplace where I can write & talk about sewing, show pics of my garments and encourage others to pursue our passion.

3.  Thanks for the comments and suggestions on my last post.  First - the fabric is NOT leather.  It's a leather-like look that I bought from Fabric Mart because it was interesting looking and cheap!  *LOL*  Second, the underlining idea really appealed to me but I don't want to use cotton...I was thinking silk organza.  Do you think that would work or does it need to be cotton to cut down the static?

4.  I'm at the end of my last roll of Dick Blick tracing I was thrilled when I got home tonight and found that more had arrived!  I love this stuff because it makes tracing new pattern pieces so easy.  However, my TNT patterns (those that I use over and over again) are all being transferred to the white numbers/letters tracing paper (if they aren't already on that paper) because the Dick Blick paper is lightweight.

5.  This also came in the mail from Sawyer Brook Fabrics:

Description from the website:
"This wool blend cable knit could double for outerwear too. The cable stitch chains its way down the yardage of this dark chocolate brown texture resulting in a desirable linear aspect. Imported from Italy for Milly. 25% crosswise stretch. 58 in."

It is just awesome!  I have some brown wool crepe that I want to make some separates from and this ties together so well with it.  If you're one of those people that I've recently told that I need to stop buying so much fabric, please understand that I bought just this ONE piece because it was too amazing not to come home with me!

6.  I don't know how many of you read Stitcher's Guild but Nancy Erickson has a folder there where women sew the most amazing garments from her patterns.  Now these patterns create a more traditional, tailored, working woman's wardrobe and do not include plus sizes...but Nancy has a yearly subscription and swatching service.  I'm always interested in everyone's take on the fall season's fashions and this year I decided to purchase Nancy's September Issue of her newsletter.  She sells single copies for $7.  It was a comprehensive view of the season and an engaging read.  I sat and read it from cover to cover and then moseyed over to Stitcher's Guild to hear what others had to say about it.  Anyway, if you need a more professional wardrobe and are looking for a good resource, I highly recommend her September Issue.

7.  My girl Christine Jonson is having an open house on Thursday, September 22nd and boy do I wish I had the ability to go!  But she's thought of everything...if you can't go to the Open House, she's having a 25% off sale on her patterns until Sunday, September 25th.  So if there was one that you were thinking about but didn't purchase last time...this is your chance!

8.  While I'm mentioning Christine Jonson, Barbara of Cat Fur Studio, made CJ's Double Collar Jacket.  It is a beautiful transitional piece and definitely made me take another look at that pattern!  Use the link above and see how Barbara made an awesome version of this jacket!

9.  I have to work the next two Saturdays...I'm soooooo not looking forward to this.  We work alot of long hours normally so my policy has always been  "no weekends" but our offices have been expanded - we are on two floors now - and I have to help pack portions of the office for the move.  So two less Saturdays to sew...*sigh*

10.  There is fabric ALL OVER my livingroom.  Seriously, it's in piles on the sofa, the coffee table and in big 25 gallon Rubbermaid bins...and it doesn't include what's in the bedroom or on the shelves of the fabric closet.  I have ALOT of fabric!

...more later!


  1. I LOVE that knit!

    I feel for you having to work on those Saturdays--hopefully you'll eventually get extra time off to make up for it! Or more $$ to buy more fabric! ;)

    ~ Peggy

  2. We have a Dick Blick here in town. I will have to check them out. I have been looking for a good product to use for tracing patterns.

  3. Speaking about your blog - I enjoy reading your blog, and read every entry, but PLEASE, could you change the background color? You probably want to be different from other blogs, but the black color is very difficult to read on. PLEASE!

  4. I love your blog and read it every day. But I have to agree with the post about the black background color - it is very difficult to read. Sorry to complain - everything else is super.

  5. I've been thinking about that knit ever since I received a swatch last week. Weird about the pop-up.

  6. Hi Carolyn - I sent you a quick email, one of the widgets that you have is causing your popups. It is a tricky thing to track down, but if you take off the widget the problem should (in theory! (; ) go away.

    I've never tried the Dick Blick tracing paper, I still use pattern ease from JoAnn. I wish there was a good place to buy it online!!

  7. Love that cable knit. I need to expand my vendor horizons. I always buy from the same 2 or 3.

  8. Bummer about the next two Saturdays but if it will make you feel better you can send me some of your fabric and I'll use it for you! LOL

  9. I deleted you from my favorites because I was getting the pop-ups. I came across your site again from another blog site and re "favorited" you and haven't had any pop-ups since. Glad since I missed reading your posts!

  10. I never have had a popup ad on your blog. Never. I use IE, Chrome, and Firefox - usually the later.

  11. FYI I have just loaded your page and no pop-ups so whatever the problem was, it's gone. Love your knit! I've never tried a Christine Jonson pattern; how do the sizes run? Do they require more pattern alteration then usual?

  12. I purchased a roll of that tracing paper too. Love it. I have to thank Gorgeous Fabrics blog for that tip too. Saved me some cash because I was buying tracing paper from what you called a craft store masquerading as a fabric store.

    I'm enjoying your blog.


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